Saturday, August 31, 2019
Structuralism originated in the structural linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure and the subsequent Prague and Moscow schools of linguistics. [1] Just as structural linguistics was facing serious challenges from the likes of Noam Chomsky and thus fading in importance in linguistics, structuralism appeared in academia in the second half of the 20th century and grew to become one of the most popular approaches in academic fields concerned with the analysis of language, culture, and society. The structuralist mode of reasoning has been applied in a diverse range of fields, including anthropology, sociology, psychology, literary criticism, and architecture. The most famous thinkers associated with structuralism include the linguist Roman Jakobson, the anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss, the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, the philosopher and historian Michel Foucault, the Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser, and the literary critic Roland Barthes. 1] As an intellectual movement, structuralism came to take existentialism's pedestal in 1960s France. [2] Structuralism argues that a specific domain of culture may be understood by means of a structureâ€â€modelled on languageâ€â€that is distinct both from the organisations of reality and those of ideas or the imaginationâ€â€the â€Å"third order†. In Lacan's psychoanalytic theory, for example, the structural order of â€Å"the Symbolic†is distinguished both from â€Å"the Real†and â€Å"the Imaginary†; similarly, in Althusser's Marxist theory, the structural order of the capitalist mode of production is distinct both from the actual, real agents involved in its relations and from the ideological forms in which those relations are understood. According to Alison Assiter, four ideas are common to the various forms of structuralism. First, that a structure determines the position of each element of a whole. Second, that every system has a structure. Third, structural laws deal with co-existence rather than change. Fourth, structures are the â€Å"real things†that lie beneath the surface or the appearance of meaning. [4] In the 1970s, structuralism was criticised for its rigidity and ahistoricism. Despite this, many of structuralism's proponents, such as Jacques Lacan, continue to assert an influence on continental philosophy and many of the fundamental assumptions of some of structuralism's critics (who have been associated with â€Å"post-structuralism†) are a continuation of structuralism. [2]
Friday, August 30, 2019
Reflection of Baraka Film
Prior to watching Baraka, I had a firm belief that the world is truly a beautiful place to live. This film all the more strengthened my conception. The title of the film in itself proves this – the world is a blessing, and we are all privileged to call this world our home. Besides, where else would we live? Science can only take us so far. However, no one is blind to the horrors and tragedies of this world. Maybe ignorant, maybe selfish, but not blind. Poverty is prevalent everywhere in both developed and under-developed countries alike. Countries are stricken by thousands that are living in the slums such as the favelas in Brazil. Many are thriving well below the poverty line. Even people in Calcutta depend on the landfills as their prime resource. Many result to exposing themselves to the drug market and prostitution as in South Africa for this is their only source of income. Horrific holocausts have wreaked havoc in various places of the world; the concentration camps in Auschwitz, Poland, the S21 torture chambers and killing fields in Cambodia, and even attempts to wipe out certain races such as that in Darfur, Sudan. Undoubtedly, such events are overwhelming and discouraging, for these things are only a portion of the ongoing issues of the human race. As absurd as it may seem, the good in humanity still prevails. The tribulations of humans have taught us to be ever more perseverant and resilient. This results in the victorious overcoming of these problems and the glorious defeat of the enemy. Nations have come together to put an end to humanity. Despite how diverse the ethnicities, opinions, cultures, and religions may be, we still have the ability to unite and fight for the greater good. It is that same diversity of lifestyles that makes the world so beautiful. Ancient empires and tribes have created such alluring temples and dwelling places such as the Durbar Square in Nepal, the Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and the magnificent advancements of the Terrace Fields in Indonesia. Such places put us in a deep awe, even today in a technologically advanced era. People take great pride in their religions and build such sacred and radiant places of worship, whether it is the Catholic churches in Vatican City, the Grand Mosque in Mecca, and the glorious Mausoleum of the Shah-e-Cheragh in Shiraz, Iran. People are passionate about their practices such as the Whirling Dervishes in Turkey, and the Kecak Dance of the Balinese. No matter how different our ethnicities, cultures, religions, and socioeconomic statuses may be, we are all bound by the beauty of simply existing. We, as humans, are able to find happiness even in the presence of poverty and economic difficulties. The world is not exactly one’s perception of a utopia, but somehow, there is beauty in the midst of all its destruction.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Annotated Bibliography on Anne Bradstreet Poem
In the beautiful poem, â€Å"Before the Birth of One of Her Children†, Anne Bradstreet expresses her feelings honestly and openly. The poem is written to her husband, and it addresses her fear of not surviving childbirth and what she would want her husband to do if that was the case. One of the main ideas that I found to be most evident was the love that she expresses in her poem. She says to her husband, â€Å"And if thou love thy self, or loved’st me, These O protect from step-dame’s injury. Bradstreet not only cares for and loves her husband, but she has a passionate love for her unborn child. Another prominent theme is Bradstreet’s acknowledgement of the possibility of death. She faces her fear, knowing it is inevitable and could occur when she gives birth, which she points out by telling her husband about how he might â€Å"lose his friend. †She also tells him how she wants to be remembered, which is clearly seen when she says, â€Å"If any worth or virtue were in me, Let thy live freshly in thy memory. †In this poem, it is clear that she feels love and a strong maternal bond with her child even though there is the possibility she will never meet him/her. â€Å"Before the Birth of One of Her Children†is a wonderful illustration of Anne Bradstreet’s loving character as well as her facing her fear of death. REACTION TO ONE OF THE MAIN IDEAS: This poem really resonated with me because I felt like it can be applicable to my own life. Not exactly in the same way of dying through childbirth, but through the love, honor, and sacrifice that she expresses through this poem. Although Anne Bradstreet has never met the child she refers to in this poem since she has not given birth yet, it is evident that she is filled with love for him/her. She tells her husband to take very good care of them, just like she would do if she survives. I think her example of love is a great example to everyone, especially for us Christians. The love that she shows is unconditional and sacrificial, just like the love Jesus has for us. I think Anne Bradstreet’s possible death is also symbolic to Jesus’ death; she would be dying for her child, and Jesus died on the cross for His children as well. The difference, of course, lies in the fact that we can have a relationship with Jesus even though He died for us, but I still think there is a lot of significance between the two. She wants her husband to do whatever it takes to care for her children if she cannot be there, and God always cares for His children as well. I think the type of love that Anne Bradstreet demonstrates through this poem is something that we should try to be practice in our daily lives. It may be through little things, but we have the incredible opportunity to allow God’s love to flow through us each and every day of our lives!
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Blood Diamonds caused deadly conflicts, with millions killed, huge Research Paper
Blood Diamonds caused deadly conflicts, with millions killed, huge western profits, and promots child soldiers and slavery - Research Paper Example This can be attributed to a case in 2011 where Belgium mining marketing city; Antwerp was accused of continuing to buy diamonds accrued from rebel National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) (Bieri, 2013). Nations like Canada and Great Britain have been accused as some of the beneficiaries of the unlawful UNITA diamond selling. In short, diamonds from Africa are worth so much profits, wealth that ends up in Europe, White population of South Africa, the U.S, and Israel. On the other hand, African people labor in the mines under slavery conditions for small profits and have no control over these diamonds. Some time ago, the public began to become alert that large numbers of diamonds are excavated in vehement and cruel settings. Consumers are now calling on, with ever bigger earnestness, that their diamonds be free from killing and human rights violation. So far, however, the diamond industry’s reaction has been sadly insufficient. Diamonds with fierce histories are still being excavated and permitted to enter the diamond stream, where they become unnoticed from other stones. Abuse, human rights violation, and other prejudices remain an everyday feature of diamond mining (Mapp, 2011) In few years ago, some African countries have borne inhuman civil disagreements articulated by diamonds: the Republic of Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Angola. Diamonds build up civil wars by supporting militaries and rebellious guerrillas. These groups also combat with each other to regulate diamond-rich region. The sad outcome is killing, and shocking human rights mistreatments (rape to the use of child soldiers) (Rosen, 2012). Diamonds that promotes civil wars are often referred to as blood or conflict diamonds. Even if many diamond generated wars have now ended, blood diamonds continue to be a serious issue. Civil clashes in the DRC continue to this date. So far, the fighting in
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Critical Discourse Analysis for Obama's 2012 cictory speech Essay
Critical Discourse Analysis for Obama's 2012 cictory speech - Essay Example It may also result in oppression of groups based upon gender (Clegg, 1975). Van Dijk (2006) also states that much of what goes into discourse is an attempt to manipulate the audience. Therefore, the central crux of the CDA is how words and discourse is used to control different groups. They must work to change the minds of others, so that these groups’ minds and thoughts are more in line with the groups in power (van Dijk, 2003). van Dijk (2006) looks at the context of speech, as well as examine the discrete parts of the speech for a linguistic analysis, including grammar, style, pragmatism, etc. Included are examinations of sociopolitical contexts, as well as look at how a speech is used to manipulate other groups (Furnham, 1981). Van Dijk (1995) is also interested in how discourses advance ideology. According to van Dijk (1995), ideologies are cognitive, social, sociocognitive, are not true or false, have varying degrees of complexity, have variable maifestations, and are ge neral or abstract. By stating that ideologies are cognitive, van Dijk (1995) states that ideologies are individualistic, which means that the individual has a system of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, judgments and values. An analysis of discourse Van Dijk (1978) further breaks down how discourse should be analysed. He states that there are semantic structures that can be examined to indicate how the speech is being used, and what the goal is, the ideology, and so forth. Speech may be analysed in this way at the microstructure level, or the macrostructure level. The microstructure level is the level that analyses the local level of discourse – the structure of the individual propositions and the relations. The macrostructure is the level that analyses the more global nature of the speech - the discourse itself would fit into a theme, so that the discourse may be seen as a part of a meaningful whole(Clark, 1977). Van Dijk (1978) states that a coherent text base is made up of proposi tions. The proposition is a concept and an argument. The argument may fulfill different functions, such as agent, object and goal of the speech. The text bases must be coherent. One type of coherence is the referential coherence. This is coherence between two propositions that share the same argument, or maybe referentially coherent because one argument is embedded with another argument. There needs to be some kind of argument overlap between all the concepts of the text, for the text to be further processed. If there are gaps, then inference processes may close them – in other words, not everything has to be said. Some things can be inferred. If there are gaps, then one or more propositions must be added to the base of the text, in order for it to achieve coherence. The other concept advanced by van Dijk (1978) is that of the processing cycle. The human memory can only digest speeches and discourse in chunks of information. Therefore, the chunks must all fit together. The ch unks are several propositions. Each of the chunks should link with the other ones that were processed. The chunks are stored in the memory, and only those which are stored in the memory can be used to connect other chunks of information. As long as there is some kind of overlap between the chunks of information, then the text will be interpreted as coherent by the listener. If the proposition shares an argument with another
