Monday, September 30, 2019
Critical Study †Othello †Jealousy Essay Question Essay
Jealousy is explored in the song Jealousy by 702 in numerous ways. The two obvious ways are, one the title and the repetition of jealousy in the chorus and in the verses. Jealousy is defined by the Macquarie Dictionary as – resentment against a successful rival or the possessor of any coveted advantage. In this song the jealousy stems from women who envy the singer of her success in finding a partner. The singer believes the women want to be her as is continually repeated in the chorus – ‘THEY’RE JUST WISHING THEY COULD BE ME.’ This is further empathized throughout the song by the entire song being capitalized. Jealousy is further explored in the proceeding verses. Notably in the third verse – ‘TRYING TO TURN ME AGAINST YOU.’ In Othello the theme jealously is widely explored by two key main characters – Iago and Othello. Iago even admits ‘†¦and oft my jealousy,’ Act 3, Scene 3 – 148. Othello never openly admits to his own and even in his last speech he says ‘†¦one not easily jealous.’ Act 5, Scene 2 – 344-7. Jealousy is shown in the play Othello as a sickness and is often referred to as a ‘green eyed monster,’ Act 3, Scene 3 – 168. The jealously comes from numerous areas – the want for power – ‘I follow him to serve my turn upon him,’ Act 1, Scene 1 – 42, the concept that a white man should be above a black man, cuckolding – ‘I will chop her into messes. Cuckold me!’ Act 4, Scene 1 – 188, homosexuality and envy. Othello by Shakespeare is similar to the song Jealousy by 702 in several ways. Both explore the theme of jealousy especially that of envy. The song Jealousy through the women wanting to be the singer and in Othello Iago wanting to be Othello. Even the jealously Iago has towards Othello about him having Desdemona as a wife is explored in Jealousy through the lines – ‘THEY SAY YOUR BAD FOR ME. THEY SAY YOUR NO GOOD.’ In addition to this Iago’s wanting to be Othello – ‘THEY’RE JUST WISHING THEY COULD BE ME.’ Even down to the way that Othello believes Desdemona has cuckolded him and deems her untrustworthy – ‘JUST CAN’T BE TRUSTING THESE CHICKS THEY’RE SO QUICK TO BACKSTAB YOU.’ The text Othello and the song Jealousy are related in countless ways and both explore the theme of jealousy to an immense depth.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Island of the Sequined Love Nun Chapter 10~14
10 Coconut Telegraph Jefferson Pardee dialed the island communications center and asked them to connect him to a friend of his in the governor's office on Yap. While he waited for the connection, he looked down from his office above the Food Store on the Truk public market: women selling bananas, coconuts, and banana leaf bundles of taro out of plywood sheds; children with bandannas on their faces against the rising street dust; drunk men languishing red-eyed in the shade. Across the street lay a stand of coconut palms and the vibrant blue-green water of the lagoon dotted with outboards and floating pieces of Styrofoam coolers. Another day in paradise, Pardee thought. Pardee had been out here for thirty years now. He'd come fresh out of Northwestern School of Journalism full of passion to save the world, to help those less fortunate than himself, and to avoid the draft. After his two years in the Peace Corps were up – his main achievement was teaching the islanders to boil water – he'd stayed. First he worked for the budding island governments, helping to write the charters, the constitutions, and the re-quests for aid from the United States. That work finished, he found himself afraid to go home. He'd gone to fat on breadfruit and beer and become accustomed to dollar whores, fifty-cent taxis, and a two-hour workday. The idea of returning to the States, where he would have to live up to his potential or face being called a failure, terrified him. He wrote and received a grant to start the Truk Star. It was the last significant thing that he'd done for twenty-five years. Covering the news in Truk was akin to taking a penguin census in the Mojave Desert. Still, deep inside, he hoped that something would happen so that he could flex his atrophied journalistic muscles. Something he could get passionate about. Why couldn't the United States nuke a nearby island? The French did it in Polynesia all the time. But no, the United States nukes one little atoll in Micronesia (Bikini) and they go away, saying, â€Å"Well, I guess that ought to do for twenty-five thousand years or so.†Wimps. Then again, maybe there was something going on out on Alualu. Something clandestine and dirty. Jefferson Pardee had lost his ambition, but he still had hope. â€Å"Go ahead,†the operator said. â€Å"Ignatho, how you doing, man?†Ignatho Malongo, governor's assistant for outer island affairs, was not in the mood to chat. It was lunchtime and he was out of cigarettes and betel nut and no one had come to relieve him on the radio so he could leave. His office was in a bright blue corrugated steel shed tucked behind the offices of the governor. It housed a military-style steel desk, a shortwave radio, a new IBM computer, and a wastebasket full of tractor-feed paper stained with red betel nut spit under a sign that emphatically declared NO SPITTING. He was round, brown, and wore only a loincloth, a Casio watch, and a Bic pen on a string around his neck. He was sweating into a puddle that darkened the concrete floor around his desk. â€Å"Pardee, what do you need?†â€Å"I was wondering if you've heard anything going on out on Alualu?†â€Å"Just the same. Occasionally the doctor radios for supplies to be sent out on the Micro Trader. They're not officially in Yap state, so they don't go through my office. Why?†â€Å"You hear any rumors, maybe from the Micro Trader crew?†â€Å"Like what? The Shark People don't have contact with anyone since I can remember. Just that Dr. Curtis.†Pardee didn't want to be in the business of starting rumors. More than once he'd had to track down a story to find out that it had started with a drunken lie he'd told in a bar that had circulated through the islands, changed enough to sound credible, and landed back on his desk. Still, Malongo wasn't giving anything today. â€Å"I hear they have a new aircraft out there. A Learjet.†Malongo laughed. â€Å"Where did you hear that?†â€Å"I've heard it twice now. A couple of months ago from a guy who said he was going out there to fly it for them and just now from another pilot on his way.†â€Å"Maybe they're starting a new airline. Be serious, Jeff. Are you that desperate for a story? I've got some grants you can write if you need the work.†Pardee was a little embarrassed. Still, he had no doubt that Tucker Case had been contacted by Dr. Curtis. Something was up. He said, â€Å"Well, maybe you can ask the guys on the Trader to keep an eye out. Ask around and call me if you hear anything.†Suddenly Pardee had a flash of motivational inspiration. â€Å"If someone's buying jet airplanes, there might be some untapped government money out there that you guys don't know about.†He could almost hear Malongo snap to attention. Malongo was thinking air conditioner, laser printer, a new chair. â€Å"Look, I'll ask out at the airport. If someone's flying a jet off of Alualu, then they have to use the radio, right?†â€Å"I suppose,†Pardee said. â€Å"I'll call you.†Malongo hung up. Pardee sighed. â€Å"And once again,†he said to himself, â€Å"we lead with the ‘Pig Thief Still at Large' story.†A half hour later the phone rang. The phone never rang. Pardee picked it up and could tell by the clicking that he was being connected off-island. Ignatho Malongo came on the line. He sounded like he was in a better mood. Pardee guessed that he was in a state of foreign aid arousal. â€Å"Jeff, the Trader is in the harbor. Some of the crew was having lunch at the marina and I asked them about your Learjet.†Malongo was smoking a Benson & Hedges and chewing a big cud of betel nut. He was in a better mood now. â€Å"And?†â€Å"No one's seen it, but they did see some Japanese on the island the last time they were there.†â€Å"Japanese? Tourists?†â€Å"They were carrying machine guns.†â€Å"No shit.†â€Å"Do you think this means there's some military money coming our way?†Malongo was thinking air-conditioning, a case of Spam, a ticket to Hawaii to go shopping. Pardee scratched his two-day growth of beard. â€Å"Probably the crew off of a tuna boat. They've been threatening to shoot some of the islanders off Ulithi if they keep stealing their net floats. I'll check with the Australian Navy, see if they know about a Japanese boat fishing those waters. Meantime, I owe you a bag of betel nut.†Malongo laughed. â€Å"You owe me about ten bags by now. How you going to pay if you never leave that shithole of an island?†â€Å"You'll see me soon enough.†Pardee hung up. 11 Paging the Goddess The Shark men had been beating drums and marching with bamboo rifles since dawn, while the Shark women prepared the feast for the appearance of the High Priestess. In her bed chamber the High Priestess was doing her nails. The Sorcerer entered through a beaded curtain, moved up behind her, and cupped her naked breasts. Without looking up, she said, â€Å"You know, I used to get a pretty good buzz doing this in my studio apartment. Close the windows and let the fumes build up. Want a whiff?†She held the polish bottle out behind her. He shook his head. He was in his mid-fifties, tall, thin, with short gray hair and ice blue eyes. He wore a green lab coat over Bermuda shorts. â€Å"Missionary Air just radioed. Their Beech is broken. They're waiting for a part from the States and won't have it fixed for a month. Our pilot's stuck on Truk.†The High Priestess fired a glare over her shoulder and he could feel himself going to slime, changing, melting into the lowest form of sea slug. She could do that to him. Her breasts felt like chilled river rocks in his hands. He stepped away. â€Å"It's all right,†he said. â€Å"I've sent him a message to fly to Yap. He can catch the Micro Trader there tomorrow and he'll be here two days later.†She was not impressed. â€Å"Don't you think it might be a good idea for me to meet this one before he gets here? It took long enough to find him.†The Sorcerer had backed all the way to the beaded curtain. â€Å"You were the one that didn't want any more military types.†â€Å"Because it worked so well last time. It's bad enough I have to be surrounded by ninjas. I don't like it.†The Sorcerer couldn't believe anyone could walk that slowly and still express so much; it was positively symphonic. He said, â€Å"They're not ninjas. They're just guards. This will all be over soon and you can live in a palace in France if you want.†He held his arms out to receive her embrace. She turned on a red spiked heel and quickstepped back to the vanity. â€Å"We'll talk about this later. I have to go on in an hour.†Feeling stupid, he dropped his arms and backed through the beaded curtain. In the distance the Shark People began the chant to call forth the Priestess of the Sky. 12 Friendly Advice Tuck was sweating through a slow-motion dream rerun of the crash. The end of the runway was coming up too quickly. Meadow Malackovitch was bouncing off of various consoles in the cockpit. Someone in the copilot seat was screaming at him, calling him a â€Å"fuckin' mook.†He turned to see who it was and was awakened by a knock on the door. â€Å"Mr. Case. Message for you.†â€Å"Just a second.†Tucker scrambled in the darkness until he found his khakis on the floor, shook them to evict any insect visitors, then pulled them on and stumbled to the door. Rindi, the driver-rapper, stood outside holding a slip of paper. â€Å"This just come for you from the telecom center.