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Monday, August 24, 2020
Bite Me A Love Story Chapter 4 Free Essays
4. Farewell Love Lair BEING THE JOURNAL OF ABBY NORMAL, Triumphant Destroyer of Vampyre Kitties I sob, I brood, I lament I have sniffed the severe pink Sharpie of sadness and mascara tears stripe my cheeks like a significant piece of bit up dark Gummi bears has been loogied in my eyes. Life is a dull chasm of agony and I am distant from everyone else, isolated from my dear delectable Foo. We will compose a custom exposition test on Nibble Me: A Love Story Chapter 4 or then again any comparable subject just for you Request Now Be that as it may, check it-I completely kicked ass against a pack of vampyre kitties. That’s right, kitties, which means many. No longer does the enormous shaved vampyre feline Chet tail the City alone; he has been joined by numerous littler and un-shaved vampyre felines, a significant number of which I went to kitty toast with my most fly daylight coat. Directly outside our space, they were assaulting that insane Emperor fellow and his pooches and I spared them by running out into the road and hitting the lights. It was unadulterated techo-massacre, blood all over the place, and a little Japanese person with a samurai blade doing the genuine Ginsu on the kitties as they assaulted. I comprehend what you are thinking. Ninja, please†¦ I know, OMFGZORRO! A samurai in Sucker-Free City! I didn’t even attempt to persuade the cops when they came. They were all, â€Å"What up?†What's more, I was all, â€Å"Nothing.†What's more, they were all, â€Å"What’s all this?†Pointing to the blood and steaming kitty remains and so forth. What's more, I was all, â€Å"Don’t know. Ask him. I simply heard some commotion so I came out to check it out.†So they asked the Emperor and he attempted to reveal to them the entire story, which was an error however he’s sort of crazy, so you need to offer him a reprieve. In any case, they put him in the vehicle at any rate and removed him and his pooches, despite the fact that it was absolutely evident that they knew what his identity was and were simply being dicks about the entire thing. Everybody knows the Emperor. That’s why they consider him the Emperor. ‘Kayso, Foo at last got back home and I hopped into his arms and kind of rode him to the ground with a monstrous tongue kiss so profound that I could taste the consumed cinnamon toast of his spirit, yet then I slapped him, so he didn’t think I was a prostitute. (Quiet down, he had wood.) What's more, he was all, â€Å"Stop doing that, I don’t think you’re a slut!†What's more, I was all, â€Å"Yeah, well at that point how could you know that’s why I slapped you, and where the fuck have you been, my frantic, manga-haired love monkey?†Sometimes it’s best to reverse the situation and begin posing inquiries when your contention sucks ass. I discovered that in Introduction to Mass Media class. What's more, Foo’s all, â€Å"Busy.†What's more, I’m like, â€Å"Well you missed my brave warrior-angel assault.†And I, as, disclosed to him the entire thing and afterward I stated, â€Å"So, presently there’s a great deal of vampyre felines. What’s up with that, nerdslice?†Which is a pet name I have for Foo when alluding to his distraught science aptitudes. Furthermore, he’s all, â€Å"Well, we realize that there must be a trade of blood from the vampyre to its casualty before the casualty passes on, else it just goes to dust.†What's more, I’m like, â€Å"So Chet’s sufficiently shrewd to know that?†Furthermore, Foo’s all, â€Å"No, however on the off chance that a cat’s nibbled, what’s the characteristic thing for it to do?†Furthermore, I’m all, â€Å"Hey, I’m posing the inquiries here. I am the supervisor of you, you know?†Also, Foo thoroughly disregards me, and he’s all, â€Å"They nibble back. I think Chet is changing different felines by accident.†â€Å"But he depleted that stopping cop and she didn’t turn.†â€Å"She didn’t chomp him back.†Also, I’m all, â€Å"I knew that.†Also, Foo’s like, â€Å"There could be several them.†Also, I’m all, â€Å"And Chet drove them here. To us.†Also, Foo’s all, â€Å"He denoted this as his domain before the old vampyre turned him. He considers this to be his place. The flight of stairs despite everything smells like feline pee.†Also, I’m like, â€Å"That’s not all.†Furthermore, Foo’s all, â€Å"What? What?†Furthermore, I absolutely slip into my dull special lady voice and I’m all, â€Å"Chet has changed. He’s bigger.†Furthermore, Foo’s all, â€Å"Maybe his jacket has recently developed back.†What's more, I’m all unfavorable like, â€Å"No, Foo, he’s still shaved, yet he’s significantly greater, and I think-†I stopped. It was emotional. Furthermore, Foo’s like, â€Å"Tell me!†I kind of swooned all emotional into his arms. What's more, he completely got me like the dull saint of the fields that he is, yet then he harshed the sentimental dramatization, all things considered, by stimulating me and going, â€Å"Tell me, let me know, tell me.†So I did, in light of the fact that I was near peeing myself, and I’m absolutely not into that sort of thing. â€Å"I think we need to stress over the little samurai fellow turning, which would not be acceptable, as he is full boss, notwithstanding his profoundly idiotic cap and socks.†Also, Foo was all, â€Å"Did he nibble them?†Also, I was all, â€Å"He was all out canvassed in vampyre kitty blood. Perhaps a few drops got in his mouth. Master Flood said he unintentionally diverted that blue ho from one kiss on the ridiculous lips.†Also, Foo’s like, â€Å"Well we have to discover him, at that point. Abby, we will be unable to deal with this. We need help.†And he’s all gesturing to the sculpture of the Countess and Lord Flood. Also, I’m all, â€Å"Do you know the main thing that will occur in the event that we let them out?†What's more, Foo’s all, â€Å"Jody will thoroughly kick our asses.†What's more, I’m like, â€Å"Oui, mon love, epic ass-kickings pour toi and moi. Be that as it may, you know what’s even scarier?†What's more, Foo’s all, â€Å"What? What? What?†Because French makes him frantic. So I’m like, â€Å"You still have wood!†And I pressed his unit and ran into the room. ‘Kayso, Foo pursued me around the space two or multiple times, and I let him get me twice, sufficiently long to kiss me before I had to slap him-well, you know why-and flee. In any case, as I was set up to let him figure I would give up to his masculine delectability, I’m all, â€Å"You could go me to a vamp and I could utilize my dull forces to scoop Chet’s litter box of destruction.†Also, Foo was all, â€Å"No screwing way. I don’t know enough.†At that point somebody began beating on the entryway. Also, not a little â€Å"Hey, what’s up?†pound. Like there was a major deal on entryway pounds down at the Pound Outlet. Get one, get one free at Pounds-n-Stuff. I know. WTF? Protection much? Beating on the affection sanctuary. JODY It resembled ceaseless â€Å"not very lunchtime†in her work space at the insurance agency, back in antiquated history, a quarter of a year prior, before she was a vampire. Each twilight, for around fifteen seconds, Jody got up and froze over the appetite and limitation until she had the option to will herself into fog and buoy in what she thought of as the blood dream, a lovely, ethereal dimness that went on until sunup, when her body went strong inside the metal shell and for every single functional reason, she turned out to be dead meat until nightfall came round once more. However, at some point around the finish of the primary seven day stretch of freakouts, she understood that she was contacting Tommy. That he was in the bronze shell with her, and not at all like her, he couldn’t go to fog. She ought to have shown him, she knew, similarly as the old vampyre had shown her, yet now it was past the point of no return. Possibly, since she couldn’t move enough t o tap a message with her finger in Morse code, not to mention talk, she could contact him, by one way or another interface with him