Thursday, July 18, 2019
Report on “Rahimafroozâ€Â
PART: ONE 1. 1 Introduction The word ‘environment’ does not merely refer to the natural or ecological environment, although that may be important considerations for many organizations. Instead, it is a generic concept, which embraces the totality of external environment forces, which may influence any aspect of organizational activity. Similarly, the word ‘business’ is used to imply any type of organization, whether it is a commercial profit-making enterprise, a government agency or a non-profit-making charitable trust. 1. 2 Background: The report-conducted rahimafrooz limited. This company all ready establish in the market. Rohimafrooz first lance their product in 1954. We are preparing this report environment impact (specially ecological impact) analysis the rahimafrooz limited. We are visit rahimafrooz sales center and collect much information. In this paper â€Å"Impact of Environmental Forces in Industry special focus on Ecology†every possible attempt has been made to collect necessary information to show the conditions of the product. 1. 3 Significance of the report: To justify the how situation ecological environment impact the rahimafrooz Ltd. in Bangladesh. 1. 4 Scope of the report: The area of study is confined to rahimafrooz Ltd. n Bangladesh. The job is to review the overall company ecological impact. This report has been prepared through extensive discussion with group member & seller of the company. ?An overview of IPS & battery industry in Bangladesh. ?An overview of rahimafrooz limited in Bd ?Marketing performance of rahimafrooz limited. 1. 5 Objectives: 1. 5. 1 Broad Objective: O ur objective is to identify Environmental Forces on Rahimafrooz Ltd. especially ecological impact on their production process as well as overall industry. 1. 5. 2 Specific Objective: ?To identify the ecologial condition of Rahimafrooz Batteries & IPS Ltd. In Bangladesh. To identify the major obstacle to the way of prosper of the company. ?To find out the objectives of the Rahimafrooz Ltd. ?To identify the economic & marketing condition. 1. 6 Methodology: Methodology following to perform a job or conducting activities to complete a task is called methodology. 1. 6. 1 Type of research: This is an Descript & experimental research which briefly reveals and analyzes the especially ecological impact of Rohimafrooz Ltd. 1. 6. 2 Sources of data 1. 6. 2. 1 Primary: Rohamaforooze dealer, marketing department, & customer, seller etc. 1. 6. 2. 2 Secondary: Newspaper, article, library sturdy, & report. . 6. 3 Data collection procedure: 1. 6. 3. 1 Secondary: †¢Published documents and reports †¢Annual reports of the Rahimafrooz . †¢Relevant websites (www. rahimafrooz bangladesh limited. com) 1. 6. 3. 2 Primary: Interview and discussion with the officials and clients 1. 6. 4 Questionnaire: A logical questionnaire is used in the market research. Both close ended and open-ended questions are used in the questionnaire. 1. 6. 5 Sampling plan: ?Sample unit: The sample unit of the survey is an individual user of IPS & battery in BD. ?Population: All the user of IPS & battery product in mirpur aria. Sample frame: No well structured sample frame is found. ?Sampling procedure: Non-probability convenience sampling procedure is used in the survey. ?Sampie size: The sample size is 100 people NoAreaNumber 01Mirpur- 11 number50 02Mirpur- 10 number30 03Mirpur- 01 number20 1. 6. 6 Data analysis and reporting: We have used different computer software to analyzes this reports. Such as Microsoft word, Microsoft excel etc. 1. 7 Limitations: ?Lack of time ?Lack of knowledge ?Lack o f sufficient financial assistance. ?Lack of proper book, journals & article etc. ?Lack of valuable data & information. Lack of perfect co-operation. PART: TWO Theoretical Aspects ENVIRONMENTAL FORCES A Classification of Environmental forces: 1. LE. PESTC analysis. 2. â€Å"Dartboard†model. 3. Peace & Robinson theory. There have been numerous attempts to model the business environment either in its totality or in its specific elements. Perhaps the most popular of the former category is PEST analysis. The simple acronym PEST (standing for Political, Economic, Social, Technological) serves well as an aide memoir when considering the array of environmental forces influencing business activity. It encompasses most areas of concern these field. PEST analysis enables to assemble a logical and comprehensive picture of their environment. However it is the interrelationship between the apparently different factor, which adds not only complexity, and uncertainty to the analysis but also richness greater accuracy Figure: LE PEST C Analysis Economical †¢GDP per capita †¢economic growth †¢unemployment rate †¢inflation rate †¢consumer and investor confidence †¢inventory levels †¢currency exchange rates †¢merchandise trade balance †¢financial and political health of trading partners †¢balance of payments †¢future trends Political †¢political climate – amount of government activity political stability and risk †¢government debt †¢budget deficit or surplus †¢corporate and personal tax rates †¢payroll taxes †¢import tariffs and quotas †¢export restrictions †¢restrictions on international financial flows Legal †¢minimum wage laws â € ¢environmental protection laws †¢worker safety laws †¢union laws †¢copyright