Monday, August 26, 2019
Human resource management Management of physical resources Marketing Essay
Human resource management Management of physical resources Marketing Information systems - Essay Example They not only advice the managers on issues related to employees but also help the organization in achieving its objectives and aims. The International Business Machines have always emphasized on the paramount importance the employees hold in the organization. The founder of IBM had stated that they say a man is known for the company he keeps. We say in our business that a company is known by the man it keeps. At IBM, the overall human resource strategy focuses on four specific areas. These areas are business value, innovation, on demand infrastructure and global integration. IBMs HR strategy aims at identifying the characteristics of the company that energizes as well as motivates its employees. This is mainly because behind the overall strategy are the employees who work hard to make it all work. IBM has always been committed to a diversified workforce and always strives to attain candidates who are qualified and reflect the markets served by the organization. The IBM recruiting is strategically designed to reach the brightest professional talent. The organization works hard to motivate its employees through leadership, flexibility, a value based climate, performance based opportunities and by hiring diverse and talented people. At IBM, the Human resource is expected to achieve certain objectives. These include mainly to grow IBM, also the HR is to anticipate and build skills and lastly to lead transformation. The contribution of human resource development techniques at IBM ensures employee engagement. The employees are provided access to On Demand Workplace through which they access to a variety of tools and websites in order to build expertise and manage career. This includes E-learning; which is IBM’s central warehouse of all online courses that are offered by the IBM professionals, Career sites and tools; these enable the employees to not only identify opportunities but also to mark their progress as they proceed along their career path and to
International marketing - Wedgwood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
International marketing - Wedgwood - Essay Example The Russian economy grew at 6% and 8.1% in 2008 and 2007 respectively, and witnessed an average GDP growth rate of 7% over the last decade. By 2008, the country had a forex reserve of $600 billion. The country is also looking at entering the WTO or the World trade organisation. GDP stood at $1.757 trillion in the year 2008. (Russia, April 2009) Goldman Sachs has predicted that Russia along with Brazil, India and China would become larger in terms of size than the present US and European economic powers over the next forty years. According to the report the Russian economy would surpass the economies of Italy, France, UK and Germany by the years 2018, 2024, 2027 and 2028 respectively. It is also being claimed that by 2050 Russia will be the only country amongst the BRIC nations which would have per capita income equivalent or to big European economies. By 2050 Russia would also have the highest per capita income among the BRIC countries. (Dreaming With BRICs: The Path to 2050, 2003) ( Hult T., 2009). The country has also got a growing middle class which constituted 45% of the total population in 2003 (Senaeur B., and Goetz L., March 2003). Recent reports have also pointed out the positives and strengths of the retail sector in Russia. In a recent report Russia has been ranked 3rd in terms of the attractiveness of retail market and retail development opportunities within a group of 30 countries (A.T. Kearney Global Retail Development Index, 2008). Moreover about 39% of the population in the country is between the 15 to 39 age group. Carrefour and IKEA are just some of the global marquee name operating in Russia. Growing middle class with increasing disposable income and high rate of economic growth makes Russia an attractive retail destination for global majors and local companies as well. (A.T. Kearney Global Retail Development Index, 2008). Factors Affecting Entry Mode Decisions Internal factors: UK based Wedgwood is famous for its high end china tableware and other home d'cor stuff. It is looking at expanding into markets like Russia. Characteristics of desired mode:Low need of financial expenditure at the initial stage then increased chances of higher ROI at a later stage. Specific factors in context of Transaction: Russia is socio economically quite different from Western economies, owing to its communist past. So it won't be easy for Wedgwood to select the Licensee partner. External Factors: FDI policy in Russia has improved as the leaders across political dispensations have started welcoming FDI into the country (Minniti M. et. al, ). This is evident from the fact that total FDI over the period 2002 to 2006 increased 20 times over. It stood at $52 billion in the year 2007 (Souza L.V.D., April 2008). Recommended mode Academic literature provides various theories in context of choosing the mode of entry into a foreign market. Sequential iterative model of Young et al. (1989) the four factors which affect the entry mode by Hollensen (2007: 298) when
Sunday, August 25, 2019
LAB 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
LAB 2 - Essay Example Specifically, the most common and accepted method of measuring strain is using the electrical resistant strain gage. The strain gage is a gaunt conductor made of a wire or a metallic foil that is in a grid-like pattern. In particular, the grid-like pattern maximizes the amount of strain in the parallel direction. The experiment uses a conductor (carrier) that is of thin strips of metallic film placed on a non-conducting substrate material. The wire is to the specimen and facilitates the transfer of the strain from the specimen to the strain gage. Accordingly, the transfer makes a linear change in the electrical resistance. Precisely, the electrical resistance of a conducting wire fluctuates when the length of the conductor changes in a process called deformation or stretching. Consequently, the basis of the electrical resistance strain gage is the deformation. Under an ideal situation, the strain gage resistance ranges between 30 ÃŽ © to 3 kÃŽ ©. Fundamentally, the resistance changes only a fraction of a percent in a full force range of the gauges. For this reason, a higher resistance change cause s a permanent deformity to the test specimen. Therefore, a successful use of the strain gauge calls for a measure of small changes under high
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Evaluate how learning strategies have changed and may continue to Essay
Evaluate how learning strategies have changed and may continue to change in relation to the application of information technology in schools - Essay Example I have worked as a film editor and written film criticism, and I listen to the radio and now and then watch TV (my older son has cable). Along with many other colleagues in the Waldorf movement, I have no objection to adults immersing themselves in the world of technological wonders.    I remember well that in the early 1950s when I entered grade school, the "visual aids" approach which utilized a film strip projector was going to revolutionize our educational experience. Sometime after that, "Sunrise Semester" debuted on television, as a first step in the "video revolution" that was going to transform education in America. Several years later, I was part of one of the first Advanced Placement Physics classes in the nation, and our education was going to be revolutionized through the utilization of videotaped lectures by great physicists broadcast over closed circuit television. I have already lived through several of these "electronic revolutions" and Ive yet to see anything happening in mainstream American education except for a steady decline in quality and morale among students and teachers.    I have no idea where all of the old slide projectors went when they were replaced by closed circuit televisions, or where the televisions went when they were replaced by computers, or where the old 386 PCs will go when they are replaced by multimedia Pentium models, etc. - but a lot of corporate marketing departments are undoubtedly very happy about the brisk sales that every new "revolution" brings about. I dont think that Im alone in these concerns. In a recent article in the Atlantic Monthly, Todd Oppenheimer recounts    In 1922 Thomas Edison predicted that "the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and ... in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks." Twenty-three years later, in 1945, William Levenson, the director of the Cleveland public schools
Friday, August 23, 2019
Literary Analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Literary Analysis - Term Paper Example They were called Gothic because most of them took place in gloomy, medieval castles built in the same Gothic style of architecture prevalent during that time. Such buildings had many secret passageways, dungeons and towers that provided ideal settings for strange happenings. People were looking for an escape from their dreary lives and this stories which combined romance and horror provided this. Edgar Allen Poe became an American master of this form. His story a Cask of Amontillado is one of the finest stories in the genre. The theme is plainly revenge. The plot of the story is a simple. Montresor, an Italian noble, has a grudge against his friend, Fortunato. He lures him down to the catacombs and wine cellar with the promise of a tipple of a rare wine. Fortunato is drunk. Mentresor chains him to a wall in a small enclave and then begins to brick up the enclave. Fortunato begs for his life, but to no avail. The story is told from the point of view of the murderer, Montresor, some time later. He is revealing his dark secret, but is not especially remorseful. He feels that Fortunato got what he deserved in the end. He feels that his revenge has been satiated. Indeed, what is perhaps most impressive is the romantic style found in Poe’s work. This immediately evokes a time and place and puts the reader or viewer on the edge of his or her seat. These days it has come to mean, dark and steam-filled cities with ornate gargoyles carved into cornices of buildings. Poe is able to create a sense of terrible foreshadowing throughout the story even though we expect what is going to happen. We feel sorry for the luckless Fortunato, but also repulsed by him. These feelings are carefully elicited by the masterful writing. The idea of single-minded revenge is clearly communicated. One of the great things about this story is that it shows there are universal themes found in all cultures. Stories and poems bring us together and lead us to embrace our common
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Assessors Main Responsibilities Essay Example for Free