clairvoyantly. Who realized what sort of forces she may have that the old vampyre had neglected to delineate for her. She focused, pushed, even attempted to send a type of heartbeat to the spots where their skin contacted, yet all she got back was an all-inclusive, spiked, electric frenzy. Poor Tommy. He was there okay. Alive and hardheartedly mindful. She attempted to contact him until she could bear the heaviness of her own yearning and frenzy no more. â€Å"Abby, on the off chance that I ever leave, your tight ass is mine,†she thought before blurring to fog and happy getaway. Investigator RIVERA It wasn’t a crime, carefully, on the grounds that there was no body, yet there was a traffic implementation official lost without a trace, and it had included the Emperor and a specific square of light industry structures and craftsman lofts south of Market Street that Rivera had hailed for notice on the off chance that anything occurred there. What's more, something had certainly occurred here, yet what? He lifted the neckline of the unfilled traffic officer’s uniform with the tip of his pen to affirm that the fine dim debris was not on the walkway underneath, and it wasn’t. Inside the uniform, on the walkway at the sleeves and neckline of the uniform, indeed, yet not on the walkway under the uniform. â€Å"I don’t see a crime,†said Nick Cavuto, Rivera’s accomplice, who, if he’d been a kind of frozen yogurt, would have been Gay Linebacker Crunch. â€Å"Sure, something occurred here, however it could have recently been kids. The Emperor is plainly nuts. Absolutely unreliable.†Rivera stood up and glanced around at the blood-doused road, the remains, the as yet blazing light on the stopping truck, and afterward at the Emperor and his pooches, who had their noses squeezed to the back window of their earthy colored, plain Ford vehicle. Rivera’s flavor was Low-fat Spanish Cynic in an Armani cone. â€Å"He said felines did this.†â€Å"Well there you go, an Animal Control issue. I’ll call them.†Cavuto made an extraordinary demonstration of flipping open his portable and punching at the numbers with his thick frankfurter fingers. Rivera shook his head and squatted
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Selenium Toxicity Essay Example For Students
Selenium Toxicity Essay Selenium, in the most widely recognized conditions, is a normally happening component that can be found in rocks, soil, as water Many accept that its source is from volcanic movement. Selenium found close to soil in a poisonous state can be consumed by the dirt and through water and wind disintegration and sedimentation forms these particles are circulated and kept into the dirt. Thusly, the dirt gets inebriated and the foundations of the plants are decimated, making the plant shrivel and in the end bite the dust if the procedure persistent. Selenium insufficiency can likewise be extremely hazardous. People are affected by Selenium harming by numerous indications. Of those manifestations, they incorporate fragile nails, cirrhosis of the liver, paleness, loss of hair, and disintegrations of long bones. In exorbitant selenium rates, there have been records of packs of creatures being influenced. By eating plants in their munching fields, a few creatures were recorded to have had their feet tumble off, a side effect that is presently perceived as normal for interminable selenosis. Creatures benefiting from plants that store selenium create conditions, for example, the visually impaired lurches also. Dazzle Staggers condition may happen not long after the creature has expended high measures of Selenium for a lengthened period. The manifestations incorporate debilitated vision, wandering around and around, and a littler eating routine. Without getting the creature off the high Selenium diet, it can advance into variable measures of loss of motion and potentially demise. Another illness from Selenium harming in creatures is Alkali Disease. This is a progressively constant issue with lower levels and longer range of taking in selenium. Side effects incorporate thinness, loss of hair, disfigurement and shedding of hooves, loss of imperativeness, and disintegration of the joints of long bones. Catalog:
Friday, July 24, 2020
10 Mindfulness Exercises to Help You Stay Present
10 Mindfulness Exercises to Help You Stay Present What is mindfulness?According to Psychology Today, mindfulness is a state of mind, where you pay more attention to the present. When you’re more mindful you become more observant, less judgmental, more awake, you get in touch with your feelings, you become more focused, you become more excited about your present and your future.Yes, mindfulness is a state of mind. It is not necessarily a good or a bad thing. While it has many advantages, some of which we will discuss in this article, some people will argue mindfulness could also be harmful. Mindfulness techniques, promote ways of thinking, that will be beneficial to some and detrimental to others.For example, mindfulness promotes awareness of one‘s environment, and acceptance of one‘s emotions. In normal social situations, this pattern of thinking will promote the behavior of acceptance (including self-acceptance) and empathy. The same pattern of thinking, may be perpetuating antisocial behavior in humans susceptible to crimina l actions. This is because mindfulness will increase the feelings of being entitled to more than others, rejecting authority, demanding immediate gratification.WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE MINDFULNESS?Mindfulness is scientifically proven to have positive results in many situations. For one, mindfulness reduces anxiety. For patients with generalized anxiety disorder, mindfulness techniques were proven to reduce stress, and increase the sense of control. Patients reported feeling better after an eight week treatment. Second, mindfulness promotes empathy, leading to counteracting to bias â€" gender bias, age bias, race bias, etc.Mindfulness is a therapy for depression. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy reduces stress and promotes positive cognitive behavior. It helps patients recognize destructive thought patterns before they relapse into depression.Next, mindfulness is proven to improve body dysmorphic disorder. After a three-week meditation training, women who underwent the treatm ent, compared to women from the control group, experienced less body dissatisfaction, they had greater self-compassion and self-appreciation. Mindfulness can improve your mood, reduce your fatigue, improve your focus, and significantly increase your level of functioning in your everyday life. It is a very successful technique against allowing distractions. A study from Harvard University claims that mindfulness stimulates the cortex â€" the part of the brain that controls the inflow of information. Your brain cortex, in a mindfulness state, will be better prepared to sift through information, retain the useful, and reject the meaningless.WHAT EXERCISES HELP WITH MINDFULNESS?Mindfulness is a way to stay in the present. Therefore, you will notice a repeating theme in our exercises. Anything that gets you out of your routine, anything that breaks your habits, anything that will get you out of your automatic actions, or automatic thoughts will promote mindfulness for you.Try to become p olydextrousBeing polydextrous means you are able to write with both of your hands. Writing is one of those things, we do automatically. Breaking the habit will make you appreciate the art of writing in a new light, and with that, you will become more aware of your actions. Our brain is divided into two hemispheres. The left part of the brain is responsible for anything that has to do with logicâ€"thinking in words, sequences, seeing patterns, mathematics, facts. The right part of our brain is responsible for anything that has to do with creativityâ€"feelings, imagination, intuition, instinct, rhythm, holistic thinking, religion, arts.What is even more