†He reached past Tuck and clicked the light switch. A bare bulb went on over the desk. Tuck took the note, dug in his pants pocket for a tip, and came up with a dollar, but Rindi had already shuffled off. The note, on waxy fax paper, was covered with greasy fingerprints. Tuck guessed it had probably passed through a dozen hands before getting to him. He unfolded it and read. To: Tucker Case c/o Paradise Hotel From: Dr. Sebastian Curtis Mr. Case, I deeply regret that my wife will not be able to meet you on Truk as planned. We have reserved a seat for you on tomorrow's Air Micronesia flight to Yap, where we have arranged transport aboard the supply ship, Micro Trader, to Alualu. Your plane will arrive at 11:00 A.M. and the Micro Trader is scheduled to sail at noon, so it will be necessary for you to take a taxi to the dock as soon as you clear customs. I apologize for the inconvenience and would ask that you refrain from discussing the purpose of your visit with the crew of the Micro Trader – or with anyone else, for that matter. It would be unfortunate if this research reached the FAA before it had been thoroughly investigated. Rumors travel quickly in these islands. I look forward to discussing the intricacies of the particular strain of sta-phylococci with you. Sincerely, Sebastian Curtis, M.D. Staphylococci? Germs? He wants to discuss germs? Tuck couldn't have been more confused if the message had been in Eskimo. He folded it and looked again at the fingerprints. That was it. He knew that other people would be reading the note. The germ thing was just a red herring to confuse nosy natives. The bit about the FAA obviously referred to Tuck's revoked pilot's license. In a way, it was a threat. Maybe he ought to find out a little more about this doctor before he went running out to this remote island. Maybe the reporter, Pardee, knew something. Tuck dressed quickly and went down to the desk, where Rindi was listening to a transistor radio with a speaker that sounded like it had been fashioned from wax paper. Someone was singing a Garth Brooks song in nasal Trukese accompanied by an accordion. â€Å"It sounds like someone's hurting animals.†Tuck grinned. Rindi did not smile. â€Å"You going out?†Rindi was eager to get into Tuck's room and go through his luggage. â€Å"I need to find that reporter, Jefferson Pardee.†Rindi looked as if he was going to spit. He said, â€Å"He at Yumi Bar all the time. That way.†He pointed up the road toward town. â€Å"You need ride?†â€Å"How far is it?†â€Å"Maybe a mile. How long you be gone?†Rindi wanted to take his time, make sure he didn't miss any of Tuck's valuables. â€Å"I'm not sure. Do you lock the door at midnight or something?†â€Å"No, I come get you if you drunk.†â€Å"I'll be fine. I'll be checking out in the morning. Can I get an eight o'clock wake-up call?†â€Å"No. No phone in room.†â€Å"How about a wake-up knock?†â€Å"No problem.†â€Å"Thanks.†Tucker went out the front door and was nearly thrown back by the thickness of the air. The temperature had dropped to the mid-80s, but it felt as if it had gotten more humid. Everything dripped. The air carried the scent of rotting flowers. Tuck set off down the road and was soaked with sweat by the time he reached a rusted metal Quonset hut with a hand-painted sign that read YUMI BAR. The dirt parking lot was filled with Japanese beaters parked freestyle. A skeletal dog with open running sores, a crossbreed of dingo and sewer rat, cowered in the half-light coming through the door and looked at him as if pleading to be run over. Tuck's stomach lurched. He made a wide path around the dog, who looked down and resumed concen-tration on its suffering. â€Å"Hey, kid, you're not going in there, are you?†Tuck looked up. There was a cigarette glowing in the dark at the corner of the building. Tuck could just make out the form of a man standing there. He wore some kind of uniform – Tuck could see the silhouette of a captain's hat. Anywhere else Tuck might have ignored a voice in the dark, but the accent was American, and out here he was drawn to the familiarity of it. He'd heard it before. He said, â€Å"I thought I'd get a beer. I'm looking for an American named Pardee.†The guy in the dark blew out a long stream of cigarette smoke. â€Å"He's in there. But you don't want to go in there right now. Wait a few minutes.†Tuck was about to ask why when two men came crashing through the door and landed in the dirt at his feet. They were islanders, both screaming incomprehensibly as they punched and gouged at one another. The one on the top held a bush knife, a short machete, which he drew back and slammed into the other man's head, severing an ear. Blood sprayed on the dust. A stream of shouting natives spilled out of the bar, waving beer bottles and kicking at the fighters. Earless leaped to his feet and backed off to get a running attack at Bush Knife, who was rising to his feet. Earless hit him with a flying tackle as Bush Knife hacked at his ribs. A pickup truck full of policemen pulled into the parking lot and the crowd scattered into the dark and back into the bar, leaving the fighters rolling in the dirt. Six policemen stood over the fighters, slamming them with riot batons until they both lay still. The police threw the fighters into the bed of their truck, climbed in after them, and drove off. Tuck stood stunned. He'd never seen violence that sudden and raw in his life. Ten more seconds and he would have been in the middle of it instead of backpedaling across the parking lot. â€Å"Should be okay to go in now,†said the voice from the dark. Tuck looked up, but he couldn't even see the cigarette glowing now. â€Å"Thanks,†he said. â€Å"You sure it's okay?†â€Å"Watch your ass, kid,†said the voice, and this time it seemed to come from above him. Tucker spun around, nearly wrenching his neck, but he couldn't see anyone. He shook off the confusion and headed into the bar. The skeletal dog crawled from under a truck, seized the severed ear from the dust, and slunk into the shadows. â€Å"Good dog,†said the voice out of the dark. The dog growled, ready to protect its prize. A young man, perhaps twenty-four, dark and sharp-featured, dressed in a gray flight suit, stepped out of the shadows and bent to the dog, who lowered its head in submission. The young man reached out as if to pet the dog, then grabbed its head and quickly snapped its neck. â€Å"Now, that's better, ain't it, ya little mook?†The bar was as dingy inside as it was out. Yellow bug bulbs gave off just enough light to navigate around drunken islanders and a beat-up pool table. An old Wurlitzer bounced American country western songs off the metal walls. A khaki-wrapped hulk, Jefferson Pardee, sweated over a Budweiser at the bar. Tucker slid in next to him. Pardee looked up with red-rimmed eyes. â€Å"You just missed all the excitement.†â€Å"No, I saw it. I was outside.†Pardee signaled for two more beers. â€Å"I thought I told you not to go out at night.†â€Å"I'm leaving for Yap in the morning and I need to ask you some questions.†Pardee grinned like a child given a surprise favor. â€Å"I'm at your service, Mr. Tucker.†Tuck weighed his need for information against the ignominy of telling Pardee about the crash. He pulled the crumpled fax paper from his pants pocket and set it on the bar before the reporter. Pardee lit a cigarette as he read. He finished reading and handed the fax back to Tucker. â€Å"It's not unusual to have changes in travel plans out here. But what's this about bacteria? I thought you were a pilot.†Tucker took Pardee though the crash and the mysterious invitation from the doctor, including Jake's theories about drug smuggling. â€Å"I think the bacteria stuff was just to throw off anyone who got hold of the fax.†â€Å"You're right there. But it's not drugs. There aren't any drugs produced in these islands except kava and betel nut, and nobody wants those except the islanders. Oh, they grow a little pot here and there, but it's consumed here by the gangsta wanna-bes.†â€Å"Gangsta wanna-bes?†Tuck asked. â€Å"A few of the islanders have satellite TV. The people who look like them on TV are gangsta rappers. The old rundown buildings they see in the hood look like the buildings here. Except here they're new and run-down. It's a Coke and a smile and baby formula their babies can't digest. It's packaged junk food shipped here without expiration dates.†â€Å"What in the hell are you talking about, Pardee?†â€Å"They buy into the advertising bullshit that Americans have become immune to. It's like the entire Micronesian crescent is one big cargo cult. They buy the worst of American culture.†â€Å"Are you saying I'm the worst America has to offer?†Pardee patted his shoulder and leaned in close. Tuck could smell the sour beer sweat coming off the big man. â€Å"No, that's not what I'm saying. I don't know what's going on out on Alualu, but I'm sure it's no big deal. Evil tends to grow in proportion to the profit potential, and there's just nothing out there that's worth a shit. Go to your island, kid. And get in touch with me when you figure out what's going on. In the meantime, I'll do some checking.†Tuck shook the reporter's hand. â€Å"I will.†He threw some money on the bar and started to leave. Pardee called to him as he reached the door. â€Å"One more thing. I checked around. I heard that there's some armed men on Alualu. And there was another pilot that came through here a few months ago. Nobody's seen him. Be careful, Tucker.†â€Å"And you weren't going to tell me that?†â€Å"I had to be sure that you weren't part of it.†13 Out of the Frying Pan Tuck's first thought of the new morning was I've got to catch a plane. His second was, My dick's broke. It happens that way. One has a â€Å"private†irritation – hemorrhoids, menstrual cramps, swollen prostate, yeast infection, venereal disease, bladder infection – and no matter how hard the mind tries to escape the gravity of the affliction, it is inexorably pulled back into a doomed orbit of circular thought. Anything that distracts from the irritation is an irritation. Life is an irritation. Inside Tuck's head sounded like this: I have to catch a plane. I'm pissing fire. I need a shower. Check the stitches. No water. It looks infected. Probably lep-rosy. I hate this place. I'm sure it's infected. When does the water come on? It's going to turn black and fall off. Whoever heard of a place with satellite TV but no running water? I'll never fly again. I'm thirty years old and I have no job. And no dick. And who in the hell was that guy in the parking lot last night? I smell like rancid goat meat. Probably the infection. Gangrene. I can't believe there's no running water. I'm going to die. Die, die, die. Not a pleasant place to be: inside Tuck's head. Outside Tuck's head the shower came on; brown, tepid water ran down his body in gutless streams; pipes shuddered and trumpeted as if trying to extrude a vibrating moose. The soap, a brown minibar made from local copra, lathered like slate and smelled of hibiscus flowers and suffering dog. Tuck dried himself on a translucent swath of balding terry cloth and slipped into his clothes, three days saturated with tropical travel funk. He shouldered his pack, noticing that the zippered pockets had been tampered with and not giving a good goddamn, then trudged down to the front desk. Rindi was sleeping on the desk. Tuck woke him, made sure that the room had been paid by the doctor as promised, then stood in the tropical sun and waited as Rindi brought the car around. It seemed like a very long ride to the airport. Rindi ran over a chicken, then got out and fought an old woman who claimed the chicken, each tugging on a leg, testing the tensile strength of poultry to its limit before Rindi busted a kung fu move that secured his dinner and left the old woman sitting in the dust with a sacred chicken foot in her hand. (The old woman was from the island of Tonoas, where magic chickens were once called up by a sorcerer to level a mountain for a temple, the Hall of the Magic Chickens.) At the airport Tuck gave Rindi a dollar for the cab ride, which was twice the going rate, and waved off the bloody handshake the aspiring gangsta offered. â€Å"Keep the peace, home boy,†Tuck said. 14 Espionage and Intrigue Yap was cleaner than Truk and hotter, if that was possible. Here the beat-up taxis actually had radio antennas to identify them. The roads were paved as well. The airport, another tin roof over concrete pylons, was filled with natives: men in loincloths and topless women in hand-woven wraparound skirts. Tuck caught a cab at the airport and told the driver to take him to the dock. The driver spat out the window and said, â€Å"The ship gone.†â€Å"It can't be gone.†What had moments ago been a pleasant drunk from four airline martinis turned instantly to a headache. â€Å"Maybe it was another ship that left.†The driver smiled. His teeth were black, his lips bright red. â€Å"Ship gone. You want to go to town?†â€Å"How much?