and patent laws †¢anti- monopoly laws †¢Sunday closing laws †¢municipal licences †¢laws that favour business investment Technological †¢efficiency of infrastructure, including: roads, ports, airports, rolling stock, hospitals, education, healthcare, communication, etc. †¢industrial productivity †¢new manufacturing processes new products and services of competitors †¢new products and services of supply chain partners †¢any new technology that could impact the company †¢cost and accessibility of electrical power Ecological †¢ecological concerns that affect the firms production processes †¢ecological concerns that affect customers' buying habits †¢ecological concerns that affect customers' perception of the company or product Social †¢demographic factors such as: opopulation size and distribution oage distribution oeducati on levels oincome levels oethnic origins oreligious affiliations †¢attitudes towards: omaterialism, capitalism, free enterprise individualism, role of family, role of government, collectivism orole of church and religion oconsumerism oenvironmentalism oimportance of work, pride of accomplishment †¢cultural structures including: odiet and nutrition ohousing conditions Competitive †¢Labor supply oquantity of labor available oquality of labor available ostability of labor supply owage expectations oemployee turn-over rate ostrikes and labor relations oeducational facilities †¢Material suppliers oquality, quantity, price, and stability of material inputs odelivery delays oproximity of bulky or heavy material inputs olevel of competition among suppliers International Economy Technology sector International Context Context Government Industry ORGANIZATION raw material Market sectors Social cultural Human resources Sector Sector International Finance Sector sector Figure: Dartboard model The dartboard configuration gives the organization of place in the centre while radiating from are 8 categories environmental concern. Technology Sector Both the types and the level of technology in the society give insight into understanding an institution. Institutions dealing with Western paradigms are dependent on the state of national infrastructure, e. g. power, water, transport; those which concentrate on indigenous research paradigms may have totally different dependencies. Thus, it is important to understand the level of relevant technology in the institutional context and whether such technology is defined by computer literacy or by highly developed indigenous methods of verbal and nonverbal communication. It might also be helpful for an assessment to include a consideration of the process by which new technology comes into use, both to understand how difficult it is to acquire needed research technologies and to develop an appreciation for the society's willingness to embrace both new knowledge and change. Government Sector At a general level, IDRC needs to understand the relationship between governmental strategy or development plans and the institution. Several specific dimensions of the political context should be scrutinized: †¢The extent to which government and its bureaucracy supports and contributes resources to the institution: It is imperative that IDRC and other funding agencies know whether significant governmental inputs are anticipated to support increased staffing, maintenance, or other recurring costs typical in research projects. The political context usually entails resource trade-off decisions at the government level. The extent to which the political system is stable or poised to undergo significant change: This factor is vital; the foreign policy context and its effect on IDRC should also be considered. †¢Whether the political context of the institution directly involves the legal context: Some institutions require specific legal status to operate, to receive external fundi ng, and to import equipment in support of research. Economic Sector In the economic environment, the organizational analysis should centre on those aspects of the economic system that directly impact the type of project being considered. For example, inflation, labour laws, and opportunity costs for researchers in public institutions directly impact organizational activities. Clearly, a country under a structural adjustment regime or one that is expecting to undergo restructuring presents an investment context that IDRC needs to understand. Countries with foreign currency restrictions represent different environments for institutions than countries without them, for such restrictions have ramifications for research, e. g. or equipment procurement and maintenance. It is important for IDRC to know how the organization the Centre is supporting is affected by these and other economic forces. Social and Cultural Sector Social and cultural forces at local, national, and often regional levels have profound influence on the way organizations conduct their work and on what they value in terms of outcomes and effects. For example, the mores of an indigenous culture have a bearing on the work ethic and on the way in which peopl e relate to one another. Undoubtedly, the most profound cultural dimension is language. The extent to which organizational members can participate in the discourse of the major scientific language will determine the extent to which research efforts focus inwardly