The Assessors Main Responsibilities Essay Assess the learner’s knowledge, understanding, skills and competence against the criteria set by the awarding body. The assessor must at all times display a fair and professional manner. High standards must be maintained and a thorough understanding of the standards and criteria each learner is working towards is needed. To plan and undertake assessments using the appropriate assessment methods for example, observation, questioning, discussion, recognising prior learning or examining work products. It is important to apply holistic assessment whenever the opportunity arises. All methods of assessment to be used must be agreed upon and understood by the learner. A thorough initial assessment of each learner must be done to ensure any special requirements can be met. It is important to be aware of learners targets and completion dates and work closely with teachers and tutors to ensure continuous progress is achieved. The assessor must support, guide and encourage learners through the assessment process and judge the competence of their work and recognise when a learner is ready for assessment. The assessor must ensure the assessment experience is a positive one for each learner, whether it has a formative or summative outcome. During assessment all VACSR (valid authentic current specific realistic) points must be followed to ensure all judgements and decisions are fair and correct. The assessor must promote equal opportunities at all times and take into account the individual needs and requirements of the learner. Every learner should be given an equal chance to succeed. After the assessment decision has been made constructive feedback must be given and any further planning and action that may be necessary must be agreed. The assessor must keep accurate and up to date assessment records so the learner can clearly understand and keep track of their progress and achievements. It is important for the assessor to understand the value of reflective practice and continuous professional development (CPD). The assessor must undertake and provide proof of a minimum of 10 hours, 30 hours if a full time assessor of good quality CPD per year and be fully aware of current standardisation methods and procedures. To uphold their assessor status, the assessor will also be required to attend standardisation meetings and be observed carrying out assessment twice a year by the internal quality assurer (IQA). This ensures they are maintaining standards and have a full understanding of the criteria and may occasionally be observed by the external quality assurer (EQA) thus ensuring standards and quality are maintained at all times. The IQA will support any needs they feel the assessor may have. An up to date knowledge of centre policies and procedures for example, Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Equality and Diversity and be able to deal with appeals and disputes is also required.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Critics of Jeremy Benthem Utilitarianism Essay Example for Free
Critics of Jeremy Benthem Utilitarianism Essay Though there are many supporters of utilitarianism given the fact that this theory prioritizes the benefits of the happiness and satisfaction of the majority not the minority, there are some philosophers and scholar who critique its implications. Distastefulness: The argument from distaste is often expressed as a suggestion that utilitarianism doesnt provide enough support for individuals rights. It says that just in order to achieve its goal, utilitarianism won’t care about anything else but to make sure that it can satisfy the majority. What about the minority? Will they get hurt? Moreover utilitarianism gives no special moral weight to justice. Maybe just outcomes will often produce more overall happiness than unjust ones. But in those cases in which an unjust outcome would produce more happiness, a utilitarian will need to favor it Impossibility: The second most common criticism of utilitarianism is that it is impossible to apply that happiness, for example, cannot be quantified or measured, that there is no way of calculating a trade-off between intensity and extent, or intensity and probability , or comparing happiness to suffering. Therefore, it is so difficult for us to justify or say that one action is categorized as utilitarianism or not. Impracticality: The third most common criticism is that it is too difficult to apply that we cannot calculate all the effects for all the individuals (either because of the large number of individuals involved, and/or because of the uncertainty). The principle of utility is, essentially, a description of what makes something right or wrong so in order for it to fail, someone must give an example of something which is useful but obviously wrong. The principle does not imply that we can calculate what is right or wrong completely accurately, in advance, or at all! It is just impractical to calculate what is right or wrong as required by the theory. Contracts and promises: Utilitarianism gives no special moral weight to things like promises and contracts. If the world would be a slightly better or happier place if I broke a promise, then, according to the utilitarian, I should break it. (This is true for act utilitarianism; in the case of a variant called rule utilitarianism, which holds that we should use utilitarian criteria to evaluate rules rather than individual actions, the situation is more complicated. ) A standard example to illustrate this is the desert island promise. Utilitarianism regards all happiness as equally good, regardless of who gets it. Making an awful person happy, for the utilitarian, is just as valuable as making a splendid person happy. Many people find this completely unacceptable, holding that happiness is of no value unless the happy person is morally good.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Case Study Of Adidas Management Essay
Case Study Of Adidas Management Essay Adidas is a Germany shoe, clothing and apparel company that also own Reebok, Taylor Made and Rockport. Adidas is the largest sportswear company in Europe and is the second only to Nike as the largest sportswear company in the world. The company sports the recognizable logo of three slanted parallel bars of ascending height. Adidas was founded in 1924 by Adolf Dassler, but it did not become a fully registered company until 1940. Its headquarters are located in Herzogenaurach, Germany, the hometown of its founder. Although many believe that Adidas stands for All day I dream about soccer the true origin of the name comes from the amalgamation of Adolfs nickname, Adi, and the first three letter of his last name. Adidas specializes in the design and manufacturing of footwear, sportswear, sports equipment and, yes, even toiletries, most notably, deodorant. However, the company first gained international recognition in 1936 at the Summer Olympic in Berlin, where it outfitted U.S. track star Jesse Owens with its track shoes. Owens won four gold medals in the games. With a specifically stated Corporate Strategy, the company needs to ensure that their organizational structure will allow for and be flexible to this strategy being sought after. Their objectives outlined in the corporate strategy ensure the mission statement will translate into action, while also guiding and coordinating decisions. There is no purpose in having well thought out strategic objectives, but no structure and cohesion to attain these objectives. The Adidas Group comprises of a four person executive board, including one Chief Executive Officer and three board members representing the shareholders and six members representing the staff. The Supervisory Board advices and supervises the executive board in matter concerning the management of the company. It is the role of the supervisory board to ensure that the pathway and vision determine by the executive board is forthrightly followed by the rest of the organization from the top, all the way down to those entrusted with man ufacturing their products. The strengths of ADIDAS are strong management team and good corporate strategy in North American and overseas markets, brand recognition and reputation, diversity and variety in productions offered on the web (footwear, apparel, sporting, equipment, etc.), strong control over its own distribution channel, strong customer base, and strong financial position with minimal long term debts. Weakness of ADIDAS is negative image portrayed by poor working condition in its overseas factories, and E-commerce is limited to USA. 2.0 Management Organisation and the management activities necessary for the functioning of the organisation, management can be defined as the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the resources of the organisation to predetermined stated organizational goals as productively as possible. A concise description of each of the fundamental management functions will further explain the concept of management and the nature of the management process. Planning Controlling Leading Organising Resources Human Financial Physical Information Performance Achieve goals Products Services Productivity Profit Figure 1 the four fundamental management functions constituting the management process. 2.1 Planning Planning is the first step of the function of management. Planning involves deciding in advance what has to be done, when, how and whom it has to be done and how the results are to be evaluated. The function of what has to be done involves identification of alternatives and selection of one of them. According to Henri Fayol, it is the plan of action to be followed, the stages to go through and methods to use. It is kinds of future picture wherein proximate events are outlined with some distinctness whist remote events appear progressively less distinct. The term planning has been defined by different management thinkers who laid emphasis on the various features of planning. According to George R. Terry, planning is the selecting and relating of facts and the making and using of assumptions regarding the future in the visualization and formulation of proposed activities believed necessary to achieve the desired results. A plan is like a map, when you following a plan, you can always see how much you have progressed towards your project goal and how far you are from your destination. Knowing where you are is essential for making good decisions on where to go or what to do next. The most important is to ensure that everyone is clear of what to accomplish. Planning meaning is how setting goals and defining the actions necessary to achieve the goals, in light of the situation. That is situation must be analyses or understood and the appropriate goals and actions must be determined in order to take advantage of opportunities and how to solve problems. Basic management function involving formulation more than one detailed plans to achieve optimum balance of needs or demands with available resources. First, the planning process is identifies the goals or objectives to be achieved and formulates strategies to achieve them. The Managers throughout the organization must develop goals, strategy, and operational plans for their work groups that contribute to the success of the organizations as a whole. Planning is also crucial for meeting your needs during each action with your time, money, or other resources. With careful planning you often can see if at some point you are likely to face a problem. It is much easier to adjust your plan to avoid overcome crisis, rather than to deal with the crisis when it comes unexpected time. Example Adidas plans to expand their operations in Europe, so they need consultation to the Government of Germany. They have been granted landing rights in Paris and are awaiting further details from authorities. In addition, planning has a different meaning depending on the political or economic context in which it is used. Two attitudes to planning need to be held in tension on the one hand we need to be prepare for what may lie ahead, which may mean contingencies and flexible processes. There is one thing on which every manager can expect to be appraised, the extent to which he or she archives his or her units goals or objectives. Whether its a work team or a giant enterprise, the manager in charge is expected to move the unit ahead, and this means visualizing where the unit must go and helping het there. Organization exits to achieve some purpose, and if they fail to move forward and achieve their aims, to that extent they have failed. On the other hand, our future is shaped by consequences of our own planning and actions. Planning in organization and public policy is both the organizational process of creating and maintaining a program. In the psychological process of thinking about the activities required to set a desired target or goal on some scale. Business planning is like water to a thirsty plant. It keeps our business vital and thriving. Without business planning, business will never improve as it could may even lose or bankrupt. Many small business or stall owners dont have the business planning so they cant earn so much profit when their doing business. Their business unable further progress and stagnant it is, eventually as to close to close shop or behind other competitors. The rapid of change in todays business world and globalization is making it increasingly necessary that mangers keep their plans current. Strategic management is the application of the basic planning process at the highest levels of the organization. Through the strategic management process, top management determines the long-run direction and performance of the organization by ensuring careful formulation and strategies. For example, top management may ask middle and lower-level managers for inputs when formulation top-level plans. Once top-level plans have been finalized, different organizational units may be asked to formulate plans for their respective areas. A proper