†Tuck asked, as if he had a choice. â€Å"Fourteen dollar.†â€Å"Fourteen dollars? It's only fifty cents on Truk!†â€Å"Okay, fifty cents,†the driver said. â€Å"That's your counteroffer?†Tuck asked. He was thinking about what Pardee had said about these islanders absorbing the worst of American culture. This was his chance to help, if only in a small way. â€Å"That's the most helpless bargaining I've ever heard. How do you ever expect your country to get out of the Third World with that weak shit?†â€Å"Sorry,†the driver said. â€Å"One dollar.†â€Å"Seventy-five cents,†Tuck said. â€Å"You find another taxi,†the driver said, digging in his fiscal heels. â€Å"That's better,†said Tuck. â€Å"A dollar it is. And there's another one in it for you if you don't run over any chickens.†The driver put the car in gear and started off. They passed though several miles of jungle before breaking into a brightly lit, surprisingly modern-looking town with concrete streets. Occasionally, they passed a tin house with stone wheels leaning against the walls. The stones ranged from the size of a small tire to seven feet in diameter and were covered with varying degrees of green moss. â€Å"What are those millstone-looking things?†Tuck asked the driver. â€Å"Fei,†the driver said. â€Å"Stone money. Very valuable.†â€Å"No shit, money?†Tuck looked at a piece of fei standing in a yard as they passed. It was five feet tall and nearly two feet thick. â€Å"What do your pay phones look like?†Tuck asked with a grin. The driver didn't find it funny. He let Tucker out at the dock, which was suspiciously shipless. Tuck saw a bearded, red-faced white man sitting in the shade of a forklift, smoking a cigarette. â€Å"G'day,†the man said. He was about thirty. In good shape. â€Å"Impela my tribe?†â€Å"Huh?†Tuck said. â€Å"American, then?†Tuck nodded. â€Å"You Australian?†â€Å"Royal Navy,†the man said. He pulled a hat from behind him and tapped on it. â€Å"Join me?†He motioned for Tuck to sit next to him on the concrete. Tuck dragged his pack into the shade, dropped it, and extended his hand to the Australian. â€Å"Tucker Case.†The Australian took his hand and nearly crushed it. â€Å"Commander Brion Frick. Have a seat, mate. Looks like you been on the piss for a fortnight, if you don't mind my saying.†He handed Tucker a business card. It bore the seal of the Royal Australian Navy, Frick's name and rank, and the designation NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. Tuck looked again at the scruffy Australian, then back at the card. â€Å"Naval Intelligence, huh? What do you do?†â€Å"I'm a spy, mate. You know, secret stuff. Very hush-hush.†Tuck wondered just how secret a spy could be who had his status printed on a business card. â€Å"Espionage, huh?†â€Å"Well, right now we're watching the Yapese Navy don't make a move.†â€Å"Yap has a navy?†â€Å"Only one patrol boat, and she's broken right now. Yapese put gas in the diesel engine. But you can't be too careful, lest the little buggers get it in their mind to launch a surprise attack. That's her over there.†He nodded down the wharf. Tuck spotted a rusted boat designed like a Chinese junk with the word YAP stenciled on the side in flaking orange Rust-Oleum. A half-dozen Yapese, thin brown men with high cheekbones and potbellies, were lounging on the deck in loincloths, drinking beer. Tuck said, â€Å"I guess an attack would be a surprise.†â€Å"Ain't as easy a job as it looks. Yapese can lull you into a false sense of security. They might sit there without moving for two, three weeks, then just when you start to relax, wham, they make their move.†â€Å"Right,†Tucker said. The only damage the patrol boat looked capable of inflicting was a case of tetanus for the crew. A mile past the Yapese Navy waves crashed on the reef, just a line of white against the turquoise sea. Cottony clouds rose out of the sea into shining columns. Tuck scanned the horizon for a ship. â€Å"Is the Micro Trader in yet?†â€Å"Been in and gone,†Frick said. â€Å"She'll be back around in six weeks or so.†â€Å"Dammit,†Tuck said. â€Å"I can't fucking believe it. I need to get to Alualu.†â€Å"Why'd you want to go out there?†â€Å"I'm a pilot. I'm supposed to be flying for a missionary out there.†â€Å"Boys and I were out there in the patrol boat last week. Godforsaken place.†Tuck lit up at the mention of the patrol boat. Maybe he could catch a ride. â€Å"You have a patrol boat?†â€Å"Seventy-footer. Some of the boys are out with it now, tuna fishin' with the CIA. Don't mention it, though. Secret, you know.†â€Å"What's the CIA doing down here?†Frick raised a blond eyebrow. â€Å"Keepin' an eye on the Yapese Navy.†â€Å"I thought you were doing that.†â€Å"Well, I am, ain't I? And when they come back, it's my turn to go fishin'. Lovely, us bein' allies and all. Cuts the work in half. Want to suck some piss?†â€Å"Pardon?†Tuck wasn't ready for any kind of bizarre native customs. â€Å"Drink some beers, mate. If you keep an eye on the Yappies, I'll run down to the store and grab some beers.†â€Å"Sounds good.†Tuck was ready to take the edge off his headache. Besides, there was still a chance for a ride out to the island. Frick put his hat on Tuck's head. â€Å"Right then. By the power invested in me by the Australian Royal Navy, et cetera, et cetera, I hearby deputize you as official intelligence officer until I get back. Do you swear?†â€Å"Swear what?†â€Å"Just swear.†â€Å"Sure.†â€Å"There it is.†Frick started walking off. â€Å"What do I do if they make a move?†â€Å"How the bloody hell should I know?†Tuck watched the Yapese Navy for an hour before they all stood up and left the boat. He was pretty sure that this did not constitute a defense emergency, but just in case he decided to walk up the street to see what had happened to Frick. The pack felt even heavier now, and he guessed that it was the responsibility for Australian people that weighed him down. (A woman had once offered Tucker a goldfish in a bowl, and Tuck had graciously declined it on the basis that it was too much responsibility and would probably die anyway. He felt the same way about the Australians.) The concrete streets of Colonia were bleached white and stained with three-foot red strips of betel nut spit on either side and lined with thick jungle vegetation. Off the streets Tuck could see tin hovels, children playing in the mud, women passing the hottest part of the day combing lice from each other's hair in the shade of a tin-roofed porch. The women wore wraparound skirts, black with brightly colored stripes, and went topless. All but the youngest of them were enormously fat by Western standards, and Tuck felt his idealized picture of the beautiful island girls fade to a lice-infested, rotund reality. Still, there was something in their gentle grooming and in the quiet concentration of the children that made him feel sad and a little lonely. If only he could run into a woman he could talk to. A Western woman – she wouldn't have to know he was a eunuch. He broke out of the jungle into the open street of Colonia's main â€Å"business district.†On one side was a marina with a restaurant and bar (or so the sign said), on the other a two-story, stucco minimall of shops and snack bars. Around it, in the shade of the modern portico, stood perhaps a hundred Yapese, mostly women, some young men in bright blue loincloths, all shirtless. The islanders all had bright red lips and teeth from chewing betel nut. Even the little children were chewing the narcotic cud and spitting periodically into the street. Tuck walked in among them, hoping to find someone to ask about Frick's whereabouts, but none made eye contact. The women and girls turned their backs to him. The men just looked away or pretended to pay attention to sprinkling powdered coral on to a split green betel nut before beginning a chew. He went into a surprisingly modern grocery store and was relieved to see that the prices were in American dollars, the signs in English. He picked up a quart of bottled water and took it to the checkout counter, where a woman in a lavalava and a blue polyester smock rang up his purchase and held out her hand for the money. â€Å"Do you know where I can find Commander Brion Frick?†Tuck asked her. She took his money, turned to the cash drawer, and turned back to him with his change without uttering a word. Tuck repeated his question and the woman turned away from him. Finally he left, thinking, She must not speak English. He ran into Frick coming out of the store. The spy had a six-pack tucked under his arm. â€Å"I was looking for you,†Tuck said. â€Å"The Yapese Navy took off.†â€Å"You could have asked inside. They knew where I was.†â€Å"I did. The woman wouldn't talk to me.†â€Å"Not allowed to,†Frick said. â€Å"It's bad manners to make eye contact. Yapese women aren't allowed to talk to a man unless he's a relative. If a woman and a man are seen speaking in public, they're considered married on the spot. Shame too. Ever seen so many bare titties in all your life? Tough grabbin' a snog if you can't talk to them.†Tucker didn't want to talk about it. â€Å"You were supposed to come back to the wharf.†Frick looked affronted. â€Å"I was on my way. Didn't think you'd desert your post. I hope you're a better pilot than you are a spy. Letting them sneak off like that.†â€Å"Look, Frick, I need to get to Alualu right away. Can you take me in your patrol boat?†â€Å"Love to, mate, but we've got a mission as soon as the boys get back from fishin'. We've got to tow the Yapese patrol boat down to Darwin for repairs. Won't be back for a fortnight at least.†â€Å"Doesn't it make more sense to leave it broken? I mean, in the interest of watching them?†The spy raised an eyebrow. â€Å"What threat are they with a broken boat?†â€Å"Exactly,†Tuck said. â€Å"You obviously don't know a wit about maintaining job security. Mis-sionary Air might take you out, but I hear their plane is down for a while. Fishing boats are all Chinese. Buggers wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. You might charter a dingy, but I doubt that you'll find anyone willing to take you across four hundred kilometers of open sea in an out-board. There's fellows do it off Perth, but the West Coast is full of loonies anyway. Get yourself a room and wait. We'll take you out when we get back.†â€Å"I don't know if I can wait that long.†Tuck stood up. â€Å"Where should I go to charter a boat?†Frick pointed to a large Mobil oil tank at the edge of the harbor. â€Å"Try heading down to the fueling station. Should be able to find someone down there who needs the gas money.†â€Å"Thanks, Frick, I appreciate it.†Tucker shook the spy's hand. â€Å"No worries, mate. You watch yourself out there. I hear that doctor's a bedbug.†â€Å"Good to know.†He waved over his shoulder as he walked down to the edge of the harbor. A group of women chewing betel nut in the shade of a hibiscus tree turned away from him as he passed. He walked along the bank and looked into the cloudy green water at the harbor's edge. Tiny multicolored fish darted in and out of the shallows, feeding on some kind of shrimp. Brown mud skippers, their eyes atop their heads like a frog's, walked on their pectoral fins across a small mudflat that had formed around the roots of a mangrove tree. Tucker stopped and watched them. They were fish, yet they spent most of their time on land. It was as if they had evolved to a certain point, then just couldn't make a decision to leave the water, grow into mammals, and finally invent personal stereos. For sixty million years they had been hanging out on the mudflats, looking at each other with periscope eyes and goofy froggy grins and say-ing: â€Å"What do you want do?†â€Å"I don't know. What do you want to do?†â€Å"I don't know. Want to go up on the land or stay in the water?†â€Å"I don't know. Let's hang out on the mudflat a little longer.†Tuck completely understood. Although if he had been a mud skipper, after a couple of million years of dragging himself around the mudflat, he would have lost his patience and yelled, â€Å"Hey, can I get some feet over here!†, thus moving evolution along. He was enjoying the superiority of the Monday morning quarterback (And in a world created in six days, what day but Monday could it be?), feeling a little smarter, a little more worldly than the mud skippers, when it occurred to him that he had no idea how to proceed. He could find the telecom center, if there was one, and contact the doctor, but then what would he do? Sit for two weeks on Yap until the Australians returned? Maybe they were wrong. Maybe there was a privately owned plane on the island. What about a dingy? How bad could it be. The sea looked calm enough. That's it, take to the sea. Or perhaps he should just stay on Yap and find a sympathetic woman to take his mind off the problem. It had always worked before, not to pos-itive results, but it had worked, dammit. Women made him feel better. He ached for a Mary Jean Cosmetics consultant. A cool, thin, married woman, armored in pantyhose and a bulletproof bouffant. A sweet, shocked, backsliding Born Again on a one-time sin quest to remind her of why re-demption was so so good. Mud skipper thinking. He was reeling with the heat and the lack of possibilities when he saw her, up ahead, walking by the water's edge, her back to him: a thin blonde in a flowered dress with a swing to her walk like a welcome home parade.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Racial Equality in Employment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