or contribute to regional and global research agendas. Understanding the national/regional/local values toward learning and research provides insight into the type and nature of research that is valued. For example, what is the relative priority placed on contract research in partnership with local clients, e. g. esting products and procedures with indigenous populations, as opposed to sharing information with academic peers internationally, or generating biostatistical data that will shape national or regional policy? Arriving at these priorities involves culture-based decisions. Human Resources Sector The human resources (HR) of an organization consist of all staff (research, teaching, managerial, and technical/support staff) engaged in any of the organization's activities. It is well-recognized that the human resources of any organization are its most valuable asset. This is particularly true in research centres, where the people required to do the core work of the organization are highly trained individuals. IDRC has long been committed to supporting the continuing professional development of researchers in the Centre's partner institutions. The HR management function is charged with planning and controlling this resource to make sure that peoples' needs are met. This is not merely an altruistic function, for it is highly likely that staff who are reasonably comfortable with working conditions and stimulated by the environment will be productive. Managing human resources requires forecasting the demand and supply of staff needed to carry out the activities of the organization. HR management also entails keeping records of human resources so as to permit the creation of a more equitable employment system. They separate firms external environment into three categories. Remote Environment: All of the environment element with out ‘industry & operating environment’ Such as global & domestic political, social, and technological concerns. Industry Environments: those manse competitive forces. Such as Singer , Novana, TCL etc. Operating environment: Which omprises a rather mixed group of actors including suppliers and customers. PART: THREE Analysis and Findings STUDY on â€Å"RAHIMAFROOZ†3. 1 Organization Overview Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. is a Private entrepreneur and leading battery manufacturing company in Bangladesh. It manufactures and markets several types of batteries both in the local and international market. Due to the proven quality and wide range of product, the company has been trusted worldwide. The Company, for more than 15 years, has been working in designing, marketing, supplying and installation of solar products for various types of uses e. . Household lighting, Community lighting, off-grid market electrification, Railway signaling, remote area communication etc. Till date, Rahimafrooz has installed more than 4187 SHS (50 Wp equivalent) in different parts of the country with installed capacity of 209 kWp. RBL is the largest lead-acid battery manufacturer in Bangladesh and offers an extensive range of automotive & specialized industrial battery. It manufactures over 300 different types of automotive and industrial batteries. Its plant is ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certified. It is one of the key players in South Asia in its field. Nearly 70% of households in Bangladesh are not connected to the electricity grid and so depend on kerosene for lighting. This includes most rural areas, and also the fringes of Dhaka. There are plans to extend the grid, but there is little prospect of substantial change in the near future. The REREDP, which is funded by the World Bank and GEF and managed by the Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL), initially aimed to provide 50,000 systems by the end of 2007, but this has already been increased to 200,000 systems because of the success of the programme, and may be further ncreased. IDCOL provides Participating Organizations (POs) in the programme with subsidies and concessional loans to purchase PV systems in bulk, and the partners can then provide credit to rural households to buy systems. PV electricity can have a huge impact on people's lives, providing power for lighting, phone charging, education and entertainment. One reason for the success of the project is the l ocal availability of components from the manufacturing and development work of Rahimafrooz. The company has applied its considerable expertise in battery manufacture to the production of batteries specifically for PV systems, as wellas diversifying into the design of charge controllers and fluorescent lamps for local manufacture. Rahimafrooz has also supplied 25,000 complete SHSs, mostly for IDCOL POs under the REREDP, and has provided training and technical support for these POs. Outside the REREDP, Rahimafrooz has installed 448 kWp of other PV systems. The first prize Ashden Award to Rahimafrooz Batteries Ltd recognises the key contribution which it has made to the enormously successful programme of solar home systems in Bangladesh, through local manufacture of reliable equipment and components. Company Profile Basic Information Company Name:Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd Business Type:Manufacturer, Trading Company, Agent Product/Service (We Sell):Lead Acid Battery, Tyre, Voltage Stabiliser, UPS, Inverter , IPS Product/Service (We Buy):Voltage Stabiliser, UPS, Inverter Address:Globe Chamber, 104 Motizheel C / A Brands:Rahimafrooz Number of Employees:Above 1000 People Company Website URL:http://rahimafrooz. com/ Ownership & Capital Year Established:1946 Registered Capital:Above US$100 Million Ownership Type:Corporation/Limited Liability Company Legal Representative/Business Owner:Limited company 3. 