strategic management process helps ensure that plans throughout the different levels of the organization are coordinated and mutually supportive. The slogan of Adidas is Impossible is Nothing. The mission of Adidas is to be Best Sport Brand in the world. They had achieved the mission but in this strong competitive era, too many company like Nike and Reebok also want to be globally recognized brand, but they will work hard to achieve their goals. Adidas is passionate about all sports. So Adidas Company will try their best for planning new product or equipment for athletes. As part of their End-to-End Planning initiative they have been focusing on implementing an optimized demand planning process and system more than 20 countries in Europe. They standardized or partially automated certain planning functions to increase forecast accuracy. Following the first wave of implementations in 2008, they continued the roll-out to the remaining European countries throughout 2009. Hereafter, they expect to continue the roll-out to other key Adidas Group markets such as Japan. They set up a dedicated Profitability Management department to monitor macroeconomics trends, forecast the impact on product and supplier cost and devises their supply chain profitability strategy. In addition, their development teams also contribute significantly to this initiative by engineering their products with a stronger focus on price. Throughout 2009, they also engaged their supplier with the aim to increase transparency and predictability in costing. Such as, they closely tracked raw material costs and leveraged this information to consolidate volumes. This allowed them to negotiate more effectively and offset cost increase. In addition, their sourcing teams improved their products allocation process to better utilize suppliers capabilities and take into account of total supply chain cost. Moreover, by leveraging consolidated volumes, their Transport and Customs team success negotiated reduced transportation cost and optimized shipment routes with their service providers. In conclusion, planning is very important for the organization to achieve their goals and objectives. Especially, current globalization every organization is using latest technology to do the market analyses and compressive planning. In order for them to survive and growth, for example, in year 2008, financial crisis, many banks in US will decline bankrupt. This is because of their poor planning. 2.2 Organising According to Haimann, Organisation is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise and establishing the authority relationship among them. The study of Haimann mentioned definitions makes it clear that on the one hand organization is a process to define and classify the functions to be performed for the attainment of the objectives of the organization, and on the other hand, it is an art to establish sweet relationship among different persons. There are two concept are prevalent about organisation. In the other word, there are two meaning of organization: Organising as process: According to the first concept of organising, it has been considered as a process. In the other word, organising is not function that can be performed at a single stroke, but it is a chain of various functions. It includes getting information about objectives, deciding various activities and grouping them, determining important activities, allowing authority and responsibility, etc. Organising is related to human being and human conduct is deeply affected by the condition of work, their competency and capability, changes in the internal and external environment of the organisation. The process of organising has also to be changed according these changes. Hence, organising as a process can also be described as dynamic element. Organising s a structure of relationship: according to this concept, organising is treated as a structure of relationship. Under this various posts are created or established and the mutual relationship of employees working on various posts, their authorities and responsibilities are defined. Relationship lays down as to who is the superior and who is the subordinate. Various posts in different department of the organization are mostly permanent. Therefore, organisation as a structure of relationship is called static element. So far as the similarity between both the concepts is concerned, business organisation is looked upon as a group of different parts under both the concepts. These parts are both tangible (like human, material, machine and money) and intangible (like authority, responsibility, function and objective). Both the concepts lay stress upon the establishment of relationship between these two parts. On the contrary, there are certain different between both the concepts. According to the concept of organizing as a process organizing is that function which continues throughout the existence of the enterprise and changes go on taking place in it. Herein man is the central point. In the other words, many factors affect them and changes have to be introduced accordingly. On the other hand, according to the concept of organizing as a structure of relationship, posts are established in the organisation and authorities and responsibilities of each post are determined. Therefore, here under this concept more attention is paid to post which are stable than to men. In order to complete the organisation function of management, there are eight steps had to be taken. First step in the process is to know about the objectives of the enterprise. Although the determination of the objectives of an enterprise is done under the first function of management, i.e., planning but before commencing the process of organizing clear and detailed information about these objectives has to be obtained. On the basis of the information about objectives various function designed to achieve these objectives are determined. For example, it can be the objectives of the enterprise to produce sport shoes. In this respect information about how many types of sport shoes will be manufactured, whether the necessary parts required for manufacturing sport shoes will be manufactured or purchased, how extensive the sales area will be or will it be state, the whole country or international? After having learnt about the objectives of the enterprise, necessary functions to achieve t he objectives are determined. For example, a sport shoes manufacturing company can have different activities like purchase of raw material, purchase of manufactured parts production, advertisement, sales, arrangement of finance, research, accounts, correspondence, keeping stock of material, recruitment of employees, etc.. In order to achieve the objectives of the enterprise grouping of various activities is done. Under the grouping of activities all the similar type of activities are given to one particular department. For example, the activities like the purchase of raw material, purchase of ready-made parts, production, stocking the material, research, etc., are assigned to the production department. Similarly, advertisement and sales activities are given to the marketing department and department of finance take care of finance account and correspondence. Taking into consideration the importance and quantity of the work a department can be further divided into many branches or su b-departments. For example, under the department of production, purchase department, stock department, and research department, etc., can be established to get the benefit of specialization. It makes the optimum utilisation of human and material resources possible. The forth step is to key activities signifies the importance of this activities in the achievement of the objectives of the enterprise. Such an activities needs special attention. It depends on the objectives on the organisation to determine the key activity. Thus, in all the organisations key activity can be different. In the given example of a sport shoes producing company the main problem can be of advertisement because only an effective and large scale advertisement can attract the attention of the consumers toward a new product. Thus, in this case the function of advertisement is the key activity which requires the utmost attention. For this purpose the advertisement activities should be taken from the purview of the marketing department and be handed over to the newly created advertisement department so that the superior officers are in direct touch with this department and they are in a position to pay full attention to it. After dividing the various activities into different departments and sub-departments and having determined the activity that each individual is expected to perform, his responsibility is fixed. In other words, what they are to do for the attainment of the objectives of the organisation. For example, the purchase manager will be given the responsibility for the purchase of goods; the sales manager will be responsible for sales; the advertising manager will be responsible for advertisement and the finance manager will take care of the responsibility of finance. A person who is saddled with a responsibility must be given some authority too. Authority means the freedom of taking decision, guiding the subordinates and the freedom of supervising and controlling. Authority should be in proportion to the work or responsibility. If the responsibility is greater than the authority given and is insufficient to cope with the responsibility, the responsibility cannot be discharged successfully. F or example, if a marketing manager is assigned the responsibility of increasing sales but has not been given the authority to appoint sales representatives needed for the job, the increase in sales cannot be expected. So long as the authority to discharge the responsibility is not given, the person concerned has not accountability. It is only after granting authority to an individual that he can be made accountable. When two or more than two persons work for the attainment o common goals their inter-relationship must be defined very clearly. Everybody should know who is his superior and who is his subordinate? For example, the purchase manager will be the superior for all the employees of the purchase department. They will receive order from him and will also be responsible to him. On the other hand, the purchase manager will get orders from the General Manager and will be responsible to him. Defining clearly the inter-relationship helps in establishing coordination. Organising it i s not only such an activity which includes determination of activities; and the defining of the inter-relationship but it also ensure the optimum utilisation of human resources by providing physical resources and the right environment. For example, the factory and the office should be located at a proper place so that the employees can perform better. 2.3 Leading Leading is influencing people so that they will contribute to the organisation and group goals; it has to do predominantly with the personal aspect of managing. All managers would agree that their most important problems arise from people-their desires and attitudes, their behavior as individuals and in groups-and those effective managers also need to be effective leaders. Since leadership implies followership and people tend to follow those who offer a means of satisfying their own needs, wishes, and desires, it is understandable that leading involves motivation, leadership styles and approaches, and communication. The leading and motivation function is concerned with the human resources within an organisation. Specifically, leading is the process of influencing people to work toward a common goal. Motivation is the process of providing reasons for people to work in the best interest of an organisation. Together, leading and motivation are often referred to as directing. We have already noted the importance of an organisations human resources. Because of this importance, leading and motivation are critical activities. Obviously, different people do thing for different reasons, then they have different motivation. The managerial function of leading is management as the art of getting things done willingly, with and through other individuals. Management is concerned with two key aspects, i.e., material resources or things and human resources or individuals. Material resources are susceptible to scientific or mechanical treatment because they are subject to the laws of mechanics. However, human resources cannot be subject to such treatment. Through the power of leadership and the science of cooperation, managers may evolve n effective method of integrating the interest of individuals and the business organisation. Management can expert its power with or through individuals but never over them. In other words, authority may be imposed by managers from above. However, authority should be supported, nourished and recognized by the subordinates from below for it to be meaningful and for it to work smoothly. The source of the power of