confusing is, the right part of the brain controls the left parts of the body and of the left part of the brain controls the right part of the body. The reason is, the neural pathways get twisted and switch positions in your neck. Scientists claim that writing with your non-dominant hand is a very successful form of art therapy. It’s a way to tap into the thinking process of your inner child â€" bring back some of the emotions curiosity, hope. What happens is when you write alternatively with your dominant and non-dominant hand you’re strengthening the relationship between the two hemispheres of the brain â€" the logical person and the artist. How to attempt at the exercise?Get a beautiful notebook. With a cover that will inspire you. Journal for 10 minutes every night.Alternate your left and right hand for every paragraph. When you feel more comfortable try adding some sketchesâ€"draw something that grabbed your attention during the day. A tree, a person, a dress, an animal…Once you get further into the experiment journal about the new feelings and thoughts you attribute to the exercise.Most people who have tried this technique report feeling stronger emotions, experiencing playfulness, heightened creativity, better physical stamina, stronger intuition and instinct. Reorganize your personal spaceFirst of all, try and preserve order. For what you’re trying to achieve, creative chaos will not work. There is no order in chaos and there is no difference between one type of chaos and another. It will be more difficult for you to feel in the present if there is no significant pattern in your surroundings to grab onto.That being said, you need to switch up things in your environment. If everything always stays the same you will stop noticing it. Everything will merge into a blur of things and possessions.Do you need an example? Alright, here it is. When was the last time you bought yourself a book, but didn’t have time to start reading it right now so you just left it on the shelf. You only discovered it the next time you are reorganizing your space. It was pretty soon? There you go.Here are several ideas you can use to reorganize your space:When cleaning your bookshelf, order your books from the tallest one to the shortest one from left to right on one shelf and from the right to the left on the next shelf. Next time you do your cleaning reorganize again by the name of the author. Reorder the compartments in your drawers buy function once, and by color next time.Reorder your clothes on the hangers by height once and by color next time.Change decorations often. Have a theme. You can make it seasonal. Try fresh flowers during spring, colorful leaves during fall, change decorations for Halloween in November, in December make it’s holiday decorations. Celebrate something different every month. The point of the exercise is to become more aware of your surroundings. Ideally, the changes you introduced will not be without a reason. They will reflect, or be inspired, but other events in your life. In that case, you will switch off the automatic dismissal of your surroundings and will be more conscious of the present state.Pay attention to automatic actionsDoing things in a hurry is never beneficial. In this section of the article we will talk about three things that w e always do without much thinking even though it is widely accepted doing them slowly and cautiously will be better for our body and soul. Walking.Have you heard the saying that from time to time you should stop and smell the flowers? It is of course a metaphor, however, it applies very well here. Slowing down your rhythm, and enjoying your surroundings, will stimulate your creativity. You will feel happier and healthier. Aim at breaking your routine by doing a walk. Maybe hop off the bus earlier? Or go shopping by foot if you can. Try and find a way to take at least 30 minutes of walking a week.Walking is the best way to enjoy your surroundings, but it is also very beneficial for your health â€" it will reduce your risk of high cholesterol, heart problems, stroke, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers.And you will enjoy more if you do it consciously:Be the cliché. Smell the flowers.Pet someone’s dog. Ask for their name. Enjoy their affection. Change your way of walking â€" switching from flats to high platform shoes will help.Take notice of the architecture or nature around.Imagine the lives of strangers passing by. Even strike up conversation.EatingGulping down large amounts of TV dinner in front of the screen is not your friend. You will have issues with your body, and with your mind.Taking it slow, enjoying every taste in each bite, enjoying the change of feeling in your palate from when the food first touches your tongue, switching it around from side to sideâ€"that will improve your experience so much more.Eating is a great source of pleasure. Why waste it by being in a hurry? There are no taste buds in your tummy. Breathing Being conscious about your breathing is one of the main tasks in meditation â€" an activity proven to improve your intentional focus, to minimize the volume of negative thoughts, increase your concentration span, help your inner peace, reduce stress and fatigue. To improve your breathing technique:Try to achieve the optimal pace of breathing. It should be slow enough to calm you down, but fast enough so you don’t feel out of breath. Try to take breaks â€" allow yourself several beats after you exhale and before you inhale again. Listen to your breath. Visualize â€" imagine oxygen filling your body from your mouth, through your lungs, to the tips of your toes and fingers. Break your habitsYou don’t need to stop yourself at walking, eating and breathing. Whenever you feel you are doing something automatically, stop and do it differently â€" in a reverse order, or simply with a twist.Buy a different style of clothesHold your drink with the opposite handTurn on another TV channelListen to new music stylesGive a chance to getting to know people you used to consider boring, intimidating, or stupidBuy a bold lipstick colorAsk someone out whom you thought was out of your league, or you thought was not good enough for you. Pro tip: Once you achieve mindfulness, you will not only find it helpful to stop doing things out of habit â€" you will also find it easier to break bad habits. Addiction happens because of the promise for a reward. If you are more aware of your urges, you will discover it is easier to ignore them in the name of your physical and mental health. Stop the distractionsAre you used to watching the TV while eating dinner? Or listening to music while working? While dozens of people report they find it so satisfying, we encourage you to take (the remote) control and switch off the small screen. Multitasking does not work. Stop attempting to do multiple things at once. You are just tiring your brain. You are giving it an impossible task. Instead of performing several tasks at the same time, you are forcing it to switch from one to the other, giving neither your full attention. Turn off the music while you are driving your car. Commuting could be so much more interesting if you are not constantly attaching your mind to the same old noises coming from the radio.St op wearing your earbuds at work. Pay attention to what you are doing. Learn to achieve optimum focus. Instead of putting off your most difficult or unpleasant tasks, challenge them. And beat them. Anything you ‘do in the background’. Stop it. Remember the fiveWhenever you feel too anxious, too distracted, too overwhelmed you can apply the remember-the-five technique that will bring you back to the present. It’s idea is to attach your senses to the present moment. Stop. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. And do the following things in this order:Try to remember 5 things from your surroundings. Try and see them with your mind’s eye, as accurately as you can, with their shape, their size, the material they are made out of. Imagine you are zooming in on them and seeing them closely. Try to distinguish 5 things you are hearing right now. Are children playing outside? How many? How old? What are they doing? Can you hear cars passing by? Can you hear your cat purring? Can you hea r yourself breathing? Can you hear your heart pumping?Try to feel 5 things touching your skin right now. Can you feel your clothes moving on your body as you are breathing? Can you feel your fingers on the desk? Can you feel the humidity in the air? Can you feel your shoes scrubbing the floor? Once you have engaged your senses, linger for a while in the present moment. Try and imagine yourself in your surroundings. How your energy is interacting. How you are affecting the space. The warmth of your body filling in the room. The humidity of your breath going out in slow motion. See, hear and feel. You are in an ultimate focus mode. In the present moment. Chances are your anxiousness feels far away now. Work out and meditateWorkouts in combination with meditation is the ultimate physical wellbeing routine. First off, your workout is beneficial for your muscle tone, your endorphin levels, your heart. But it will also raise your cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone, that could b e helpful in your everyday life for your mood and behavior if it is within limits. Go a little higher and you have yourself a compromised immune system and high blood sugar, leading to feelings of anxiousness and storing extra abdominal fat. Workouts generate pain. And pain is a complex feeling, but also, a complex emotion. Third, intense physical activity requires recovery, which meditation can provide. A mindfulness meditation channels those feelings and energies and concentrates them in the present moment. Meditation has been proven to deal with pain better than opioid blockers. On the other side, working out prevents cognitive decline. As The Huffington Post reports: ‘While exercise and a healthy diet can’t “cure†Alzheimer’s, they can help shore up the brain against cognitive decline that begins after age 45 Working out, especially between age 25 and 45, boosts the chemicals in the brain that support and prevent degeneration of the hippocampus, an important part of th e brain for memory and learning.’Feel all of your feelingsSociety tells us we should be always happy. We are treated better if we smile. People think higher of us if we portray a happy persona. We are encouraged to share the highest points of our lives on social media. But we are not always so happy. And should we be. In order to achieve the ultimate state of mindfulness, you need to be completely in touch with your emotions. Weather you a feeling nostalgia, boredom, disillusionment, regret, bitterness, fear or insecurity… Don’t force yourself to go back to happiness at any cost. If anything, this strategy will weigh you down. Instead, feel your feeling. Ask yourself some questions. How are you actually feeling right now? Why? What got you here? What are the physical expressions of your feelings? Let yourself linger a little bit longer in your thoughts. You will discover it gets you out of the vicious spiral of unhappiness because it completely changes your thought process. Yo u will be completely free of your slavery to happiness. You will no longer be unhappy because you are unhappy. You will feel increased self-acceptance and peace of mind. Talk more than languagePart of achieving the ultimate state of mindfulness is being completely present for communication with your close ones. Have you ever felt you are missing something from the dialogue? The words are there. But the meaning isn’t? You do not feel the intention behind what is being said. Actually, words are only but a small percentage of communication. Need proof? Well, all you have to do is think about the difference between talking in person and talking via instant messaging. A lot of the meaning is lost, isn’t it?What you are missing is the intonation, the facial expression, the body language, the posture. Whenever you have a conversation in person, pay full attention to those. You will have more meaningful and truthful conversation if you learn to read those. Make sure you use them to the full extent to achieve the right expressions on your part. Feel a dissonance? Someone is telling you one thing, but your gut is telling you another. You do not need to call the person out. But react to the full extent of the information you have. If you feel confident you can be of better help if you have a more honest conversation, do not tell them you know they are lying. Ask them questions. This is one of your best friends in this situation: ‘Are you sure this is how you are feeling?’DIYA great way to increase your mindfulness and live in the present is to stop thinking about your surroundings as just things or possessions. Instead, you can strive to become more aware of how objects are created. What it costs. How long it takes. How it is done. Obviously, some of your possessions you cannot manufacture yourself. Just try and get more involved. Food. Most people have at least some skills in cooking for themselves. But even if you are a keen cook, you probably have something yo u get from the store. Try baking your own bread. Or doing your own mayo. Gifts. DIY gifts are not always acceptable unless it is a family occasion involving young kids. It is not the same for DIY cards. It is a cute hobby. Try it. Furniture. It is easier than it sounds. Try and construct yourself a simple shelf. The Internet will help you. Art. Paint a picture. Or do a collage. Frame it and put it over the fireplace. CONCLUSIONMindfulness is a technique you can employ to feel better about yourself and others. It will do you good for your personal well-being, your mental state, and even your behavior at the workplace. It is little more than the state of being aware and awake all time â€" aware of your actions, aware of your appearance, aware of how your behavior affects others. If you have to draw any conclusions of today’s article, we encourage you to break your routines. Do things differently. It will always force you to question your ways. It will always get you out if you’re stuck in bad behavior. It will always cause you to re-evaluate the way you do things. It will always bring you extra benefits. 2029-10 Mindfulness Exercises To Help You Stay Present 10 Mindfulness Exercises To Help You Stay Present /span
Friday, May 22, 2020
Negative Influence Of Disney - 1423 Words
In recent discussions regarding Disney’s growing franchize, a controversial issue has been whether Disney’s stories and products encourage children to follow strict gender roles. In this regard, some argue that Disney is wholesome and innocent, and only wants to make animated films that every family has the opportunity to enjoy. On the other hand, however, others argue that Disney is a corporation, whose ultimate goal is to spread their brand and make a lot of money. In the words of Michael Eisner, CEO of the Walt Disney Co., â€Å"We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. We have no obligation to make a statement. To make money is our only objective†(Mickey Mouse Monopoly). According to this view, Disney has†¦show more content†¦Those images then begin to shape what we know and understand about the world, thus allowing the media to influence us. This issue is important because Disney has become a primary educational reso urce for children worldwide and as Henry Giroux points out, â€Å"Disney is a teaching machine that not only exerts influence over consumers but also wages an aggressive campaign to peddle its political and cultural influence in the United States and overseas†(Giroux xiv). It is often said that Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is one of the most successful films that Walt Disney Studios has produced. According to Business Insider, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the tenth highest grossing film of all time in