Racial Equality in Employment - Coursework Example By 11th century the Normans became the rulers of England for many years. Hence, indeed, there is a Norman element in Britain. After the Normans stopped ruling England no other ethnic groups made significant inroads to Britain (Trevelyan). are spread over many countries in all the continents now. This is indeed a colonial legacy. Another colonial legacy is the influx of races from former colonies to Britain. While the Britons were in the colonies they were the ruling class and the Africans, Asians and the Caribbeans their subjects. However after the dismantling of the colonial empire, back in the country of their former masters, they became citizens. Citizenship meant a perception of legitimate right for equal rights with the fellow whites. This is the background to the tensions between the ethnic minorities in UK and the whites. The attitude expressed in the ditty, is not typical to the Anglo-Saxons, it was somewhat universal. The Jews generally believed that their special relation with Jehovah made them the superior. However they did not try to establish their biological superiority. But the Victorian Anglo-Saxons believed that they are racially superior, and qualities like literary taste, creativity and even honesty were inherited by them by virtue of bei... Page 3 were inherited by them by virtue of being born in that race. The deeply ingrained racial prejudices find expression in Shakespeare's, Othello and The Merchant of Venice, way back in the 16th century. The dark colour in popular Christian piety is associated with evil and the colour of Othello, the Moor, is the symbol of the evil in him while the white complexion of Desdemona is the epitome of guileless innocence. Shylock, the Jew, is the embodiment of evil of the race that killed Christ. While the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of all men were central to Christian faith (The New Revised Standard Version, Lk.11.2) only a minority seems to have understood. In Europe most people believed that nonwhite people lacked the qualities of intellect, mind and heart, which the white so abundantly possessed. This notion in Britain and North America focused more on the Anglo-Saxons as the best of the whites. Did this attitude of the whites to other races in the subliminal level determine the ir conduct to other races What is Equal Opportunity Arriving at the precise and generally accepted definition of equal opportunity is a formidable task. However, over Page 4 the years, the concept is achieving greater clarity and some kind of convergence is in the offing. Equal opportunity is a descriptive term for an attitude attempting to provide equal access to a milieu or benefits, like education and training, job opportunities, medical care and access to social welfare assistance. This attitude underlies a genuine desire to empower groups that have, over the years, bore the brunt of discrimination. The groups who need to be uplifted are identified on the basis
Friday, September 27, 2019
Fair or unfair Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Fair or unfair - Case Study Example Monitoring employees for the time spent off tasks without being informed, creates more conflicts because employees are also human beings and they get sick or family emergencies. Employees should be informed so that they are aware of all the consequences of every action committed. The most effective way of improving this policy would be to inform of the monitoring process. As an employee, I am obligated to follow the rules stipulated by the company in which I work. It is a fair policy to have company computers and email accounts monitored. It is not surprising to see some employees using emails and computers at work for inappropriate activities such as watching movies and gossiping on face book. Tracking employee activity on comp-any computers is the only effective way of ensuring that everyone works and harassment of clients or employees does not take place. Implementing email policies and company computers that protect the privacy of employees, clients and business interests is critical for all companies (Paschal, Stone and Stone-Romero 503). As a Quality Textbook Inc sales representative, in a demanding job, it is only appropriate that the company implements a policy that is fair. Having a car and a phone tracked during the work hours is appropriate, but after work hours is an unfair move. According to Cain’s message in the podcast, embracing technology also means that we embrace the idea of being tracked. I agree that tracking of the car and phones to avoid violation of company rules and wastage of resources such as fuel is appropriate, but the problem is tracking employees during their non-work hours. If employees are to be monitored and tracked, it should be done the right way, which does not infringe on their privacy (McNall and Stanton 230). Since it is vital to track employees for this company, a revision of this policy would be appropriate. The policy should include options where employees have the ability
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Deep Origins of World War II Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Deep Origins of World War II - Research Paper Example in on September 16 1939.1 Some of the factors in his favor included high tides, an enormous fleet of barges, powerful air force, availability of vessels, and a harvest full moon. The previous day the Nazi air force attempted to raid the colossal scale. The author claims that many German troops had assembled at the invasion port and their plan botched after Royal Air Force discovered their intentions quickly and they adopted a sustained offensive attack. Some of the Germans were using waterways while others used the railway. Royal Air Force damaged the railway a tactic that delayed the Germans coming for war while they dislocated the waterways as they sunk German ships at the harbor. Hitler had planned an attack on Britain since it was the only power in Europe that stood in his European conquest. Britain has earlier on declined to become an ally of the Germans. Robertson says that Hitler planned to eliminate Britain after France yielded to the Nazi invasion. Hitler assumed that Britai n would surrender and when the country did not he was surprised and he issues Directive Number 16.2 The operation was code named Operation Sea lion that had the objective of destroying English motherland and occupy it entirely. The German military agreed to defeat the Royal Air Force then to invade the country. German air force depended on the success of air battle before invading in the country. The head of military operations formulated a plan to destroy the Royal Air Force in four days. Other military strategy to invade Britain included locating the river craft so that they could train the troops in amphibious landing. They also planned to arrest the political elite that could present resistance such as Churchill. Viktor Survov was a former Russian Military Intelligence that published the Icebreaker.3 His thesis in the book argues that the soviet forces had well organization and they mobilized a Europe invasion as they prepared for defensive operations in their country. According to
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Do not need to divide it Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Do not need to divide it - Coursework Example If it is used to store an account object, it is known as the domain container. In certain cases it is used to indicate the Windows structure by means of the concerned directory. (Schmidt 2008) The domain structure has gone through various changes and the environment and structure of Windows has changed when compared to the past. The domain structure depends on the operating system and hence the domain structure must be modified each time the operating system is changed. Windows domain is completely different from that of other operating systems. Initially domains had the ability to store the user accounts pertaining to a company. But this often led to problems related to data access, since the company in a different city was deprived of its chances to access the required data. (Tiensivu 2008) In this stage, Microsoft altered the usage of domains by introducing domain trusts that helped in the easy access of data. The domain trusts help the employees to access the data only if they ar e directed form a trusted domain source. In this case, the domain which allows the access is known as trusting domain. In the initial stages of development, domains were individual components that were isolated from each other. The changes in the Windows environment changed the entire structure of domain and created a separate structure for these domains. The Windows NT domain structure is completely different from that of Windows 2000, 2003 or 2008. (Posev 2007) The use of domains does not end with database account management; instead they are also used for resource management. The domain structure includes domain controllers and domain name spaces. Domain names are initialized by the Domain Name Servers (DNS) which acts as an intermediary between the systems in a network. The use of domains and their structure varies according to the operating system. (Comer 2006) Domain Structure The domain structure is composed of several domains where they are considered in a hierarchical patte rn. The domains are grouped into a single tree with a root domain. Even a single domain can be made into a tree by including the sub domains from other systems. If the numbers of domains are more, then they are treated as a forest where the first domain is known as forest root. The domain trusts also form a part of the domain structure. In simple terms domain trusts are described as the relationship between two different domains. (McNab 2007) The trust relationship might be either one way where one domain permits the users to access another domain, or two ways where users have the accessibility to both the domains involved in the trust relationship. Role of Domain Structure Windows 2008 allows both one way and two way trust relationship between the domains. In this way it is advantageous, since the users can have an access to both the databases. Cross link, transitive and explicit are the other types of trust relationships that can be established between the domains. The next import ant aspect of domain structure is the domain controller. The domain member of a tree can be made as a domain controller by specifying certain commands. This domain controller manages the other domains in the system. It ensures that the domains perform their operations in a proper manner. (McClure 2009) Windows operating system uses Primary Data Controller(PDC) (McNab, 2007) which controls the entire operations of the domains included in the system structure. Windows can