management is the medium of leading, motivating, teaching, influencing, counseling, coaxing, delegating, and setting an example. Therefore, a manager plans, organizes, leads and control the employees working with him or her. The master key which leads to successful management of any business enterprise is motivation. It is responsible for ensuring productivity of human resources. It can make an individual carry out a particular activity. Thus, it assumes great importance in modern business management. Employees can be motivated by financial and non-financial incentives. The power of motivation is enhanced by effective communication and participation. Proper informatio n feedback is essential for effective motivation and leading. Leaders are a special breed of individuals who can move people toward the attainment of established goals. Such power does not emanate through the use of force or fear. Only dictators apply force in order to lead people. True leaders inspire and motivate people to perform activities in line with the objectives of the organisation. According to the theory of Fiedler. Fred Fiedler assumes that it is not easy for managers to be flexible in their styles of management, especially if their management style has made them successful as managers. He argues that any attempt to change a managers style of leadership to conform to changing situation that help in determining effective leadership. These are leader-member relation. This is the most important influence on the effectiveness of the manager. A manager who is loved and respected by his subordinate can easily motivate them to accomplish the tasks. He does not have to use formal power on his subordinates. The task structure can clear-cut and step by step procedures or instructions on tasks provide the manager a greater authority. He can measure work performance. On the other hand, if instructions are not clear, subordinates may disagree or question such instructions. Besides that, the position power also important. The power of the person depends on his position. Fo r example, presidents of corporations, comptrollers, or budget officer have high-position power. According to Path-goal theory, this was formulated by Robert House and Martin Evans. This theory is based on the expectation of rewards. The source of reward is the leader. Thus, the manager should reward the good service or performance of his subordinate in order to influence them to work on established objectives. Rewards are in the form of promotion and pays, as well as support, encouragement, security, and respect. However, leadership styles also affected the motivation to the subordinate. A leader using the suitable leadership styles will lead the subordinate makes a best task performance. Leadership was viewed as a combination of personality traits, such as self-confidence, concern for people, intelligence, and dependability. Achieving, a consensus on which traits were most important was difficult, however, and attention turned to styles of leadership behavior. In the last few decades, several styles of leadership have been identified: authoritarian, laissez-faire, and democratic. The authoritarian leader holds all authority and responsibility, with communication usually moving from top to bottom. This leader assigns workers to specific tasks and expects orderly, precise results. At the other extreme is the laissez-faire leader, who gives authority to employees. With the laissez-faire style, subordinate are allowed to work as they choose with a minimum of interference. Communication flows hor izontally among group members. Leader as laissez-faire style gives employees as much freedom as possible to develop new products. The democratic leader holds final responsibility but also delegates authorities to others, who determine work assignments. In this leader styles, communication is active upward and downward. Employee commitment is high because of participation in the decision-making process. This style of leadership use to encourage employees to become more than just rank-and-file workers. The Adidas set up their way to leading the company, to make their brand more famous. They improve their quality of product to make their product become more good and durable. Adidas not only manage their way on production, they also have a good leading in the process of production. Adidas patient to leading and manage their employee from first step process of production to the end process of production, this cause their company can become so success and famous in today. If have a good leader, is the reason that will success in any condition .So that, if need a good team is cant without a good leader. Conclusion, leading is a process that cant less when doing anything. Leading is important to organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal. When have a good leader, the team have the high percentage to complete their work with nicely or perfectly. 2.4 Controlling Controlling is the process of evaluating and regulation ongoing activities to ensure that goal are achieved. To see how controlling works, consider a rocker launched by NASA to place a satellite in orbit. Do NASA personnel simply fire the rocket and then check back in a few days to find out whether the satellite is in place? Of course not. The rocket is monitored constantly and its course is regulated and adjusted as needed to get the satellite to its destination. Controlling is the management function in which performance is measured and corrective action is taken to ensure the accomplishment of organizational goals. It is the policing operation in management, although the manager seeks to create a positive climate so that the process of control is accepted as part of routine activity. Controlling is also a forward- looking process in that the manager seeks to anticipate and prevent it. The manager initiates the control function during the planning phase, when possible deviation is anticipated and policies are developed to help ensure uniformity of practice. During the organizing phase, a manager may consciously introduce the deadly parallel arrangement as a control factor. Close supervision and a tight leadership style reflect an aspect of control. Through reward and positive sanctions, the manager seeks to motivate workers to conform, thus limiting the amount of control that must be imposed. Finally, the manager develops specific control tools, such as inspection, visible control charts, work counts, special reports, and audits. The basic control process involves three phases that are cyclic: establishing standards, measuring performance, and correcting deviation. In the first step, the specific units of measure that delineate acceptable work are determined. Basic standards may be started as staff hours allowed per activity, speed and time limits, quantity that must be produced, and number of errors or rejects permitted. The second step in the control process, measuring performance, involves comparing the work (i.e. the goods produced or the service provided) against the standard. Employee evaluation is one aspect of this measurement. In manufacturing, inspection of goods is a routine part of this process; studies of client satisfaction are key elements when services are involved. Finally, if necessary, remedial action is taken, including retraining employees, repairing equipment, or changing the quality of the raw materials used in a manufacturing process. Several features are necessary to ensure the adequacy of control process and tools: Timeliness: The control device should reflect deviation from the standard promptly, at an early stage, so there is only a small time lag between detection and the beginning of corrective action. Economy: If possible, control devices should involved routine, normal processes rather than special inspection routines at additional expense. The control device must be worth their cost. Comprehensiveness: The controls should be directed at the basic phases of the work rather than later levels or steps in the process; for example, a detective part is best inspected and eliminated before it has been assembled with other parts. Specificity and appropriateness: The control process should reflect the nature of the activity. Proper laboratory inspection methods, for example, differ from the financial audit and machine inspection processes. Objectivity: The process should be grounded in fact, and standards should be known and verifiable. Responsibility: Control should reflect the authority- responsibility pattern. As far as possible, the worker and the immediate supervisor should be involved in the monitoring and correction process. Understandability: Control devices, charts, graphs, and reports that are complicated or cumbersome will not be used readily. Controlling activities require the manager to maintain a mindset that continually looks for ways to improve individual, team, and organizational performance. Performance standards describe a model of excellence for work activities and serve as the basis of comparison between actual and desired work performance. Other important controlling functions are continual employee feedback and employee performance appraisal activities. Employee performance appraisals must be ongoing objective and based on established performance standards. A manager should never wait until the annual performance review to discuss problem or deficiencies with a staff member. Consistent, day-to-day feedback and coaching about job performance clarifies expectations, improves the quality of work, and allows the manager to correct problems before they become serious. Coordination of elements of a system is one aspect of managerial control to reach effective outcomes. Other managerial control elements are financial management, compliance, quality and risk management, feedback mechanisms, performance management, policies and procedures and research and trend analysis. These elements are used by managers to communicate to reach a goal, track activities toward the goal, guide behaviors, and coordinate efforts and decide what to do. Managerial coordination and control are important to the success of any organization (McNamare, 1999a, 1999d). Ongoing, careful review using standardized documents, informatics systems, and standardized measured avoids drift and the waste of time and resources that occur when direction is vague. Well-exercised, managerial control is flexible enough to allow innovation yet present enough to effectively structure groups and organization toward goa
Monday, August 19, 2019
Slavery and Human Decency :: American America History
Discrimination is very old in its origins. From the earliest periods of human existence, groups developed prejudices toward others and then discriminated against those whom they regarded as different or inferior. Many attempts were taken to maintain or increase power, prestige, or even wealth; groups found it easy to invent or accept the idea that others were somehow inferior to them and thus not deserving of equal treatment. Among the many differences that could be used as a basis for discrimination, people quickly discovered that physical appearance was the easiest to identify. It required no subtle analysis, no careful contemplation, but only a superficial glance at those visual features that would later be used to identify "race". The shape of one's nose, color of one's hair, or even the color of one's skin describes the universal nature of what we now call racial consciousness. Slavery is a perfect example. Racial animosity grew in both the North and South, and in many instances led to physical violence. The era of slavery should have been called the era of inhumanity. Slavery was inhumane, barbaric, and ultimately disgusting. In 1800 the population of the United States included 893,602 slaves, of which only 36,505 were in northern states (Phillips 18). Slaves were treated as if they were a piece of meat. The defined characteristics of slaves are as follows, " their labor or services are obtained through force; their physical beings are regarded as the property of another person, their master; they are entirely subject to their master's or owner's will" (Phillips 17). Slave life according to historians has never been and will never be classified as a so-called idyllic experience. There was little in the way of recreation and other forms of entertainment to pass the time. It must be remembered that, slaves had no time they could call their own. Rarely did slaves get any "free time" at all, but when they did it was spent recuperating from long sixteen-hour workdays. Most slaves were no t well taken care of. Many slaves went for days without eating, and in turn this caused their work pace to slow. According to Collier, plantation slaves worked sixteen-hour days in the summer, and were only given three pounds of bacon or pork and roughly twelve quarts of cornmeal a week (26). Many slave owners or overseers would peruse the plantations and lash out at any given slave particularly because they simply weren't working hard enough.