2 Trade & Market Main Markets:Africa Mid East Eastern Asia Main Customers: Domestic Market, Middle east, India, etc Total Annual Sales Volume:Above US$100 Million Export Percentage:21% – 30% Total Annual Purchase Volume:US$50 Million – US$100 Million Factory Information Factory Size:Above 100,000 square meters Factory Location:Dhaka, Pabna & EPZ QA/QC:In House No. of Production Lines:Above 10 No. of R Staff:11 – 20 People No. of QC Staff:31 – 40 People Management Certification:HACCP ISO 9000/9001/9004/19011: 2000 QS-9000 ISO 14000/14001 Contract Manufacturing:OEM Service Offered Design Service Offered Quality Policy We as a team are totally committed to customer delight through intelligent effort and continuous improvement. Vision 2010 To be one of the top two storage power companies in SAARC by the year 2010. Core Values Integrity in all our dealings The Rahimafrooz team never compromises on ethical business practices. We set high standards of ethics and moral virtue for ourselves. Our commitment to integrity shall never be compromised for the sake of business goals or anything. We firmly believe in religious, ethical, social and legal righteousness and we strictly adhere to those. We are also a firm believer in meaningfully contributing to the community and â€Å"giving back†to the society. Excellence in everything we do Our pursuit for business success has thrived on a very simple yet powerful philosophy – quality comes first! We have maintained highest quality standards in our operations, processes, products and brands, always keeping in mind that we can’t afford to be anything less than the best. In all our operating segments and in all our work areas, we strive for quality excellence and continuous improvement. Total commitment to customer satisfaction It takes months, years, in some cases decades, to win a loyal customer. But it takes only a few seconds to lose one. Rahimafrooz thrives on winning loyal customers through best quality products and service. Most importantly, it believes in keeping its customers loyal though sustained quality, amazing service performance and superior customer relations. Every single decision we make, every single behavior we demonstrate, must be meant for the satisfaction of our customers. Thinking ahead and taking new initiatives We have always tried to stay ahead in terms of thinking, decision making and competition. Our product development, business investment, people processes, technology utilization etc. stand testimony to this fact. We believe in being creative, innovative, and intelligent risk takers. Challenging the conventional is encouraged in our organization as long as it is meant to add value to the business and meant to bring positive results for the organization. Management, finance and partnerships The solar work of Rahimafrooz involves close contact with a large number of POs in Bangladesh. Key staff involved include Munawar M Moin, Director and Chief Operating Officer; Shah MD Sazzad Hossain, Manager, Solar and Industrial Batteries; and Nadia Rahim, Business Manager, Renewable Energy Services. The solar unit has recently (July 2006) been separated into an independent business working entirely on renewable energy systems. IDCOL provides both finance and logistic support to the many organisations involved in the widespread uptake of SHS in Bangladesh. This support includes nationwide campaigns to raise awareness about the benefits of SHS; setting and maintaining quality standards; inspection and monitoring of systems; and liaison between the different organisations. Products ?Automotive battery ?Motorcycle battery ?Appliance battery ?Deep cycle – Flat plate battery ?Industrial tubular battery ?VRLA battery ?IPS and UPS batteries ?Battery for solar systems 3. 3 Ecological environment supply raw material to the rahimafrooz company Ltd. If row material price change then impact the organization demand & supply then Over all change company economy environment. Resource is given by ecology environment. Non-renewable resource A non-renewable resource is a natural resource which cannot be produced, re-grown, regenerated, or reused on a scale which can sustain its consumption rate. These resources often exist in a fixed amount, or are consumed much faster than nature can recreate them. Fossil fuel (such as coal, petroleum and natural gas) and nuclear power are example. This resource only source of ecology environment. Renewable resource A natural resource is a renewable resource if it is replaced by natural processes at a rate comparable or faster than its rate of consumption by humans. Solar radiation, tides, winds and hydroelectricity are perpetual resources that are in no danger of a lack of long-term availability. Renewable resources may also mean commodities such as wood, paper, and leather, if harvesting is performed in a sustainable manner. Ecology Environment impact demand & supply & price level If ecology environment one element change then over all demand, supply & price level change. Following bellow 3. 