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Brand description 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Brand description 4 - Essay Example In the UK and broader European marketplace, there are a substantial amount of competitors, creating difficulties in achieving brand loyalty and differentiating the product in a way that makes it outperform other fragrances. â€Å"Consumers show less brand loyalty to fragrances than other cosmetics†(Min, 2004, p.44). When the marketplace is saturated with different competitors and consumers often defect from one brand to another, attempts at gaining loyalty would require concentrated promotion as part of an integrated marketing communications campaign. Two main competitors, Prada brand and Christian Lacroix brand, are both high-cost perfumes in the UK and will be two main forces which can take market share away from this new brand: Invigo Arturo. Prada’s main communication strategy involves its reliance on past successes with its brand in product placement in a highly-successful American import movie entitled The Devil Wears Prada. At the online company Amazon, â€Å"their Devil Wears Prada-themed shop has sold out†(Friedman, 2006, p.6). This particular film and its product placement efforts brought much higher brand exposure to international audiences, thereby boosting sales of its perfume line. Unlike many other of Prada’s perfume competitors, they do not have to rely on excessive promotional communications since the brand is receiving a high consumer following in the luxury target markets. Prada does not cater to niche markets, but essentially uses mass marketing concepts to reach their desired demographic: The affluent, female luxury goods consumer. In relation to perfume advertising, â€Å"A lot of what is seen in our culture is based on sex†(Newman, 2006, p.50). Prada, in its print advertisements, uses light sexuality when attempting to position its product among competitors. (See Appendix 1 for an illustration of Prada Perfume advertising). Prada appeals to the consumer, rather
Monday, September 23, 2019
Michale Jackson Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Michale Jackson - Research Paper Example But the most reputed African-American singer of all time is the man who was alive until less than six months ago – the legendary singer and songwriter, Michael Jackson. Michael Joseph Jackson was born in Gary {Indiana, United States} on 29 August 1958 to middle class African-American couple Joseph and Katherine Jackson. Michael was the couple’s eighth child {they had 10 children in all} (Campbell 9). Music was a regular feature in the Jackson home. Joseph was an accomplished guitarist who played in a band named The Falcons during the early stages of the couple’s marriage (Campbell 10). However, as his family grew in size, Joseph was forced to give less attention to his musical ambitions and take up a job as a crane operator (The Biography Channel). His wife Katherine too took up a part-time job at Sears to boost the family finances. The couple however made it a habit to indulge in sing-a-longs, especially on country and western songs, with their children at home (Campbell 10). This gave the Jackson children a solid platform from which they launched their famous musical careers, first embarking on their maiden venture – the Jackson Five. Formed in 1964, the Jackson Five comprised the three oldest children – Jackie, Tito and Jermaine – along with Marlon {aged 6} and Michael {aged 5}. Joseph, living out his dream of achieving fame through his children, made them rehearse for several hours daily while still finishing their school homework and maintaining reasonably good grades, but giving no time for play or other leisure activities (Campbell 10). The Jackson Five started joining local talent competitions where they enacted songs by artists like Gladys Knight and James Brown. They also recorded their maiden single entitled Big Boy/You’ve Changed, but it did not evoke much interest (The Biography
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Transition metals Essay Example for Free
Transition metals Essay Iron is a transition element. A transition element is an element that forms at least one ion with a partially file d orbital1. Transition metals have several different oxidation states, so can be oxidized and reduced. Oxidizing the Fe2+ will make it Fe3+, and it will lose an electron. Fe3+ e- + Fe3+ Reducing Fe3+ will bring it back to Fe2+, as it will gain an electron. Fe3+ + e- Fe2+ I have been given a solution containing between 1. 1g and 1. 3g of iron ions, a mixture of Fe2+ and Fe3+. To work out how much Iron(II) and Iron(III) is in the mixture, I will start with a titration. I will determine the amount of Fe2+ in the mixture originally by titrating with potassium permanganate, and therefore oxidising the Fe2+ to Fe3+. Potassium permanganate, KMnO4, is self indicating, so when the oxidation point is reached, it changes brown. Then I will reduce the Fe3+ back to Fe2+ with zinc powder and work out the amount of Fe2+ in the remaining mixture by titrating the new mixture against approximately 0. 1 molar potassium permanganate. Then Fe2+ mass in 2nd solution Fe2+ mass in 1st solution = Mass of Fe2+ originally in the solution. This experiment will only give me the Mass of Fe2+ in the solution, so the Fe3+ will need to be worked out by subtracting the Mass off the Fe2+ from the 200cm3 solution used at the beginning. Water solubility: moderate, produces solutions which are intensely coloured, even when quite dilute Specific gravity: 2. 70 Principal hazards This material is harmful if swallowed or inhaled. It is also harmful if absorbed through the skin. Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent and may react very exothermically with organic materials. Safe handling Wear safety glasses and keep the solid or solution from contact with the skin.. Take care not to allow the solid to come into contact with flammable materials. Emergency Eye contact: Immediately flush the eye with plenty of water. Continue for at least ten minutes and call for medical help. Skin contact: Wash off with plenty of water. Remove any contaminated clothing. If the skin appears damaged, call for medical aid. If swallowed: Call for immediate medical help. Disposal Small amounts of very dilute potassium permanganate solution can be flushed down a sink with a large quantity of water, unless local rules prohibit this. More concentrated solutions and waste solid should be retained for disposal by those in charge of the laboratory. Protective equipment Safety glasses. Protective gloves should not normally be necessary. If they are to be used, nitrile will provide some protection, but may degrade upon contact with solid or solution, so should be checked regularly and replaced if damage is apparent.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Demon In The Free
The Demon In The Freezer Essay Richard Preston has established himself a reputation of being a storyteller that mastered on putting faces on otherwise undistinguishable deadly viral diseases like ebola virus, anthrax and smallpox. He is keen on carefully describing to his readers how fatal these viruses are in his novels. He has proven himself to be an expert on stirring awareness among his clientele about these viruses which though contained in a sense that these are confined to certain facilities of the world, have now been made and being developed by certain terrorist groups into a fatal weapon which at any moment can be discharged anywhere to effectively kill and thus strike terror among the targeted public. Like his other books (i. e. Biohazard, The Coming Plague, and The Hot Zone), The Demon In The Freezer is effective in keeping the readers attention to follow every turn of the story. The Book is divided into eight thrilling chapters. Opening in the life of an ordinary photo retoucher of the National Enquirer in early seventies by the name of Robert Stevens, the author skillfully guides the readers to a shocking awareness of the presence of the Anthrax virus that killed Stevens (Preston, 2002). The unfolding of the story at the outset was seemingly calm until the death of Stevens which at this time has triggered anticipation in the reader and keeps him/her following the next turn of the story. The whole book effectively tells of the looming dangers of biological weapons. Since these viruses were put under control and relegated to the confines of laboratories such as in Atlanta and Siberia, the thought that some of these viral diseases are currently in the hands of terrorists is just simply terrifying. On the other hand, constant care must be observed by those who currently responsibly keeping these for further studies. Preston is adept in telling this kind of story. His accurate knowledge on these matters, which obviously a product of extensive research, was carefully woven into his story. All the important details and informations which naturally enhanced the story are all facts based on true accounts. Preston is also effective in giving his readers the rationale behind why the battle still rages on destroying these viruses among those suspected of keeping them. This is definitely a good read. Reference: Preston, Richard. October 8, 2002 (1st Edition). Publisher: Random House.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Low Cost PBX for Communication
Low Cost PBX for Communication [Turki Muteb Turki Alharbi 202524020] [Hamadi Mahdi Salem Alyami 202524033] Table of Figures Figure 1: Example of two branches connected together.. Figure 2: PSTN. Figure 3: how to download from website Figure 4: installation prompt.. Figure 5: installing packages. Figure 6: configure the network.. Figure 7: Time zone Figure 8: Root password.. Figure 9: PBX login page. Figure 10: the page after you login.. Figure 11: web application setting Figure 12: add extensions Figure 13:PJSIP extension Figure 14: User setting Figure 15: Aplly the user.. Figure 16: Zoiper logo. Figure 17: creating a user. Figure 18: Account type.. Figure 19: fill the user information Figure 20: telephones communication.. Using an IP based PBX, companies can facilitate high quality voice communication between branches over a WAN, thereby not paying PSTN rates. By connecting incoming PSTN lines with the PBX system, incoming calls can be routed to different branches over a WAN. Outbound calls can also be routed to the best value trunking providers, reducing outbound call costs. The Asterisk project started in 1999 when Mark Spencer released the initial code under the GPL open source license. Since that time, it has been enhanced and tested by a global community of thousands. Today, Asterisk is maintained by the combined efforts of Digium and the Asterisk community. 1.1. Problem definition Quick and efficient communication between employees is an essential business requirement. Unfortunately, companies often suffer high costs in facilitating phone communication between employees at different branches. 1.2. Solution to this problem To solve the problem you have to use Asterisk to add PBX with low cost. Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source. Asterisk is sponsored by Digium. Today, there are more than one million Asterisk-based communications systems in use, in more than 170 countries. Asterisk is used by almost the entire Fortune 1000 list of customers. Most often deployed by system integrators and developers, Asterisk can become the basis for a complete business phone system, or used to enhance or extend an existing system, or to bridge a gap between systems. Most Asterisk-based systems and solutions require additional components: phones, gateway appliances or interface cards and other hardware. Companies that deploy open source solutions frequently need training and often prefer to have support from a trusted partner. Digium meets all of these needs with a family of product and service offerings built exclusively for the Asterisk market. 2.1. How it works Figure 1: Example of two branches connected together Figure1 shows you how Asterisk connects two branches together even if the next branch is with long distance. Figure 2: PSTN In figure 2 you can see the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), which refers to the international telephone system based on copper wires carrying analog voice data. This is in contrast to newer telephone networks base on digital technologies. PSTN uses circuit switching to allow users to make landline telephone calls to one another. The call is placed after it is routed through multiple switches. These switches are found in a central office (CO) or in a wire center. Ultimately, voice signals are able to travel over the connected phone lines. When two telephones are connected, analog voice data is transmitted over the copper wires of the PSTN. The voice data is then converted into electrical signals which are eventually routed in the switching centers. Finally, a connection is made and communication is possible. The version that we are installing is a free version of ASTERISK. You have to follow these steps in order to install the ASTERISK. 