Tha Screets 4-life :: essays research papers
'Tha day before today I was gang banging around tha 'hood in tha Screet. Chillin' at tha crib making snaps wit them old heads.'; Unless you where affiliated with a gang in some way you would not have a clue of what that meant. Gangs have been around for hundreds of years. The pirates in the early ages where some of the first real gangs. There are many types of gangs. A gang can also be a team, group, crew or a posse. They're just social groups of people in a local area, which are mostly the same, age and are in acts of violence. At lease, that's what everybody in our society seams to think. Thought the years there has become a difference between the original gangs and the gangs of the younger generation, that changed society's perception of gangs, which resulted in many stereotypes. The early gangs helped each other, while the gangs today are looking to be loved or notice by others, and then everybody in society have options about every thing that they do. Â Â Â Â Â Back in the day, before all the guns and drugs, gangs where simple. All their was, were knifes, leather, and your 'hood and peeps. Back then, gangs were spontaneous and unplanned (Roth 698). There was no set leader, no set ways about doing things. If there was a fight going on and one of their members was in it the others would jump in too. Most original gangsters (OG) had an attachment to their 'hood or territory (Roth 698). They stood up for their set. If other people that they don't know come around started something. The gang would most likely get involved. In the 70's is when the real gangs started, like the Bloods and the Crips (Sounder 33). The Bloods where a gang that started in LA and all they wore was red to represent the gang. Of course the Crips wore the color blue to represent that gang. This was the first sign to 5-0 that something was going on in the different neighborhoods. The use of graffiti was used to communicate with others, that show warnings , deeds, challenges and remorse of dead ones (Nawojczyk 3). With the lack of communication between all the gangs and the misunderstanding of society, they showed what they where felling with a can of spray paint. Respect is needed in the act of the members of a gang and the gang itself (1). Tha Screets 4-life :: essays research papers 'Tha day before today I was gang banging around tha 'hood in tha Screet. Chillin' at tha crib making snaps wit them old heads.'; Unless you where affiliated with a gang in some way you would not have a clue of what that meant. Gangs have been around for hundreds of years. The pirates in the early ages where some of the first real gangs. There are many types of gangs. A gang can also be a team, group, crew or a posse. They're just social groups of people in a local area, which are mostly the same, age and are in acts of violence. At lease, that's what everybody in our society seams to think. Thought the years there has become a difference between the original gangs and the gangs of the younger generation, that changed society's perception of gangs, which resulted in many stereotypes. The early gangs helped each other, while the gangs today are looking to be loved or notice by others, and then everybody in society have options about every thing that they do. Â Â Â Â Â Back in the day, before all the guns and drugs, gangs where simple. All their was, were knifes, leather, and your 'hood and peeps. Back then, gangs were spontaneous and unplanned (Roth 698). There was no set leader, no set ways about doing things. If there was a fight going on and one of their members was in it the others would jump in too. Most original gangsters (OG) had an attachment to their 'hood or territory (Roth 698). They stood up for their set. If other people that they don't know come around started something. The gang would most likely get involved. In the 70's is when the real gangs started, like the Bloods and the Crips (Sounder 33). The Bloods where a gang that started in LA and all they wore was red to represent the gang. Of course the Crips wore the color blue to represent that gang. This was the first sign to 5-0 that something was going on in the different neighborhoods. The use of graffiti was used to communicate with others, that show warnings , deeds, challenges and remorse of dead ones (Nawojczyk 3). With the lack of communication between all the gangs and the misunderstanding of society, they showed what they where felling with a can of spray paint. Respect is needed in the act of the members of a gang and the gang itself (1).
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Free Raisin in the Sun Essays: Pride and Dignity :: A Raisin in the Sun
Pride and Dignity in A Raisin in the Sun "A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansberry follows a black family's struggle to see their dreams through to fruition. These dreams, and the struggles necessary to attain them, are the focus of the play. As the play begins a husband, Walter, and wife, Ruth, are seen having a fight over Walter's dream to become a 'mover and shaker' in the business world by using an insurance check as a down payment on a business venture. Walter tells his wife that, "I'm trying to talk to you 'bout myself and all you can say is eat them eggs and go to work", which is the first sign of Walter's recurring feelings that if someone in the family would just listen to him and put forth their trust his dreams would come to fruition. Following this argument Walter goes off to his job as a chauffeur which is the job he so longs to be done away with because he would rather "be Mr. Arnold[his employer] than be his chauffeur. This episode illustrates a major conflict throughout the story. As Walter dreams bigger and bigger he seems to leave the 'smaller' things such as his family behind. This movement away from the family is against the furtherance of the values and morals of the family. While his father would have been happy simply working and caring for his family, Walter is more concerned with becoming a 'mover and shaker' without thinking about the resulting consequences for his family. Later in the morning Beneatha, the younger sister of Walter, initiates a conflict by speaking in an unacceptable manner about God – seemingly rejecting values that have been taught to her since childhood. This event shows yet another time in which a family member threatens to ruin the inherent stability of the family structure by trying to build in a manner which is completely incompatible with the rest of the structure. Beneatha, although believing to be bettering herself is leaving an important part of herself and her heritage behind. Beneatha's speech about God is her attempt to show her independence and uniqueness in the world, but when she asserts her self in an area that is extremely sensitive to the family heritage and structure, she threatens to wean herself from the only guaranteed support group in life, the family. Once again, as with Walter, Benetha realizes later in the story that it is the furtherance of long-standing family values and morals which give the foundation upon which to build a wonderful life.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Aquinas and Dante: Perfecting Human Reason
Julia Caldwell Professor Albrecht Development of Western Civilization 2, February, 2013 Aquinas and Dante: Perfecting Human Reason Aquinas and Dante: Perfecting Human Reason Despite the fact that Dante’s reader doesn’t encounter St. Thomas Aquinas within the Comedia until Paradise, the beliefs and teachings of Aquinas are woven throughout the entirety of the famous poem. St. Thomas Aquinas’s cosmology and theology are used as the foundation for Dante’s Comedia, and for this reason it is no surprise that the experiences of the Pilgrim symbolically reflect many of Aquinas’s teachings.The Pilgrim’s experiences on his journey through the afterlife reflect what Aquinas called the, â€Å"two-fold truth concerning the divine being, one to which the inquiry of reason can reach, the other which surpasses the whole ability of human reason†(Summa Contra Gentiles, Handout I, 4). Dante also illustrates Aquinas’s conclusion that man’s reason tends toward the source of ultimate true while mans will tends toward the ultimate good. The reader is able to see how Dante’s will and reason search for, and ultimately attain, fulfillment in the vision of the Divine Essence.Both Aquinas and Dante emphasize the necessary union between human reason and divine faith as a means of attaining this fulfillment. As the instiller of these inclinations, only God Himself can satisfy them. Aquinas demonstrates this idea through his explanation of the natural and the divine law as they pertain to the Eternal law. Dante demonstrates this idea through the Pilgrim’s interactions with his guides and the culmination of his ascension in Paradise. Just as with body and soul, matter and form, there is a harmonious relationship between reason and faith; yet the agents within these partnerships are not equal.Both Dante and Aquinas acknowledge that human reason can assist the individual in understanding God and coinciding oneâ€℠¢s will with His will, but they both conclude that this secular-based reasoning is subjugated by and therefore must be perfected by theology. In Dante’s Virgil the reader finds human reason personified. Being the shade of a renowned and wise philosopher, Virgil is a perfect candidate to guide the Pilgrim through hell and purgatory. In his own lifetime Virgil lived as a pious man and therefore attained the imperfect Earthly happiness that can be acquired through natural powers.However, as Aquinas states, â€Å"every knowledge that is according to the mode of created substance, falls short of the vision of the Divine Essence,†therefore Virgil is unable to reach fulfillment since he cannot ascend to Paradise (Summa Theologiae, Handout II, 12). Instead, like many of his pagan contemporaries, Virgil is doomed to spend eternity in the underworld’s Limbo. He will forever yearn to know the ultimate happiness and the ultimate truth that are only found in God. As Virgil puts it himself, â€Å"In this alone we suffer: cut off from hope, we live in desire†(Inferno, 20).Dante provides Virgil as a means of illustrating the incompleteness of human reason, whereby observing Aquinas’s warning. When describing the home of philosophers within Limbo Dante writes, â€Å"we reached a place spread out and luminous†(Inferno 22). It is fitting that this realm be characterized by light because as Aquinas states, â€Å"[natural reason] is nothing else than an imprint on us of the Divine light†(Summa Theologiae, Handout II, 13). The knowledge possessed by the philosophers comes from God Himself, or the Eternal Law.Having never embraced the faith of God through the implementation of the theological virtues, however, Virgil is an imperfect soul. Much like Virgil, human reason is guided by the light of the Eternal Law, but is unperfected without the divine law. It is this very imperfection of Virgil’s nature that makes him the perf ect guide for the initial stages of Dante’s journey. In Virgil Dante finds a guide capable of explaining and illuminating the conceptual and rational worlds of Hell and Purgatory, but also in Virgil Dante is able to see the limits of human reason without the theological virtues.With Virgil as his guide, the Pilgrim is â€Å"guided by the light of natural reason†(Summa Contra Gentiles, Handout I, 2). Along his journey, however, Virgil comes to realize that his wise guide is not all-powerful. When the pair arrives at the gates of Dis in Canto 8, the Furies slam the gates of the city shut despite Virgil’s pleas. It is only when a holy messenger from Paradise arrives that the Furies surrender to God’s will and allow Dante and Virgil to enter. Taking this event metaphorically, reason is unable to go on further without grace. As the pair travel within the realm of Purgatory it becomes clear that Dante’s uestions are becoming more of a challenge for Virg il. When Virgil is trying to explain why his shade casts no shadow, his reasoning can only goes as far as to say that his condition is, â€Å"willed by that Power which wills its secret not to be revealed†(Purgatory 207). Dante goes on to describe Virgil’s countenance as having â€Å"anguished thoughts†(Purgatory 207). Virgil’s struggle to explain the dynamics of the afterlife as the pair comes closer to Paradise reflects Aquinas’s conclusion that â€Å"[the] human intellect is not able to reach a comprehension of the divine substance through its natural power†(Summa Contra Gentiles, Handout I, 3).Furthermore this instance exemplifies Aquinas’s conclusion that human reason is able to recognize effects but is unable to explain the Ultimate Cause of these effects without faith (Summa Contra Gentiles, Handout I, 9). Virgil can see that he has no shadow, but he cannot explain the source of the