3. The theory of demand for RL By ‘demand’ we mean demand backed by money. We are concerned with the quantity of a commodity, which will be demand at a given price over a certain period of time. A lower price wills means that more will be purchased. Higher price less will be purchased. It depend on ecology environment condition. Demand schedule for Rahimafrooz Batteries Price/ unit (Tk. ) Quan tity Demanded (Thousands) [ Per Week] 40001000 30001500 20002000 10002500 5003000 D 4000 3000 Price (Tk. ) 2000 1000 500 0 100015002000 2500 30000 Quantity (per week) 3. 3. 2 The theory of supply for RL The market for goods and services is determined not only by demand. The demand which consumers express through their willingness to buy, needs to be met by the willingness of producers to supply a good. More goods will be supplied at a higher, rather than at a lower, price. This law of the upward-sloping supply curve can be explained by the aim of producers to maximize their income. If ecology environment supply row material about low cost then product price is decries. Supply schedule for Rahimafrooz Batteries Price/unit (Tk. )Quantity supplied ( thousands) [per week] 40005000 30004500 20003500 10002500 001000 S 4000 3000 Price 2000 1000 500 0 1000 2500 3500 4500 5000 Quantity 3. 3. 3 Market equilibrium What benefit you are gating and haw many cost you are sacrifices. The benefits consumers attach to their consumption, this call marginal private benefit (MPB). S1, S2 is the supply curve, which corresponds to the marginal private cost ( MPC) For that supply curve shift right ward. Pr ice S1 (MPC) E1 P1 S2 (MPC) E2 P D (MPB) Q1 Q Quantity Figure: Market equilibrium accounting for external costs Even If you pollution water then you paid it value. This cost calculation MPC & MPB equilibrium position. Environmental stances adopted by RL They follow compliance plus strategy where there is more evidence of a proactive stance towards legal standards. RL have environmental management system into the context of it’s overall business strategy via ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certified and follow The Environment Conservation Rules, 1997 and The Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995. If today row material price increase then product cost increase. As a result demand decrees then created new equilibrium. . 3. 4 other ecological environment Political, social culture, environment uncertainties impact the organization productivity. As a result impact on profitability. PART: FOUR Major Findings Our sturdy Ecological Impact of â€Å"RAHIMAFROOZ†4. 1 Introduction A business doesn't exist in a vacuum: Environmental forces can affect businesses positively by driving sales, or th ey can cause negative effects by increasing the cost of goods sold or by increasing a business's overhead. A business depends upon its ability to generate a profit despite the external factors affecting it. While most environmental forces may be outside of a company's control, it can still succeed as long as the potential impacts of such forces are recognized and a plan is put into place to mitigate these effects. 4. 2 Ecological environment The word â€Å" ecology†come from Greek word â€Å"oikos†which means â€Å"house†or â€Å"place to live†. The study of the interaction of organisms with their environments. It involves understanding biotic & abiotic factors influencing the distribution and abundance of living thinks. 4. 2. 1 Characteristics of ecosystems Structure †¢Living (biotic) †¢Nonliving (abiotic) Process †¢Energy flow †¢Cycling of matter (chemicals) Change †¢Dynamic (not static) †¢Succession etc. 4. 2. 2 Element of ecosystem There are many element of ecosystem among them Human Animal Plant Plant/trees v Animal v Human If any one destroyed then environment is change. 4. 3 Environment effect of the RAHIMAFROOZ IPS & battery: ?IPS: IPS is seasonal business. Summer season IPS demand is high. But winter season demand is low. So IPS demand is effect the environment change. ?Naturally IPS price is very high. So only rich people use IPS they contain electric. Our country electric supply is low. But rice people not supper it because they store power. As a result electric is storage more & more. It suffer only poor people that call bangla word â€Å" morar upor karar ga†. So social class effect the environment change. ?Battery: RAHIMAFROOZ produce different type of battery such as vehicle and IPS battery. This battery is high quality and high price. So economy position effects the organization. Past year (2009) battery demand had very low because bad economy. ?Political environment effect the organization. Bad political field destroy the strategy in the company. ?Ecology Environment supply the row material bus any reason environment is change and row material supply distress so price is riches that effect the organization. Such as natural gas supply. ?Now a days up to 20 years track & base are reject this situation battery demand decrees. So government rule & regulation effect the company. ?Sometime miscorrelation attract the company. So company face loss. ?Infrastructure and Deliverability One of the key environmental forces a business must deal with it is its ability to deliver