3.1. Download the ISO In order in install the program you have to download the ISO version and this version is online Figure 3: how to download from website You have to go on (Figure 3) then click on Asterisk software PBX and go to Asterisk NOW 6.12 and chose what your computer can handle whether 64bit or 32bit. In our installation we chose 64bit. 3.2. Open the installation file Select a computer to install the freePBX Distro on. everything on this computer will be deleted and replaced with the freePBX distro. Configure the computer to boot from a DVD or CD. Insert the DVD or CD into the computer and turn it on. 3.3. Choose full setup Figure 4: installation prompt As in figure 4 the installer will begin with a prompt to select what you want, we chose the Asterisk Version Full to install. 3.4. Packages installs Figure 5: installing packages In figure 5 the system will present downloads of the install package from the internet. That should take 3-5 minutes. 3.5. Configure the network In figure 6 you will see option to configure your network. The default selections are fine in most cases, so just press TAB until the red OK box is highlighted in white and then press ENTER. Figure 6: configure the network 3.6. Time zone selection In figure 7 you will reach the Time Zone Selection screen. If your system clock uses GMT (most do not) Use the up and down arrows to select the time zone where you will use the system, and then hit TAB until the red OK button is highlighted in white. Then hit ENTER. Figure 7: Time zone 3.7. Choose your root password In figure 8 the installer will ask you to select your Root password. The Root password is the password youll use to login to the Linux command prompt later. Selecting a secure password is very important. Type the password, hit TAB, type it again, hit TAB, and then hit ENTER. Figure 8: Root password The installer will install the boot loader and some other scripts, and then reboot your computer again. 4.1. How to login Figure 9: PBX login page Figure 9 shows you the login screen when you want to run the PBX. Figure 10: the page after you login In figure 10 the important thing is the IP. We have to take this IP to run in on web browser to login into web application to add users. 4.2. Web application Figure 11: web application setting Figure 12: add extensions Figure 12 is the next page of figure 11. Click on add new PJSIP extension. 4.3. Add telephone The next steps explain how to add a telephone line and follow these instructions to complete of create new user. 4.3.1. Add a user in PJSIP extension Figure 13:PJSIP extension In figure 13 you have many things to fill out. First thing is the name of user extension and that must not a copy of old user extension. Second thing is the display name that is shows to you in VOIP witch is refer to the person who call. Figure 14: User setting In figure 14 which is the user setting you have to select the permissions that you want to apply in this user. Then click on submit. 4.3.2. Apply the user Figure 15: Aplly the user When you create a user you have to apply this user, without applying the user it will not work well. Figure 16: Zoiper logo 5.1. Create a user in zoiper Figure 17: creating a user Figure 18: Account type Figure 19: fill the user information In figure 19 we have two parts the one in right is coming from the web application CPannel and the one in left coming from Zoiper. What you have to do is to fill the same information in the right to the left. There something addition which is the IP. You can see the IP in figure 10. 5.2. The connection between two telephones Figure 20: telephones communication In figure 20 you can see what happen when you call from telephone to another. As we saw before that Asterisk can connect two branches or more together we will illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of using Asterisk. 6.1. Advantage of using Asterisk 6.1.1. Lowest cost Asterisk is open source which means that you can download and use it for free without any charge and you can make free calls between branches even if the branches in your country or outside. 6.2. Disadvantage of using Asterisk 6.2.1. Does not support all telephones The telephone that is used SCCP cannot communicate with telephone use SIP. Asterisk support SIP only. [1] [2], . [3], [. [4], . [5], . [6],
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Chocolate War Essay -- Essays Papers
The Chocolate War Many people often meet different characters in literature and in life that they admire or despise. They conclude if those characters are good or evil and at the same time they reflect on the choices and responsibilities that those characters have. From The Chocolate War I admire Roland Goubert or The Goober based on his actions. I despise Archie Costello (The Assigner of The Vigils) because of the choices that he made and also because of his actions. I admire Roland Goubert (The Goober) the most of all the characters within this book because he is honest, loving, and a loyal friend to Jerry. In the book when Jerry was refusing to sell the chocolates, Goober felt many feelings that Jerry was feeling. For example the guilt, fear, anger, tension, and most of all the horror of living another day just waiting for the coming of the next homeroom period to once again refuse the chocolates from Brother Leon. That was a sure sign of a bond between the two of them. When Goober waited for Jerry one day at the school’s entrance and pulled him aside to ask, â€Å" Jeez, Jerry, what did you do it for? †after the assignment was over with and Jerry still refused to sell the chocolates. That showed that Goober cared about Jerry and wanted to warn him of Brother Leon and how Brother Leon could control Ferry’s fate. For example when Jerry stated, â€Å" It’s not the end of the world. Four hundred kids in this s chool are going to sell chocolates. What does it matter ...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
General Haig a Butcher not War Hero Essay -- World War I WWI WW1 Sir D
Sir Douglas Haig was born on the 19th June 1861. The Field Marshal was very highly ranked in the duration of The Great War. Haig was a British soldier and a senior Commander of The British Expeditionary Force from the year of 1915. General Haig is notorious for commanding the Battle Of The Somme and also renowned for the third battle of Ypres and various other victories leading to The Triple Entente’s victory of WW1. After the war, Haig was made an Earl and also received gratified thanks from both Houses of Parliament. So, If General Haig was such a renowned role model and congratulated for aiding greatly to the victory of the cold war, why on earth did some people refer to him as a ‘Butcher’? During the early stages of the war, it was classed as ‘Stale Mate’ - hence the beginning of the trenches. WW1 was revolved around Static Warfare. This resulted in many deaths and injuries gaining little land each time. People believe that the countless death to lls from battles is mainly down to Sir Douglas Haig thus creating the name ’Butcher’. But what is the truth? Where the deaths just an unfortunate aspect of the war or could the high numbers have been less? Many historians and common wealth citizens believe General Haig saw the soldiers as pawns, metaphorically speaking, in his own route to personal glory. Haig allegedly had no pity for the high death count and devoted his care only in winning the war to make himself a ’hero’. This is evident in The Battle Of The Somme. The battle initially began on the 1st of July with a five day bombardment of the enemy trenches. General Haig believed it would jeopardise the Germans giving the British and French divisions an advantage when the soldiers went ‘over the top’. What Haig had not count... ... potent reason for me believing this is Haig was well aware of the merciless deaths in both the Battle of the Somme and the Battle of Neuve Chappelle which were occurring and the failing tactics yet did nothing to stop this. The General stubbornly stuck to his plan so if they won the battle, he could claim it was under his lead they were successful thus helping him on his way to his own personal Glory. General Haig also blamed Sir John French for the poor reserve and lack of ammo whereas he was in lead of the battle and should have considered these aspects before he allowed his men to fight in the battles. This emphasises the point he saw the soldiers not as men, but as pawns which held less significance than himself and his pride. I also believe the power which was given to him would of not been possible if he had a lack of useful connections to people with power.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Huck Finn Should Not Be Banned Essay
High Schools in the United States should not ban The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This book is one of the most important components of American literature in our libraries today, it throws the reader into a time when slavery was lawful and accepted, and gives the reader a new perspective on slavery in general. Until civil rights groups can come up with a better argument than the word â€Å"nigger†creating a â€Å"hostile work environment†(Zwick) it should not be taken off the required reading list of any High School in the country. Every one hundred years dialects change and what is considered â€Å"politically correct†, or socially acceptable, changes. â€Å"David Bradley argues that ‘if we’d eradicated the problem of racism in our society, Huckleberry Finn would be the easiest book in the world to teach’†(Zwick, Jim. â€Å"Should Huckleberry Finn Be Banned?†). If we, as a nation, make it a point to rule out all books that could possibly offend students, then every hundred years or so our library of American Literature will be completely different. Even today, modern day authors use vulgar language, lurid sexual content, and racial slurs to get their point across. If The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is taken off of required reading lists across the country, then that could create a never-ending cycle of books being taken off of school shelves every time words and ideas become unacceptable. If this is the way that American society is turning then something must be don e, and the Superintendents, Deans, and Principals of every High School around the country must take it upon themselves to do it because the students will not. The people who are trying to ban The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are only trying to block out a part of American history that they would just as soon be forgotten, but every part of American history needs to be dealt with and accepted by everyone at a young age. Trying to shield students from any important part of history is a crime within itself. Hannibal, Missouri is a prime example of this type of crime. Every year they have a citywide celebration of Mark Twain, but they do not celebrate The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson nor do they teach it in their schools. Best stated by Shelly Fisher Fishkin, the theater company in Hannibal â€Å"was upholding a long American tradition of making slavery and its legacy and blacks themselves invisible†(Zwick, Jim. â€Å"Should Huckleberry Finn Be Banned?