original cause. Since Virgil never believe d in the faith of the divine mysteries while he was still on Earth, his intellect is unable to grasp an understanding of God’s will. In conclusion, because Virgil doesn’t use faith to perfect his reason, his own will can never be aligned with the will of his Creator.Virgil specifically alludes to the fault in his faith when he distinguishes between pagan and Christian prayer. He admits that his own prayers, along with the prayers of all pagans, â€Å"had no access to God†(Purgatory, 225). Unlike pagan prayers, which according to Virgil in the Aeneid are powerless in a universe predestined by the Fates, Christian prayers are an embodiment of human participation with the true divine. By taking part in prayer, the individual takes part in the theological virtues that â€Å"are infused by God alone†and â€Å"direct us aright to God†(Summa Theologiae, Handout II, 11).It is only through the participation in these theological virtues that an individual can be guided toward God Himself. These virtues are the perfecting agents by which the human will and intellect are pushed toward their â€Å"last act†(Summa Theologiae, Handout II, 8). This last act is the attainment of happiness in the vision of the Divine Essence. Rather than try to explain concepts beyond what his reason can grapple with, Virgil asks his pupil to wait for Beatrice to answer his questions on this subject: â€Å"Do not try to resolve so deep a doubt; wait until she shall make it clearerâ€â€she, he light between truth and intelligence†(Purgatory 225). In this statement Virgil admits that Beatrice, as â€Å"the light†, is more capable of illuminating matters of the divine than the poet. Once the pair reaches the top of mount Purgatory, Virgil tells his young friend, â€Å"you’ve reached the place where my discernment now has reached its end†(Purgatory 351). Virgil has taken the Pilgrim as far as reason can dictate; now Dant e requires a guide of theological proportions to guide him in a realm where reason is blinded.When Dante reaches the top of Mount Purgatory, he has been cleansed of every perversion of the will. The feelings of admiration he felt for Virgil have been replaced by the intense love he feels for his new guide, Beatrice. He now desires conceptual knowledge less and instead begins to explore understanding through his senses. This tradeoff is necessary in this new realm where observations may not be fitting to human concepts. This necessity is made clear when Beatrice beings to explain to Dante the divinely ordained distribution of power amongst the stars (Paradise Canto I).Before she lays out the complicated plan she warns Dante, â€Å"even when the senses guide, reason’s wingspan can sometimes be short†(Paradise 399). This is a reminder to Dante that his experiences in Paradise will not be as easily digested and picked apart as his experiences in Hell and Purgatory. In the former realms, human reason could essentially provide explanations without needing the aid of theology. This is also a cue to Dante’s readers that they are not mentally capable of understanding the phenomena he is about to experience, so they must rely on faith.In a larger context, humanity must rely on its faith in God to have any earthly understanding of what heaven is. Donning red, white, and green, Beatrice symbolically represents the theological virtues, including faith. Dante initially relies on the eyes of Beatrice to reflect the heavenly bodies, since the brightness of Paradise overwhelms his eyes (Paradise 393). This can be metaphorically applied to the idea that humans must rely on the assistance of God, through belief and participation in the theological virtues, to begin to understand God’s mysteries.In the same way Dante initially owes his sight of Paradise to the eyes of Beatrice, humanity owes perfection of its reason to the theological virtues. As Aqui nas chimes, â€Å"the theological virtues direct man to supernatural happiness†(Summa Theologiae, Handout II, 11). Through keeping faith in the mysteries while on Earth, a soul will be ready to behold them in the afterlife. In this way, both Dante and Aquinas emphasize how important it is for Christians to believe in the mysteries of the divine even when they transcend human reason.Even having beheld the beauty of the Divine himself, Dante is unable to relate the experience in words to his readers. Though he has seen the mysteries of God with his own eyes, the Divine Essence’s unparalleled nature transcends human explanation and human understanding. In this way Dante illustrates Aquinas’s conclusion that while on Earth we must rely on what we believe not what we actually see and understand. Aquinas says, â€Å"although human reason cannot grasp fully the truths that are yet above it†¦if it somehow holds these truths by faith, it acquires great perfection for itself†(Summa Contra Gentiles, Handout I, 6).In this way Aquinas clarifies the relationship between faith and reason. Without faith, reason remains unperfected and vulnerable to falsehoods. With faith, however, reason aligns itself with truth and thus aligns itself with the will of God. Individuals who perfect reason with faith are guided along the path towards salvation, just as Dante experiences. Following this path, one is able to arrive at the end toward which all humanity tends, prepared and deserving of the vision of the Divine Essence. It is only at this moment that the individual achieves the desires of both reason and will: truth and happiness.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Toyota Production System and Kanban System
This article was downloaded by: [210. 212. 186. 193] On: 17 July 2012, At: 23:18 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK International Journal of Production Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www. tandfonline. com/loi/tprs20 Toyota production system and Kanban system Materialization of just-in-time and respect-for-human system Y.SUGIMORI , K. KUSUNOKI , F. CHO & S. UCHIKAWA a a a a a Production Control Department, Toyota Motor Co. , Ltd, 1 Toyota-cho, Toyota-shi, 471, Japan. Version of record first published: 28 Mar 2007 To cite this article: Y. SUGIMORI, K. KUSUNOKI, F. CHO & S. UCHIKAWA (1977): Toyota production system and Kanban system Materialization of just-in-time and respect-for-human system, International Journal of Production Research, 15:6, 553-564 To link to this article: h ttp://dx. doi. org/10. 1080/00207547708943149PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www. tandfonline. com/page/terms-and-conditions This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date.The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. INT. J. PROD. RES. , 1977, VOL. 15, No. 6, 553-564 Toyota production system and Kanban sy stem Materialization of just-in-time and respect-for-human system Y. SUGIMORIt, K. KUSUNOKIt, F.OHOt and 8. UOHIKAWAt The Toyota Production System and Kanban System introduced in this paper was developed by the Vice-President of Toyota Motor Company. Mr. Taiichi Ohno, and it was under his guidance that these unique production systems have become deeply rooted in Toyota Moter Company in the past 20 years. There are two major distinctive features in these systems. One of these is the' just-in-time production I, a specially important factor in an assembly industry such as automotive manufacturing. In. this type of production,
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Advanced Internet Application Development
The page you create should alternate between a summary display and an editor display. When the user first arrives on your page, show a summary list of contacts in a Greedier. In It, each name has an edit link beside it. 2. When the user presses an Edit link or button, open an edit screen so the user can change the name or contact Info for person listed by the link. When doing this, hide the summary information.The user should get a screen much like this: There should be no screen flicker when the summary panel is hidden and the edit anal is displayed. 3. You are welcome to design your own Implementation, but one way accomplish the page Is to create an paternal and Insert two Panel controls as Illustrated here: Copyright 02014 Doug Steel. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder.Page 1 4. This is an Ajax assignment, so there is no need to create persistent storage u sing a database. 5. Upload your assignment to the MIS. Cull. Deed server for grading. Please contact our ABA manager, Chris Ware, if you need help accessing your account. Submission Turn In your assignment on the MIS server (mils. Cull. Deed) on or before the due date. Late assignments are accepted but they accrue late penalties of 20 points (20 percent) per day after a 24 hour grace period.Assignments submitted more than 5 days after the grace period earn a grade of zero. Please note: 0 Assignments must be submitted on the Web server. (Instructions for accessing the server are at the bottom of the server home page at http://mils. Cull. Deed. ) Assignments turned in via e-mail or thumb drive will not be graded. Page 2 prohibited from â€Å"pre grading†or telling you about mistakes before you submit your work.Grading Criteria The grader will consider the following attributes of the project you submit 0 The project should compile and run without generating error messages 0 The code should be neat, organized, and easy to follow 0 Your submission should have a few comments in the code that explain what is to be accomplished and how it will be accomplished. 0 The program should meet the specifications spelled out in the problem statement. It should produce the correct output for a given input Page 3
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Sexism and Film Anaylisis/G.I.Jane
The movie G. I. Jane was written by Daniel Alexander. The film was directed by Ridley Scott and was released in 1997. The film is about a female senator that succeeds in getting a woman, Jordan O’Neil (Demi Moore), into the Navy SEALS training. If women compare favorably with men in a series of test cases, the military will integrate women fully into all branches of the Navy. The female character goes through rigorous training right alongside the men. Everyone expects the woman to fail during the intensive training that a SEAL must complete. O'Neil faces sexism and physical challenges as she struggles to complete the training at the same quality or better than her male counterparts. The film’s title is interesting because it immediately draws attention to the difference between the commonly, known cliche of G. I. Joe to G. I. Jane. The title stands for a woman in the military which is not the norm. The film opening shows the unrest on the subject of fairness to women in the military. Throughout the film, there are scenes discussing the inequality in the military for women. The scene where the senators are discussing selecting a woman and then the scene when O’Neil is selected set a tone for the film showing the unfair manner in which women are treated in the military. Continuing the unfair treatment, the scenes during the basic training and the scene showing how the officers abuse O’Neil reinforce the problems faced by a female in the military. Sexism is a hurdle that any woman in the military must confront. In the film, darkness and dimmed lighting sets a mood where there is some mystery or some violence involved. The director uses one scene that is seen through the eyes of G. I. Jane to give the viewers a real feel for how G. I. Jane sees the world. The scene is where O’Neil fights her Master Chief and features a wide variety of camera angles while focusing in on O’Neil fighting to free her teammates. A climaxing scene in the film is when O’Neil is given the poem â€Å"Self Pity†and is then congratulated by her Master Chief. O'Neil fights back and wins his respect and that of the other trainees. This scene sums up all of the good work and success achieved by O’Neil in the Navy SEALS. In this case, O’Neil has conquered and won the battle of sexism facing women in the military. O’Neil has proven she has the physical strength to compete with the men. The film shows that sexism is unnecessary, but unfortunately will probably exist forever. In this movie, sexism is thrown out the door as Demi Moore’s role in the movie proves sexism is outdated. The film shows that adversity can be overcome. Another piece of literature that has a similar theme is A Jury of Her Peers that deals with women being under appreciated. In the short story, a country attorney speaks with sarcasm to women and pokes fun at the women for occupying themselves with little things while the men were investigating a murder. All the while, the men were missing the details and clues that would help explain what happened during the murder. In this story and in the movie G. I. Jane, men underestimate what women are capable of accomplishing.