its product. While a business can control some factors, such as vehicles and transportation, it can't control those forces that exist within the infrastructure (including the transportation network of roads and railroads). The infrastructure must include roads adequate to support the area's traffic: Roads must be built to handle the type of traffic that will use them. ?Availability of Resources Production depends upon the availability of resources needed to manufacture a product. If resources are limited due to low crop production, for example, a business may suffer. Climatic environmental forces can affect how successful a business is and whether or not it can keep up with demand. Businesses dependent on nonrenewable resources such as minerals or fossil fuels are more likely to be negatively impacted by these environmental forces. Natural Disasters Perhaps the most unpredictable of the environmental forces that affect businesses is the occurrence of natural disasters. Flooding is the most common and widespread of natural disasters that can potentially affect businesses, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The National Weather Service reported that flooding caused more than $2 billion in property damage in 2007. ?Demographics Changes in demographics are another external factor that can impact businesses. Shifts in demographics occur for a myriad of reasons, sometimes displacing a critical client base. Cost of living, the environment, or lack of green space may cause people to move elsewhere. For a business, this environmental force can have a tremendous effect. Likewise, a positive shift may occur, resulting in an increase in potential clients and customers. For example, new businesses may attract more people to move into an area, with the potential to benefit other business owners with the increased client base 4. 4 Government regulation of ecological environment Agencies such as the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulate businesses and the environmental impacts they may have. Regulations may dictate how a business manufactures its products, as well as how it disposes of waste material. Generally, the greater and more hazardous the potential impact, the more regulations a business may be forced to follow. Failure to follow these regulations can result in large fines and possible cessation of a business. ?Promotion of bargaining: Who are created pollution & who are suffering pollution. Government are middle person who solve the problem. It is difficult, ?If is difficult to establish the legal right involved. ?It would be impossible to list everyone who is affected ? Taxes and charges: If organization produce harmful product then government charge high tax. Such as segregate. ?Marketable permit: every company pollution some environment. Production is impossible with out pollution. So government give some permit pollution to the environment, in this region company pay charge. Some company pollution over the limit & some company pollution under the limit. So higher pollution company spent large amount of many to buy permit from lower pollution company. So both company try reduce pollution. Tradable Pollution Permits (TPPs) are an alternative to pollution taxes. In 1994, the United States government inaugurated a program to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by requiring that companies have a permit for each ton of sulfur dioxide they emit. Companies were allocated TPPs based on their historical level of sulfur dioxide emissions. The program allows TPPs to be bought and sold among the companies. Therefore, a company can invest in scrubbers or use more expensive low sulfur coal to reduce its sulfur dioxide emissions and then sell its excess permits, offsetting part of the cost of reducing the pollution. ?Grants or Subsidies: It is a different strategy by government. Some people are not able to pay pollution charge. Such as farmer, so government pay many to reduce pollution. ?Regulation and anti monopoly legislation: To force organizes to address negative externalities is by regulation usually by imposing a set of legal obligations upon organization. Benefit ?Easier to administer. ?It can be applied to change the way goods are produced in order to reduce the amount of pollution. ?Regulation can promote business activity. Problem ?This low are not equal all person. ?It measure is very difficult. How many environments is polluted. 4. 5 Strategy taken by the organization Non-compliance: Organization produce product own style not follow the government rule & regulation. ?Compliance: Produce products obey government rule & regulation. Only polluted permit limit. ?Compliance plus: Pollution environment bellow the permit limit. ?Commercial and environmental excellence: Organization produce environment friendly product and every strategy taken by environ ment friendly. ?Leading edge: You are not only produce environment friendly product but also encourage other competitor prevent environment pollution. 4. 5. 