†). This just shows how foolish many parts of America can be; they embrace him and call him a genius in one aspect, but they convenien tly don’t seem to notice his genius in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because they are too distracted by the language and actions of Huckleberry Finn himself. Just because a book has some offensive content is not enough of a reason to ban a book, the general value of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn greatly overshadows any offensive language it may contain. It shows how the American public thought back then, their morals, and their way of life. It was simply they way they were brought up. In Chapter 32 of Huckleberry Finn Aunt Sally asks if anyone was hurt in a steamboat accident, Huck replies, â€Å"No’m. Killed a nigger†(Twain 167). The subject is then closed because no â€Å"people†were harmed, and in their minds, nobody was. That is something that cannot be expressed in a textbook or a teacher with the same degree of authenticity. The book immerses the student in a time where slavery was accepted. Teachers taught it, pastors preached it, mayors practiced it, and children saw absolutely nothing wrong with it because that is how they had been brought up. Huckleberry, however, was not raised â€Å"proper†an d so had an almost completely clean head about the subject â€Å"The Widow Douglas, she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time†(Twain 1). He saw Jim as a person and was even willing to go to hell to protect him. Just his use of the word â€Å"nigger†did not make him a bad person; it was exactly the way people talked back in that period of time. The book tries to show that black people were just as human as white people and was probably the most blatant anti-slavery book of the time, â€Å"many scholars consider it a staunchly antiracist novel†(Zwick, Jim. â€Å"Should Huckleberry Finn Be Banned?†). If only that idea was appreciated today, the book would come across as a classic instead of a source of debate. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an avid anti-slavery novel, and despite flawed criticism from close-minded individuals, is one of the finest windows into a dark period of history that we all must deal with. One will not completely understand the way of life when slavery was accepted until they have read an entirely unbiased and uncensored book written during that time and dealing with the topic of slavery.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Importance of Eating Breakfast Essay
Each person has a different ritual to start the day. Some might think that their day hasn’t started without having a cold shower, others demand watching the news, and there might be others paying attention to shallower things like wearing perfume before going out. That is perfectly fine. But, do these people include breakfast in their rituals? What number of people says that they can’t get out of the house without having breakfast first? Is the breakfast something essential to start a good day? Yes. The body can be compared with a car. It needs fuel to run. It must be fuelled several times each day to function efficiently. In the morning, after many hours without food, it is primordial to refuel it to provide the necessary energy to go through the first part of the day successfully. Eating the first meal of the day is one of the most important things a person should do in the morning. Families should inculcate the knowledge about the importance of it. Media marketing should be more devoted to teach people how to begin a morning. People in general should be more responsible about their health. Nowadays, it is a concern to see how many people make the mistake of getting high-sugar and high-fat foods for breakfast, or even worst, skip it, without considering the consequences. People show the level of importance they give to breakfast in their morning habits. There are three kinds of thoughts regarding breakfast. The first one can be shown by a person who is aware of his/her health. This type of person knows that the breakfast gives a rewarding feeling to the body, and that’s the correct way to start a day. In their kitchens, they might have a slice of wheat bread with eggs, joined by fresh fruit and a cup of natural orange juice waiting to be eaten. According to Cindy Maynard, dietician and a health medical writer, in her article â€Å"Start Your Day with a Breakfast Boost. †She says that eating breakfast improves the ability to concentrate and weight control, reduces the risk of heart disease, and increases strength and energy. This will be likely to occur if the body receives the correct food. Generally, health professionals recommend eating a breakfast consisting of protein, whole grains, and fruits. It makes sense to ingest these things after spending the entire previous night without food. If the body and the brain don’t obtain the correct food, they are not going to function as good as they could because they have no energy or strength to perform right. Healthy food is what the body and the brain need to function in the most optimal way, and it will keep the stomach satiated until the next meal. Other kinds of persons claim eating breakfast, but do they specify what kind of food are getting? Here is where the second thought about breakfast is demonstrated. They usually get the foods that should be avoided because they are high in sugar, sodium, and saturated fats. They have the mistaken belief that a sweet cup of coffee, a muffin or bacon and sausage can be considered a good breakfast. In their minds, they may think that because they have eaten something, they are starting the day well. However, they may also wonder why they are hungry at mid-morning, and why their energy boost doesn’t last very long even after having consumed breakfast. Making a poor choice of breakfast will give an extremely short energy boost that will make the body feel tired and hungry again after a short period of time. This is pancreas’ fault, which responded to the huge amount of sugar introduced in the bloodstream producing insulin in order to bring the levels of glucose back down to a reasonable amount. Also, the long term effect on health for these people can be guessed. Finally, the third thought about breakfast is from people that don’t take breakfast as a serious business, and they choose the worst decision: skipping breakfast. These people neglect the first meal of the day saying silly excuses like they lack of time. They prefer to spend extra time sleeping or finding the perfect outfit, maybe they are following the latest diet trend, or they are just feeling no hunger. They don’t know the harm they are making to themselves. When the body doesn’t have energy, there are more probabilities of feeling tired, dizzy, and irritable, or having poor concentration. These people are likely to find themselves craving for something later because the body is asking for an energy boost. It is possible that they become so hungry that they will be eating more at one or two meals than other people eat in three or four. Busy lifestyles, wearing a good outfit or sleeping more should not impede health. The problem can be solved if the breakfast is planned. For those who don’t feel hungry after waking up, they should try eating small bits of food and then slowly increase their intake as their system grows accustomed to it. Also, they have to stop eating meals late in the evening. This leaves food in the stomach the next morning and prevents them from being hungry when they first wake up. Breakfast skippers haven’t learned how to start a good day. Their excuses for skipping breakfast are trivialities. Jim Rohn once said, â€Å"If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse. †It seems like that quote was written for them. It is time to form healthier habits that will benefit the body and improve its well-being. The time to break bad habits has come. Eating breakfast is the way that happiest days start. There are a lot of breakfast options that fit to people’s lifestyles. It is better to wake up earlier and have a nutritious breakfast that going out without eating anything. The body and the brain will appreciate it. Finally, for those who are not yet convinced of the importance of breakfast, they should try an experiment. They must eat a good and healthy breakfast for an entire week, and then try another week skipping it. Thereafter, they should analyze and make a comparison about how they felt each week including aspects like mood, energy and strength. There’s a great probability of feeling a difference believe it or not. The body will notice the difference and the brain will say that mothers and nutritionist were right about breakfast.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Internet in India Essay
We live in an age of information. Today information is power. Those who have it are powerful and those who don’t have it are powerless. The rise of internet as a tool for information and information, in the last decades of the twentieth century has changed the power balances on this globe. The twenty first century has begun with the most populous countries on this world, India and China adopting the internet technology very fast. These two countries share almost 40% of the population on this globe, and the pattern in which they have adopted internet is surely leading them to become super powers in future. This essay discusses how internet has developed in India, what are the reasons behind this development and what could be the future implications of the current status of internet in India. The Beginning In the middle of 1980s, India had a young Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who understood the importance of government policies favoring information technology. He managed to hire services of USA based Indian technocrat, Sam Pitroda, for improvement of the communication scene in India. The foundation stone for a revolution was laid then. While working on the telecommunication aspects, the government realized the fact that internet can be powerful democratizing force, offering greater economic, political, and social participation to communities that have traditionally been underserved- and helping developing nations meet their pressing needs. ( internet growth ). Subsequently, Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL), the government agency responsible for telecommunications in India, launched the internet in the year 1995. It was perceived by the government of India that internet would be helpful in the following ways : 1. Open dialogue – The low cost networking would facilitate knowledge sharing, awareness of alternate perspectives and allow more open exchanges. 2. Improve governance – To raise the efficiency of the government by making it more transparent and enabling more public participation. 3. Improve social and human rights condition – Expand access to better quality education, health car, disaster relief capacity and other services. 4. Reduce poverty : Open new avenues and opportunities for income generation for the bypassed groups like women, rural people etc. 5. Introduce more economic opportunities – Through Ecommerce, and other applications of the internet, many new earning opportunities can be created. 6. Improve environmental management – through GIS, early warning systems and various other applications, the environment can be better managed. ( Internet growth) The government also rightfully perceived the emerging globalization phenomenon since 1980s. It was right in believing that if the nation had to survive in this scenario, giving information access to the public is a must, and behind internet, the facilities attached with it, like E-governance, E-Commerce and E-learning are also bound to come. For the first four years, VSNL had the monopoly to provide internet services and was the sole service provider. This monopoly was withdrawn in November 1998, and the field opened up for the private service providers. The terms were very liberal. There was no license fee and unlimited players were allowed to take part. Private ISPs were allowed to fix their own tariffs and set their own gateways also. The department of Telecom (DOT) has issued licenses to almost 100 ISPs in category ‘A’, which is for All India operations, and 220 each for category ‘B’ and ‘C’, which is for metros and state level circles, and medium and small cities, respectively. Out of these, about 184 ISPs have started their operations. ( Internet growth ). Government Initiatives The government of India has laid primary focus on development of internet in India. Some of the measures taken by it, to freely promote the use of internet are ; 1. Formulation of National telecom policy in 1999. Its target is to provide internet services to all district headquarters by 2002. 