The perception of social justice Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
The perception of social justice - Term Paper Example From this research it is clear that the approach of social justice broadly focuses upon delivering equality to every member of the society. It not only engages particularly the criminal offenders but also encompasses all societal members. The major purpose of social justice is to provide equal financial, social and political opportunities as well as rights to all members within a community. In relation to the perception of social justice, it has been viewed that the social workers play an imperative part in protecting every societal member from any monetary abuse or any other social injustices. Conversely, the notion of criminal justice is fundamentally described as a valuable method which is exercised to mitigate especially the criminal offences. The system of criminal justice deals with the formation of effective governmental bodies which are comprised of court systems, correctional programs and law enforcement. These important agencies work collaboratively for the intention of del ivering efficient governmental social control. This social control is duly achieved through lessening the level of crimes, enforcing relevant criminal laws and delivering proper administration of justice. The system of criminal justice generally emphasizes upon controlling as well as reducing crimes by establishing significant criminal policy measures. In this similar context, the two ultimate objectives of the system of criminal justice are lessening the level of criminal offences and preserving proper governance of justice. By focusing upon the objectives of the system of criminal justice structure, it can be stated that the system plays a decisive part within the society by reducing crimes and supporting appropriate administration of justice (Cook, 2006). The significant concern of illegal immigration has raised extensive political, communal as well as financial issues and major disagreements in various nations throughout the globe. According to various researches, it has been po inted out that the contemporary wave of worldwide globalization is one of the major reasons for increased level of illegal immigration. In this regard, the major reason for augmented illegal immigration especially in the United States is that the nation delivers inadequate channels for legal migration of low-skilled workers. Due to this deficiency in the legal channels, a large proportion of low-skilled immigrants are unlawfully embedded in the economy of the US. Apart from the significant cause of globalization, the other chief reason for growing case of illegal immigration in the US is ineffective sanctions for unlawful hiring of the immigrants (Gans, 2007). In this discussion, the relationship of social justice along with the operations of the system of criminal justice and the prevalent criminal as well as social justice theories with regard to the US Constitution will be taken into concern. Moreover, the history of immigration, relationship of social justice and illegal immigra tion and the possible solutions to illegal immigration will also be portrayed in the discussion. 1. Relationship of Social Justice and the Operations of the Criminal Justice System The perception of social justice does not only involve criminal offenders abut also includes every individual member of a society. It has been apparently observed that the main objective of both the systems i.e. social as well as criminal justice is to protect the societal members and to deliver equal opportunities as well as rights to them. This is possible due to the enforcement of applicable laws, reduction in the level of crimes and support of efficient management of justice. The criminal and the social justice are interrelated to each other as criminal
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The Changing Role of HRM in the NHS Dissertation
The Changing Role of HRM in the NHS - Dissertation Example Since the inception of these new changes, the HRM practices have played some significant part in the national health services. There has been a remarkable change in HRM, which has reduced the challenges faced when the HRM is discharging their services to the citizens. One of the changes realized is transparency between the servants of HRM and the other government bodies. This has been realized through enhanced talks and auditing. The Officials of the HRM are also accountable to other higher government agencies as they act as a link between workforces and the managerial teams. There is also a public interview whenever new officials are recruited; this helps to bring about equality in employment (Goyal 229). Whenever there is a complaint against the practices of HRM, it has to undergo procedural steps for proper scrutinizing. This has helped to do away with propaganda and it enables proper representation of each party that is involved. There is also installation of safety measures to g uard the wellbeing of both the staff and the citizens. This contributes to high motivation among the staff because they feel secure while undertaking the activities of discharging their services to the people (Goyal 237). They are also entitled to a compensation, which enable them get some benefits. For instance, better policies are formalized, such as statutory benefits and insurance schemes. The HRM, aiming at achieving a better healthcare, conducts all these services and they have been pivotal in the development of a better image in the healthcare sector. The HR management is thus undertaking a new role of bringing a new understanding and flexibility in the delivery of health services, which results to the healthcare efficiency. The information system was appropriate as it used a common service center. For instance, there is the usage of human labor force in keeping records of sickness absence and the internal auditing of repots, which hinders accountability. Consequently, there is a problem of comprehensive evaluation of staff sickness absence. Evidently, a better information system needs to be implemented in order to improve the efficiency of line managers in order to deal with sickness absence accordingly. Sources have revealed that the formulation of proper policies, systematic procedures, and innovations in the key target areas are key in its accomplishment. For example, there is the provision of better terms and creation of a welfare unit to deal with the wellbeing of the staff .The sick staff has also been entitled to a full pay leave of six months and a half pay for the additional six months. Additionally, there is the development of a plan for purposes of catering for the needs of the emerging issues. Therefore, this has ensured the sufficient delivery of health services. A performance appraisal is conducted to evaluate each work and then a reward is given. Budgetary allocation of health services in the national budget has enabled creation of commi ssions and authorities that ensure that there is justice and equality in the administration of national health services through the HR management (Goyal 19). There is also the development of a similar treatment for all departments to ensure that equality prevails in all the represented
Monday, August 12, 2019
Auditing research paper for the Maybe It Was, But We Weren't case
Auditing for the Maybe It Was, But We Weren't case - Research Paper Example Relating to this case, the determination of the reports issued by Friday as appropriate or otherwise, has been taken into concern as a primary objective of this paper. Moreover, the significant terms associated with auditing like ‘scope limitation’, ‘limited engagement and ‘piecemeal opinion’ have also been considered and related to the case in the discussion of this paper. Most significantly, how Friday should submit the auditor’s report to the Board of Directors as on its performance for the Year 3 and Year 2 from a comparative perspective has also been considered in the discussion of this paper. INTRODUCTION The perception of audit or auditing is principally described as a procedure of verifying and examining the accounting as well as financial records of a particular company. It has often been argued that the organizations belonging to this modern day context normally conducts auditing for the purpose of adding credibility to their respectiv e financial statements resulting in analyzing along with recognizing the chief financial areas that are required to be enhanced. It has also been apparently observed in this regard that the modern organizations often attempt to prioritize auditing due to rising complexities particularly in the overall business or operational procedures and the decision-making systems (Gupta 1-2). In specific terms, the aim of this report is to analyze the approaches adopted and executed by the Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) appointed within Friday & Co (Friday) who are again bestowed with the sole responsibility of auditing the financial statements of Johnson Company. It has been viewed in this similar concern that the CPAs have audited the financial records or the statements of Johnson Company and duly expressed a sort of incompetent opinion on the balance sheet only, deciphering a degree of negligence when considering other forms of financial statements. In this regard, a balance sheet depict s a financial statement which recapitulates liabilities, shareholder’s equity and assets among others with respect to a particular company. It is often regarded as a condensed financial record or a statement that portrays the monetary position of a business entity on a specific date. The other forms of financial statements might generally embrace an income statement along with a cash-flow statement, statement concerning retained earnings as well as profit and loss statement among others (Nelson 193-194). According to the case, it has been apparently observed that the CPAs of Friday had expressed an unqualified opinion on the balance sheet of Johnson Company as on December 31, Year 2. Specially mentioning, Friday did not note the inclusion of the physical inventory as of December 31, Year 1, on the grounds that the transaction took place prior to the appointment of auditors. However, the report indicates certain critical issues or aspects related with auditing concerns. For in stance, the first aspect was mainly concerned on the reason owing to which the opinion was issued only on the balance sheet as on Year 2. The second aspect that has been recognized in this context had been concerned about judging whether the issuance of an unqualified opinion by the CPAs of Friday, only for year 2 was appropriate. If otherwise, what are the suitable ways of disclosing or reporting the case? Finally, the other critical issue that has been viewed to appear in this case scenario was concerned with the fact that is it
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