the United States. As a child, I spent no time considering the themes of gender roles and domestication of women in the film. However, while growing up, the impression that women cook and clean while men go out to work continued to stay with me. Though I concede that women are certainly a part of today’s workforce, I still insist that in the shadow of traditional gender roles, there is a slightly forced sense of acceptance when a father mentions that he is a stay at home dad while his wife earns the family’s income. It is this sense of discomfort that is a direct product from the conservative ideals that Disney promotes in its films. For example, in the Brothers Grimms’ story of â€Å"Little Snow White,†the dwarfs’ cottage was clean when Snow White first foundShow MoreRelatedDisney Corporttion ´s Negative Influence in Children via their Kid Programs626 Words  | 2 Pagescartoon shows such as Mickey Mouse has now changed into a profit driven corporation. With TV shows, movies, clothing lines, toys, CDs, books, and theme parks, Disney is creating billions in revenue. However, the profits are at the cost of the youth. One way the youth are being harmed is children are absorbed in watching television shows that Disney plays daily. 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Most adults believe that children are heavily influenced by the things they see around them, mostly having a negative impact on their development. A phenomenon that follows this ideal are the ever so popular Disney princesses. Disney princesses are a staple of childhood interests, especially for young girls. Girls are more interested in princessesRead MoreWomen s Role Models For Young Children1531 Words  | 7 PagesAlmost every child and or adult has watched or at least heard of a Disney movie. Little girls always wanted to be Cinderella, Snow White, or Belle and the boys Hercules or Aladdin. These characters have been role models for young children for many years. Looking back at Disney films now, they seem a little different. Now, because we are much older we can see how they were setting up gender roles that we are completely comfortable with today. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Romantic Characteristics in Blakes The Marriage of Heaven...
Throughout all of his literary works, Blake incorporates many classic romantic characteristics. But he also incorporated important people and events surrounding the time period. One of his most controversial works, â€Å"The Marriage of Heaven and Hell†explores three of the most prominent romantic themes in his works: the battle between good and evil, the presence of the supernatural and an affinity for nature. Most likely inspired by Emanuel Swedenborg’s â€Å"Heaven and Hell†, Blake used common romantic symbolism to demonstrate the prophetic meanings of the pieces in the book. In â€Å"The Marriage of Heaven and Hell†, Blake alludes to the idea that, â€Å"Attraction and Repulsion, Reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are necessary to Human existence. From†¦show more content†¦These pieces exhibits the romantic tenet that deals with an emphasis on emotion over reason. Similarly, in â€Å"The Tyger,†Blake contrasts beauty with evil and incorporates religious themes such as the biblical Creation. He used this piece to express his religious views and used the tiger to exemplify his distrust in the world. For example, when he says, â€Å"What immortal hand or eye/ Could frame thy fearful symmetry? On what wings dare he aspire?/ What the hand, dare seize the fire?/ And what shoulder, what art/ Could twist the sinews of thy heart?†he alludes to his questioning of a higher power. He also uses the piece to juxtapose the innocence and purity of â€Å"The Lamb,†another one of his works. While pointing out the differences between the lamb and the tiger, he questions whether the One who created the tiger also created the lamb since they theoretically negate one another. In â€Å"The Tyger,†Blake demonstrates another important romantic tenet which refers to the battle between good and evil and the presence of the super natural. Similar to many of his other pieces, Blake uses personification, symbolism and a combination of traditional writing techniques and unique literary styles to emphasis the major points of his works. Often, Blake receives admiration for his use of simple questions to propose certain controversial thoughts of humanity. Unfortunately, rather than gaining immediate respect and recognition from his colleagues, many people ridiculed him for hisShow MoreRelatedRomanticism in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake1393 Words  | 6 PagesRomanticism in William Blakes Poem William Blake was a poet, painter, and a printmaker all during the period in literature known as the Romantic time period. The Romantic time period, also known in Literature as Romanticism began in Europe, mainly France and Britain around the 1800s (Barker) and it was first defined as a tool to in literature and literary criticisms (Galitz). 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Engraving is now usually referred to as handwritten, but back then, William Blake was carving text onto his illustrated backgrounds. Once the copies were finished printing, they were then colored by hand. That was another one of Blake’s talents. He was an artist in words and pictures. He did much of his own illustrations and made them to go along with his unusual text. In the modern day, some books or anthologies for students have modified the spelling and punctuation to make itRead More Coexistence of Contrary States in Blake’s The Tyger Essay1883 Words  | 8 PagesCoexistence of Contrary States in Blake’s The Tyger Since the two hundred years that William Blake has composed his seminal poem The Tyger, critics and readers alike have attempted to interpret its burning question - Did he who made the Lamb make thee? Perhaps best embodying the spirit of Blake’s Songs of Experience, the tiger is the poetic counterpart to the Lamb of Innocence from Blake’s previous work, Songs of Innocence. Manifest in The Tyger is the key to understanding its identityRead MoreThe Notion of Duality of the Human Soul in William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience4371 Words  | 18 PagesThe Human Soul In William Blake’s Songs Of Innocence And Experience Tembong Denis Fonge     Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience generally subscribe to the main stream appreciation that they present the reader with two states of the human condition - the pastoral, pure and natural world of lambs and blossoms on the one hand, and the world of experience characterized by exploitation, cruelty, conflict and hypocritical humility on the other hand. However, Blake’s songs communicate experiences
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
American economy of the 20th century Free Essays