2. Provide license to private ISPs without any license fee up to October 2002. A token fee of Re. 1 ( 2 cents) per annum, to be levied from November 2003. 3. There is no restriction on the number of ISPs in all categories. 4. ISPs are given permission to set up international gateways by having business arrangement with Foreign Satellites Providers, and collaborators. 5. ISPs permitted to provide last mile access using radio and fiber optics. 6. ISPs also permitted to provide service through cable TV infrastructure /operators 7. Initiated an ambitious plan to develop National Internet Backbone (NIB). 8. Adopted the Information Technology act, a law recognizing electronic transactions and thus providing legal frame work for E-commerce in India 9. Internet telephony services opened up to private service providers from 1 April 2002 ( Internet growth ) Fats and figures The internet industry in India, can be described in the following table in a nut-shell: ISP licences issued Appx. 540 ISPs operational Appx. 185 Cities/towns covered Appx. 340 Internet subscribers Appx. 3. 3 million Cyber cafes/ public access kiosks Appx. 12000 In principle approval for setting up international gateways Appx. 45 ISPs Operational gateways by 8-9 ISPs 40 + Total estimated investment by ISPs Rs, 6000 crores Estimated investment in equipments By ISPs Rs. 2500 crores Estimated employment provided ( direct/ indirect ) 1. 1 lac ( Internet growth ) primary source : Internet services providers association of India. The Internet Growth in India During the initial years, when VSNL had a monopoly on this business, the growth rate was very slow, but no sooner private players were allowed, the growth in internet subscribers was substantial, as proved from the following table : Month/year subscriber base ( million ) August 1995 0. 01 March 1996 0. 05 March 1997 0.09 March 1998 0. 14 March 1999 0. 28 March 2000 0. 90 March 2001 3. 00 March 2002 3. 30 ( Internet Growth ) primary source : Internet services providers association of India Research results Some interesting results are also available from a research study conducted by Larry. Press, William Foster, Peter Wolcott and William McHenry, on the subject of comparison between the internet status in China and India. This paper was published in ‘ First Monday ‘, a Peer reviewed journal on the internet. The authors used a six dimensional framework which characterizes the state of internet in a nation. These are : 1. Pervasiveness : This parameter indicates the number of internet users per capita. 2. Geographic dispersion : This measure the concentration of internet within a nation from none or a single city to nationwide availability. 3. Organizational structure : This is a measure based on the state of the ISP industry and market conditions 4. Connectivity Infrastructure : This is based on domestic and international backbone bandwidth, exchange points and last mile access methods 5. Sectoral absorption – This is a measure of degree of internet utilization in education, business, health care and public sectors. These sectors are seen as key to development and were suggested by the United Nations Development Program. ( UNDP) Human development Index. 6. Sophistication of use – This measure ranks the usage from conventional to highly sophisticated and driving innovation. A conventional nation would be using Internet as substitute for other media like telephone and fax. Pervasiveness India needs to improve upon the following aspects to score more on the Interrnet pervasiveness factor. – With GDP per capita of $ 2358 and a dial-up tariff of $15. 75 per month for 30 hours usage, internet is still unaffordable to most of the Indian population. – With a tele density of 3. 6 in the year 2000, India ranks 145th on a global scale. This has to go up. – Electricity, personal computers and networking equipments are also expensive in India. There are estimated 6 million PCs in India. The equipment cost needs to come down. – Literary rate of India is rather poor at 52%. The secondary school enrollment rate is 39% and mean years of schooling for those who are 15 years and above is only 5. 1 % . Internet cannot spread unless the user is literate. – India has a large population which is very well conversed with English, which is the language mostly used in internet also. This works to India’s advantage. Geographic dispersion Reaching remote villages in the countryside is one of the major hindrance. Most of India’s population lives in villages. The huge investment required for Internet to become accessible from remote villages, is not justified. Low earth orbiting IP satellite technology may solve this problem in future, not only for India but many other developing nations also. Here Indian efforts are commendable. The ministry for Information technology has a working group on Information Technology for Masses that issued a report recommending about 56 actions in infrastructure and service, electronic governance, education and raising mass IT awareness in October 2000. Organizational infrastructure Largely due to a very complex political structure it is difficult to formulate and implement policies in India. The complexities are further enhanced by the law and judiciary system, government inefficiencies, and corruption. The organizational infra structure can be further improved upon, if these bottlenecks are removed. Connectivity infrastructure The key determinants to connectivity infrastructure are trade policy and other factors which encourage investment and the availability of skilled work force. India will see increase in trade as it implements its IT plans. India is also an early mover in software exports, which totaled to 8. 26 billion in 2001. The expatriate trained work force in Europe and United States is also playing a role in growth of internet in India. Most of them have formed joint ventures or set up subsidiaries, back home. This surely enhances the use of internet. Sectoral Absorption The schools and colleges of India have started using the internet on a wide scale, but there is considerable scope for improvement. E-governance and increase in trade will see increased use of internet in future, in India. The relative freedom of states in India is the determining factor here. In the health sector internet is hardly used. Sophistication of use Almost 70% of Indian population lives in villages. If Internet can improve rural education, health care, entertainment, news, economy etc. , the flow of people to the crowded cities can be diminished. India has several projects pursuing village connectivity, but there has not been widespread deployment. ( Press Larry, Foster William, Wolcott Peter & McHenry William ) The ISPs in India There are 183 ISPs in India in total. Out of these, those who have the All India license are as follows : ISPs having all-India licence include: BSNL CMC RPG Infotech Essel Shyam Communications Sify Siti Cable Network Gateway Systems (India) World Phone Internet Services VSNL Guj Info Petro Hughes Escorts Communications Astro India Networks Reliance Primus Telecommunications India ERNET India RailTel Corporation Data Infosys GTL Jumpp India L&T Finance HCL Infinet Primenet Global Tata Internet Services Tata Power Broadband Bharti Infotel Pacific Internet India In2Cable (India) Reliance Engineering Associates BG Broad India Swiftmail Communications Estel Communication Bharti Aquanet Trak Online Net India Spectra Net Reach Network India i2i Enterprise. Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Comsat Max Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Corporation HCL Comnet Systems and Services Harthway Cable ( Indiaonestop ) The role of BSNL in development of Internet in India Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, ( BSNL) the apex body which looks after the telecomm sector in India, was formed in 2000 as a public enterprise. It is India’s largest communication service provider and offers services throughout India, except New Delhi and Bombay. On March 31 2007, it had a customer base of 33. 7 million wirelines, 3. 6 million CDMA-WLL and 27. 5 GSM mobile subscribers. The credit of making Internet popular and affordable to the people of India goes to BSNL. It pioneered in offering the broadband services to its customers, at a unbelievably low rates, under its ‘home’ and ‘business plans’. The cheapest home plan is slated at Rs. 250/- for a usage of 1 GB. This is in sharp contrast to the expensive dial-up networking where the charge was time based, and used to be very high. These plans have become so popular in a short span of 2 years or so, that today, BSNL is the biggest ISP with a market share of about 50%. The Indian communications minister, Dayanidhi Maran, has declared the year 2007 as a ‘ year of broadband ’, and BSNL is targeting 5 million broadband connections by the end of the year 2007. BSNL has two major plans to be executed in the near future. One, to provide a speed of 2 Mb/sec on to all its broadband customers without any extra cost, and two, it is planning to upgrade its broadband services to triple play in 2007. Today, BSNL is India’s one of the largest PSU with a share capital of $ 3. 95 billion, and net worth of US $ 14. 32 billion. ( BSNL ) Most favored outsourcing hub – India The development of internet in India, has opened up many new venues. One of them is outsourcing of work to India. This trend started with outsourcing of medical transcription jobs, which later spread to database management, insurance and the financial sector. Today it has become an authentic hub which is most favored by all. India has got a new identity as a most favored nation for outsourcing. This would have never been possible, without the fast, affordable spread of the internet in India. Of course, India also benefits from its proficiency in English and the perfect time synchronization with the USA and UK. The work hours of USA are night hours in India and vice-versa. The work hours of UK synchronizes with 3 p. m. to 11 p. m. in India. Hence, a file can be sent at the end of the day from UK or USA, work on it is carried out when UK and USA sleep, and the processed file is back to them , when they start their work on the next day. Conclusion Internet is a modern day technological tool, which has considerable advantages. Development of Internet is related to increasing the number of people who can gain an access to it. It is a general assumption made by all, that if more and more people get an access to the Internet, the nation will automatically develop. All debates and research on this subject, is based on the number game. The basic question is : even if Internet is available to every one, will the development be automatic? It has to be borne in mind that Internet is a potentially dangerous tool also, capable of ruining lives, especially of youngsters, if not handled judiciously. Exactly this is happening in India. The government has only concentrated on the number game, taking it for granted that it will be used judiciously for betterment. So far, the only good internet has done is to fill the pockets of the players in this game and provide earning opportunities to a negligible percentage of the population. Any visible advantage to the nation, to the society or to the Indian culture is not witnessed at all. Another colossal mistake the government of India has made is, it has given importance to the IT sector, by bye passing other crucial areas like electric power, education, and health services. Including New Delhi, the capital India, compulsory daily power cuts are very regular !!! What to talk of other cities and the interiors? Hardly anything could be achieved, only by increasing the number of Internet users ! References 1. Internet growth, key learnings from India, Retrieved on 12 May 07 from: < http://www. internetpolicy. net/principles/021122india-lessons. pdf > 2. Press Larry, Foster William, Wolcott Peter & McHenry William, The Internet in India and China, First Monday, a Peer -reviewed journal on the internet, retrieved on 12 May 07 from : < http://www. firstmonday. org/issues/issue7_10/press/ > 3. Indiaonestop, retrieved on 12 May 07 from : < http://indiaonestop. com/ISPS. htm> 4. BSNL, wikipedia the free encyclopedia, 8 May 2007, retrieved on 12 May 07 from: < http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/BSNL>.
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