Saturday, January 25, 2020
Essay --
What is commonly referred to as Islamic terrorism is based on grievances in the Muslim world that stem from the perception that the United States is only continuing what the "West" has done historically: interfere with and invade Muslim countries. "It isn't McDonalds, it's not bikinis, or our form of government," noted one panelists. The United States needs to focus more on using soft power and repairing its reputation rather than hard military power. It is important to distinguish among different types of terrorists and deal with each kind accordingly. The strategy used against one type might prove to be counterproductive or have the opposite effect on another group. Panelists agreed it is critical to differentiate between tactical/local terrorists and strategic/global ones. Tactical terrorists use violence to achieve a specific political (usually local) goal and are willing to negotiate with their announced enemy. They usually have a political wing along with their military one, which signals that the group can be negotiated with and that it has the potential to transform into a more political and social force. Strategic terrorists in contrast are not too concerned with politics and are instead in a state of perpetual global war against perpetual enemies. They reject all other opinions and believe they have a monopoly on truth. Negotiation with such a group is impossible. The goal of an effective counterterrorism strategy would be to fracture the alliances that global/strategic groups have with local/tactical ones. This could be done by deterring the local/tactical ones from aiding and operating with Al Qaeda types. Making sure the cost of cooperating with Al Qaeda might include the loss of a local group's political objective is... ...with the creation of Resolution 1624 to deal with the incitement of terrorism. So you've got this web, a proliferation of committees on a bureaucratic level to make them look like they're doing something in the Security Council. But really, there's a lot of overlapping mandates. And a lot of people, including the U.S. government, are scratching their head, wondering really how effective all of these new committees can be in dealing with the problem. And to add to that, an executive directorate was created with 20 new experts by the counterterrorism committee, that now goes on site visits all over the world. So they have two components to dealing with terrorism. It's really more focused on capacity building, helping states to get the wherewithal, the means to deal with terrorism, than there is any of these compliance issues, reporting them to the Security Council.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Chinese philosophy Essay
Confucius was born in 551-479 BC. His father died while Confucius was three years old. He was raised in a poor single mother family, during a time of civil unrest in china. Confucius is thought to be the first teacher and the one of most influential Chinese philosophers. After his death his teachings became the basis for Confucianism. Confucius believed that we’re naturally good, but it needs to be learned. People have to learn how to â€Å"cultivate the good and throw out the bad. Anything that is worth learning is must be practiced. He thought very highly of education hence one of his sayings â€Å"enrich them educate them†. Confucius focused on relationships, they were very important and every type of relationship should function a certain way. Some people say the Confucius is very similar to Socrates. Two of the main concepts of jen and li are considered basis of Confucianism. Jen is what makes you human, the ability to care, goodness, giving and â€Å"man-to-man-ness†. acting in this manor is highly revered in Confucianism considered human perfection. One must Have moral and ethical respect for human life, treat others with humanity and having self-esteem for one’s self. He believes that jen can be learned. Everyone can be â€Å"perfected†and it needs to be learned. Jen is the foundation of all relationships and it applies to not just one race but to everyone. Li is a guide to human interaction also the general guide to social order and in your life. Li plays the role of higher rung of natural law. For jen to exist society needs to have order. People need to be open with one another. Every action has an effect on someone else, there are limits to individuality. Confucius wanted to order the entire way of life, you shouldn’t be left to guess because you don’t know how to behave. Confucianism has had a huge affect on East Asian society and thinking. China used the Confucian philosophy as the basis for government for 300 years. Then in 1912 the government decided that the philosophy was the reason for why there country was being held back. There was a time when the Chinese government sought to destroy the philosophy by burning all of the books. Of course there attempt were futile. Confucianism also became the basis for government in Japan, Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. While Confucianism had a huge affect in East Asia I was unable to find anything about its affects on western culture. I like the idea of connectedness that Confucianism portrays. The idea that every action has an effect on some else is very true. I feel that in American society we have lost track of that, most of us are only out for ourselves because we are such an individualistic society. Confucius puts emphasis on the family unit; in fact more than half of his teachings about social relations pertain to families. I believe that a good family has a better chance at making better people. One possible negative is that In Confucianism there is a belief that relationships are more important than government law. Some people say that this can promote corruption and nepotism in the government. China has had these problems with their government. In Confucianism’s defense Singapore’s is considered one the the least corrupt countries on earth. I guess every philosophy isn’t perfect there are References China Confucianism: Life of Confucius, Influences, Development. (n. d. ). China Travel Agency with 24/7 Tour Service – TravelChinaGuide. Retrieved February 10, 2013, from http://www. travelchinaguide. com/intro/religion/confucianism/ Exploring Chinese History :: Culture :: Philosophy :: Confucianism. (n. d. ). ibiblio – The Public’s Library and Digital Archive. Retrieved February 10, 2013, from http://www. ibiblio. org/chinesehistory/contents/02cul/c04s04. html The Eastern Philosophy Blog: he Main Concepts of Confucianism. (n. d. ). The Eastern Philosophy Blog. Retrieved February 10, 2013, from http://eastern-philosophy-and-meditation. blogspot. com/2009/01/he-main-concepts-of-confucianism. html APA formatting by BibMe. org. going to be a few things that people will disagree on.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Scientific Systems Of Engineering Management - 2071 Words
Introduction Engineering Management refers to a specialized type of management which is primarily concerned with the application of certain engineering principles to business activities or practice. In other words, Engineering Management can be said to be a career which unites the technological problem-solving aspect of engineering and the administrative, planning, and organizational capabilities of management to facilitate the efficient operation of activities within a sophisticated establishment from the start to the end. Primarily, Engineering Management focuses on the planning, installation, improvement, and design of integrated systems of material, people, information, energy, and equipment. This is achieved through utilization of specialized skills and knowledge in the physical sciences, social sciences, and mathematical disciples. This knowledge and expertise are integrated into methods and principles of engineering analysis and design (Haverila and Fehr 574). Through this incorporation, they can evaluate, specify, and predict results that are likely to be obtained. The scientific systems in engineering management are majorly responsible for designing, implementing, and developing models to be used as the basis for evaluation and analysis of results. Comparative analysis is achieved by taking into consideration the relationship that exists between engineering aspects and the management duties such as organizing, planning, controlling, and leading. 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