The growth of industry in the last half of the 19th century laid the foundation for American economy of the 20th century [1]. The expansion was driven by large-scale industrial development and railroads that led to an urbanized industry primarily in the Northeast, and promoted population increase through immigration at a rate of 300,000 persons per year. The second half of the 19th century brought an explosion of new discoveries and inventions that amounted to a â€Å"second industrial revolution. We will write a custom essay sample on American economy of the 20th century or any similar topic only for you Order Now †Examples included: petroleum discoveries, typewrites, refrigerated railway cars, telephone, phonograph, car, electric and the airplane. These inventions enabled the rise of the business tycoon who amassed a vast financial empire, and had tremendous influence on the further development of the U. S. economy. The great tycoons were fierce competitors, singleminded in their pursuit of financial success and power. Among the giants were Jay Gould, J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford. Some of these men were honest, according to business standards of their day; others used force, bribery and guile to achieve their wealth and power. Their example and the fact that most Americans  living in a society with a more fluid class structure  embraced the idea of moneymaking with enthusiasm created the impetus for the American economic engine at the beginning of the 20th century. The era of progressivism is characterized by the reluctance of the US government to get too involved in the private sector. This freed everyone to do whatever they could to get ahead, and ultimately proved the downfall of many small and large business men by the time of the Great Depression (1929-1940). The tremendous growth of the economy was unsustainable, and the lack of regulations meant that the inevitable slow down affected different economic sectors disproportionately and severely. The 1929 stock market crash had brought on the most serious economic dislocation in the nation’s history. The New Deal enacted by Roosevelt’s attempt to alleviate the emergency and prevent it in the future by extending federal authority in all fields, notably banking, agriculture, social security and public welfare. It gave immediate attention to labor problems, creating minimum standards for wages, hours, relief and security  and served as a catalyst for the expansion of labor unions in such industries as steel, automobiles and rubber. During this period organized labor unions were developed as a grass roots response to business past excesses. The US economy probably would have returned to its original condition with relatively low government interference in the direction it evolved (though with the newly instituted checks and balances put in place by the New Deal) eventually but the outbreak of WWII in which the US played a major role economically and technologically in contrast to WWI. The U. S. government was compelled to intervene in the economy as it never had before. The War Production Board was created to coordinate the nation’s productive capabilities so that military priorities would be met. Converted consumer-products plants filled many military orders. Automakers built tanks and aircraft, for example, making the United States the â€Å"arsenal of democracy. †In an effort to limit inflation due to rising national income and scarce consumer products, the newly created Office of Price Administration controlled rents on some dwellings, rationed consumer items ranging from sugar to gasoline, and otherwise tried to restrain price increases. This intervention had several effects. First it redirected business resources to the military effort, and away from consumer goods. During the Depression, most people were too poor to buy anything, but as the economy sped up in the war effort, it began to put wealth in the pockets of ordinary citizens, who did not have anything to spend it on. Psychologically this created a pent up demand for everything such that when the war was over and business could return to purely consumer interests there was a huge pent up demand for everything. This pent-up demand was enough to fuel the economy for almost 15 years, and led to the Baby Boom and expansion of suburbs and the middle class. The automobile industry successfully converted from making tanks and bombers, and new industries such as aviation and electronics grew by leaps and bounds. A housing boom, stimulated in part by easily affordable mortgages for returning servicemen, added to the expansion. So did the rise in defense spending, which occurred later with the escalation of the Cold War. Business entered a period marked by consolidation. Firms merged to create huge, diversified â€Å"conglomerates†: for example, International Telephone and Telegraph Co. bought Sheraton Hotels, Continental Baking, Hartford Fire Insurance, Avis Rent-a-Car and other companies. However the seed of imbalance were being sewn. More people wanted to work at white collar jobs hat paid well, and did not require physical labor, and with the expanding manufacturing it was possible. Farmers on the other hand over produced as a result of technology improvements which led to a decrease in prices and loss in profitability. Finally demographic shifts to the Sun Belt states, began to bleed the talent hungry North of trained employees. These changes began a slow but serious sift in the location and focus of business operations. Businesses began to shift their operations to follow the people, and change the job descriptions by shifting undesirable manual labor jobs to minorities and eventually out of the country. The 1960’s and 1970’s began a period of social malaise as people began to feel the stress of economic changes without really understanding why and how extensive they became. Before all people had to worry about was their own performance, and perhaps their small community, now everyone was affected by national shifts that were not obvious as they evolved. In some respect the public’s response was similar to that during the great Depression that led to demand of greater government regulation and labor unions, except that global issues such as the environment, poverty, foreign competition, and energy became the focus. To try to refocus the economy, Kennedy promoted the space program which among other things was to help turn the US economy toward technology rather than manufacturing, but a series of events allowed this to dissipate after several years: Kennedy’s assassination, racial riots, the Korean and Vietnam wars, and the 193 Arab Oil embargo. Thus the space program was unable to refocus the economy, and instead spiraling inflation, increased federal budget deficits, intensified foreign competition, high unemployment and stagnant demand arose. This situation was used politically to shift American political support from Democratic to Republican, since through the widespread availability of TV, radio, and new magazines it was possible to convince the public that regulation of business led to stagnation of business, and only through its freedom, it could re-drive the economy, much like it did at the turn of the century. In the early 1980s, the Reagan administration pushed through a series of tax cuts, at the same time that it proposed huge slashes in social programs, and reduction or elimination of government regulations affecting the consumer, the workplace and the environment. Tight control of the Federal Reserve help keep inflation low during these changes, and was used to keep social upheavals by the mainstream populace at bay. Those who lost out in the first wave of economic changes in the 1960’s because they could not adapt, were also affected by the â€Å"fixes†of the 19t0’s and 1980’s. Meanwhile the US government had to support agriculture which had totally collapsed, leading to the establishment of the budget deficit. Another stock market crash in 1987, suggested more corrections on business activities was in order, and the subsequent collapses of the savings and loan industry in the 1990’s, underscored the lessons learned during the Great Depression, namely that unregulated business activities promote the economy initially, but do not prevent imbalances from developing that eventually threaten the overall positive growth, even though by contrast, other sectors of the economy, such as computers, aerospace and export industries generally showed signs of continuing growth. The US economy of the late 1990’s and beginning of the 21st century is heavily affected by the global economy. The global economic interdependence of the United States and other nations has grown geometrically since the Second World War, and is evidenced in resource utilization, production decisions, raw materials trade and consumer demand. A sign of increased interdependence is the growth of foreign investment. Through foreign investment, the U. S. industry has helped develop major industries in other countries, attempted to increase demand by serving foreign markets from local plants, and to shift undesired or difficult to fill manufacturing jobs to places where it is cheaper and the workforce is available. About one-third of foreign investment in the United States is also in manufacturing. Meantime, those lost jobs are replaced by new ones in industries with more potential. In the late 20th century, those jobs were increasingly in such high-technology industries as computers and biotechnology, and in fast-expanding service industries such as health care and computer software. As a result of this interdependence the US economy is entering another period of economic growth, as well as uncertainty. Since the growth of foreign investment in both directions has developed faster than regulations, there is inevitably going to be problems with economic imbalances, except this time on a global scale. Issues of national security overlap with economic issues traceable to a general global imbalance in wealth. In an attempt to fix these imbalance the US entered into several â€Å"free trade†agreements, aimed a making economic growth equal on both sides. In some cases these agreement have sped up the inevitable job and industry restructuring that was occurring throughout the end of the 20th century. The hope is that in the long run economies of equal partners will work much better than between unequal partners. From Revolution to Reconstruction, Dr. George M. Welling, Department of Alfa-Informatica of the University of Groningen (The Netherlands), 2005. How to cite American economy of the 20th century, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Sad Inventory System free essay sample
This study shall focus on how to improve the system of records for the inventory and sales of the company. This may help in creating a better system to avoid mistakes in recording data that may contribute to loss of income. The study shall provide us an opportunity to experience on how to handle similar problems and to create a solution for future companies. Gilmore Wines and Spirits, was founded by Messrs. Magnus Villafuerte and Marcus Morales. The business started about 3 years ago in the present location which serves as a showroom. Initially, they were only selling wines but through a program in De La Salle University, they were able to get funds and expand the business which now includes a wide variety of beer. In the first few weeks of operation, income was low since costumers are only limited. Very few knew that it was a liquor store and already open for business. We will write a custom essay sample on Sad Inventory System or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is their goal to deliver a wide variety of beer in the Philippines since the local market in ruled by San Miguel which produces limited variety. It is their passion for beer that is driving them to push on and proceed to share their knowledge about unique beers from around the world. They are currently using manual labor in recoding product transactions and in listing stocks that c are delivered in the store. The business is in a small location, hence, they want everything organized for easy access to records. Six months ago, the company decided to have an automated system to address the problem. They wanted that the records are systematically organized through a database. They have already bought a scanning device to be facilitating faster and easier recording of transactions. However, due to lack of applicable program, the device is not yet operational. As IT students, one of the things that we have learned is to assess problems and create logical solutions. We chose this area of study since it is important for every company to have an efficient method of keeping records. This study will give us an opportunity to apply and put into practice what we have learned. Our goal is to create system that will improve the performance and productivity of the company. 3 II . Objectives of the Study General Objective The main objective of the study is to design and develop sales and inventory system for Gilmore Wines and Spirits. This will cover the transaction in the cashier and the recording of supplies in the inventory system. Specific Objectives Specifically, it attempts to satisfy the following objectives: a. To design sales and inventory system for Gilmore Wines and Spirits using DFD and ERD tools. b. To develop a program applicable using the scanning device. c. Create a base program with interfaces using VB. NET d. Have a database of records using MS SQL Server. e. To create an organized recording system. Problems encountered by Gilmore Wines and Spirits: i. Hand-written records ii. Missing transaction iii. Loss of Inventory Records iv. Unorganized files of past records v. Non-compatible software for scanning device 4 III. Scope and Limitations The general purpose of this study is to provide an organized system of records both for sales and inventory. A detailed description about the current situation of the system, the step by step process of the whole system and the data required in creating a proposal was discussed by the two heads, Messrs. Villafuerte and Morales during scheduled interviews in the span of 2 months. The end users of the proposed program are the company heads, and all employees. The program will be installed in the hardware in the lower level of their business. This will be done for easy access of all employees and both heads. This study is limited to the development of a sales and inventory system of Gilmore Wines and Spirits. A development of a network or a different system is not part of the study and or the program. The program will be developed under Microsoft Visual Basic. NET 2007 and will utilize database MYSQL Server 2005. The program will run at least under Windows XP operating system. The software development will focus on the automation of the company’s records on sales and product inventory. IV. Significance of the Study The main purpose of this study is to help the company of Gilmore Wines and Spirits with their problem in the recording of their sales and inventory system. The study will aim to resolve the liabilities that the manual system poses to them; missing records of transactions, amount of stocks which in turn creates loss of inc ome. Upgrading a system to a much more organized and easy to use application is a small investment that could save money in the long run. Through this, time will be saved and all important documents and information will not be lost. This will serve as valuable asset by a company in better management of their business. For us researchers, this study will serve as our stepping stone for more future projects. For this project, we gained experience that would serve as our guide in our future careers. This project has served as our training venue in helping a company solve their problems. For future researchers, our study could serve as their basis in sales and inventory. They could refer to our study if they would need a guide in creating a sales and inventory system. For us researchers, this study will serve as our stepping stone for more future projects. Chapter II TECHNICAL BACKGROUND Data Flow Diagram (Existing System) Supplies Figure 2: Context Diagram 7 In our system there are five entities involved; these are the head, the all-around staff, supplier and the customers. The customer gives the product and payment to the staff. When the staff receives the product, the staff will record the transaction and return the product with the official receipt to the customer. The head’s role is to receive information about the sales within the day. He also receives the records of inventory to check what stocks are low on supply. When the head decides to restock or add a new product to the store, he submits an order list to the supplier and he gives the payment when he receives the product he ordered. After this transaction with the supplier, the staff will check if the delivered products are whether on the order list or not. Staff also checks whether the products are damaged. If there are unwanted products, the head returns it to the supplier. Then the details of the products that can be sold will be recorded by the head in the inventory record. 8 LEVEL 0: Top Level Figure 3: Top Level Diagram 9 At any transaction, the customer will give the product to the staff. The staff will then be scanning the product using the barcode technology. This will be easier for each product will be given a unique ID and product details will be embedded on the barcode. The scanning will automatically go through the database of the inventory system to locate the product and its price. After receiving the payment from the customer, the cashier will issue a printed OR. After the transaction, the product, quantity, time and date of transaction will be recorded to the sales record database. The inventory record will also be automatically updated with deductions to the available stocks. In the end of the day, when the head wants to view the summary of sales from the day from the sales record, he can click the View Summary Button, this will show the summary to the head and the head can print it. The head will then check the inventory record if there is still sufficient supplies. There will be a notification if a product is low on supplies, the text on the row of the product low on supplies will be colored red and there will be an exclamation point beside the row itself. This will give clear information to the head that there is definitely a product low on supplies. 10 When ordering the products needing of supplies, the list can be printed easily. During ordering of supplies from the supplier, this is still done manually. The head will call the supplier that supplies the products. When the products arrive, the head gives the payment to the supplier. When they receive the products, the staff checks for damages and whether the products delivered are the ones ordered by the head. If they see that a product is not on the list or damaged, they would return it to the supplier. If the product passes the checking of the staff, it would be recorded in the inventory record database. If the product ordered is new, the head can click the Add button on the interface, then a form will popup where the head can enter the barcode, product name, retail and whole sale price, the available stocks they have and other details. The barcode will then be the basis of the new product when it is searched in the database. If the product is not new, the head will click the Update button and he can then update the Stocks column with the new supplies received. When the update is done, the data from the inventory record database will automatically update the cashier station will full details of with the new data of each product. 11 Figure 4: Daily Sales Transaction The product is scanned. When the product is scanned, the product name, barcode and price can be viewed already. After finalizing the transaction, the sold product will be given to the customer and also a receipt if necessary. The transaction will be recorded to the Sales Record. The following information will be recorded: Amount of Payment, Product and Quantity Sold, and Date and Time. The Record of Daily Transaction including the Product and Quantity Sold can be viewed by the Head. 12 Figure 5: When the product is being scanned, the barcode will be checked. After checking, the Product Name and Barcode will be shown. Following by the scanned barcode is the checking the product price thus resulting to a checked product. Figure 6: After scanning a product, the all-around staff will receive the payment. After receiving the payment, then the all-around staff will give the customer the product. If necessary, the all-around staff may give also a receipt to the customer thus finishing the transaction. 3 Figure 7: Record Transaction After a finished transaction, the amount of received money will be recorded in the Sales Record. Then after the amount is recorded, the time and date of transaction will be recorded also in the Sales Record. Lastly, after the date and time is recorded, the product and quality sold of transaction will be recorded also in the Sales Record. 14 Fig ure 8: Update Inventory Record After recording the daily sales, the product and quantity sold will be updated in the sales record. After that, the products that are low in supply will be updated. And also, the inventory will be updated. 15 Figure 9: Purchasing Transaction When the inventory record is updated, the items to be purchased will be listed. After listing, there will be ordering of stocks and purchasing of items. After purchasing, the products will be checked. If there are damaged or unlisted products, it will be returned. The checked products will be gathered to produce the product details. 16 Figure 10: List of Orders After updating the inventory record, the inventory will be checked for almost gone stocks. When done listing, an order will be made or list of items to be purchased. After that, a list of items to be purchased is made. Figure 11: Purchasing Stocks When ordering the supplies, the head will submit the order list to the supplier. Then, the all – around staff will receive the supplies delivered by the supplier. Upon receiving the products, the head will give the payment to the suppliers. 17 Figure 12: Check Products After supplying the products, the products will be checked from the order slip. If there are products that aren’t on the list, it will be returned. After the products are checked, it will be checked for any damages. If there are also damaged products, it will also be returned. Only those checked products can pass. 8 Figure 13: Update Inventory After the product details are made, the product name will be recorded. If the product is new, the barcode will also be recorded. After that, if the product is again new, the product price will be recorded. Then, the number of stocks will also be recorded. If again the product is new, the minimum stock requirement will be recorded. All th e information will be stored at the inventory record. 19 Data Flow Diagram: Top Level (Proposed System) Figure 14: Top Level (Proposed System) The processes inside the proposed area are the automation of the old manual recording system. These are the updating of records in the sales and inventory system. 20 Entity Relationship Diagram Figure 15: Entity – Relationship Diagram 21 A customer transacts with one staff of the store. If the customer would want to buy a whole sale of products, he will need to give his full name, contact number and address. The contact number and address is required when the customer requests a delivery to their store. In a single transaction, the customer will give the product to the staff, the staff will then check the price of the product in the database. The customer would then pay for the products bought. Any of the staff available at the time is authorized to update both the sales record and inventory record. During transactions, the staff will be recording each transaction with a customer. After each transaction, the staff will need to update the inventory record for the amount of products that were removed from their inventory. Then the head would be the one to check what products are low in supply. When he finds products low on supplies, he would list these products and order from the supplier. The list would contain the product(s) name, and the quantity. After the order has been made, the suppliers will deliver the products and the head will give the payment. After the transaction with the supplier, the staff would handle the checking of the products. They will check if the product is damaged or included in the order list. When the checking is done, the head would update the inventory to update stocks or add new product(s) in the inventory record. If the head adds a new product he would input the product name, barcode, price and the minimum required stock and other parameters.
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