1 which strategy taken by the Rohimafrooz Company This strategy taken depend on Five condition ?Stable context: Customer are not aware about environment pollution. For example, Afgwnstan. They are taken non-compliance rule. ?Reactive Context: Some group of people aware of the environment rule and regulation. For example, Bangladesh. They are taken compliance rule. ?Anticipative Context: Consumer are more aware the environment pollution. For example, India. They are take compliance plan rule. ?Proactive Context: This stage consumer are called view consumer. They are paying extra money to buy environment friendly product. For example, Nuzusland. They take commercial rule. Creative Context: Every body wont to buy environment friendly product. But nobody produce environment friendly product. Then you produce environment friendly product. They take `1Leding edge rule. So Rohimafrooz Company takes compliance strategy for produce product and service. 4. 6 Rohimafrooz Company Effect Environment: 4. 6. 1 Negatives side: Already Rohimafrooz c ompany pollution some environment: ?This company use Acid for making IPS & battery. This Acid mixed the air and pollution the environment. ?They are use oil. When barn oil pollution the environment and this company through rabbis bure conga. As a result water are pollution. When water is pollution then Planked, Fish, Bird, distorted. As a result this problem supper the people. The oil penetrates up the structure of the plumage of birds, reducing its insulating ability, and so making the birds more vulnerable to temperature fluctuations and much less buoyant in the water. It also impairs birds’ flight abilities to forage and escape from predators. As they attempt to preen, birds typically ingest oil that covers their feathers, causing kidney damage, altered liver function, and digestive tract irritation. This and the limited foraging ability quickly causes dehydration and metabolic imbalances. Hormonal balance alteration including changes in luteinizing protein can also result in some birds exposed to petroleum. [4] Most birds affected by an oil spill die unless there is human intervention. [5][6] Marine mammals exposed to oil spills are affected in similar ways as seabirds. Oil coats the fur of Sea otters and seals, reducing its insulation abilities and leading to body temperature fluctuations and hypothermia. Ingestion of the oil causes dehydration and impaired digestions. Because oil floats on top of water, less sunlight penetrates into the water, limiting the photosynthesis of marine plants and phytoplankton. This, as well as decreasing the fauna populations, affects the food chain in the ecosystem. [citation needed] There are three kinds of oil-consuming bacteria. Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) and Acid Producing Bacteria are anaerobic, while General Aerobic Bacteria (GAB) are aerobic. These bacteria occur naturally and will act to remove oil from an ecosystem, and their biomass will tend to replace other populations in the food chain. They use various comical such as tama, sisa etc. When it is barn this time hues amount of nicotine mixed in environment. As a result created global worming. Distorted tree and other animal. Ecosystems regenerate after a disturbance such as fire, forming mosaics of different age groups structured across a landscape. Pictured are different seral stages in forested ecosystems starting from pioneers colonizing a disturbe d site and maturing in successional stages leading to old-growth forests. The scale and dynamics of time and space must be carefully considered when describing ecological phenomena. 9] In reference to time, it can take thousands of years for ecological processes to mature. The life-span of a tree, for example, can include different successional or seral stages leading to mature old-growth forests. The ecological process is extended even further through time as trees topple over, decay and provide critical habitat as nurse logs or coarse woody debris. In reference to space, the area of an ecosystem can vary greatly from tiny to vast. For example, a single tree is of smaller consequence to the classification of a forest ecosystem, but it is of larger consequence to smaller organisms. 10] Several generations of an aphid population, for example, might exist on a single leaf. Inside each of those aphids exist diverse communities of bacteria. [11] Tree growth is, in turn, related to local site variables, such as soil type, moisture content, slope of the land, and forest canopy closure. However, more complex global factors, such as climate, must be considered for the classification and understanding of processes leading to larger patterns spanning across a forested landscape. [12] 4. 6. 2 Positive side: recently this company take some stop to prevent environment. Such as publics awareness of tree plantation, prevent west of electric etc. And human live make easy. This company try to produce environment friendly product. 4. 7 Future Plan of Rohimafrooz: In order to realize the vision of the gov. to provide electricity to most pf the population at reasonable price and to a achieve over all ecological development. They find alternative row material which are not pollution the environment. They take sort term, long term plan to prevent environment pollution. They are thinking, how many amount are pollution environment every years. This amount of oxygen are produce. And They try to make green organization in the future. PART: FIVE Recommendation 5. 1 Recommendation of â€Å"RAHIMAFROOZ†?They can spend money for tree plantation. ?They can reduce green houses gases. ?Produce environment friendly product. 5. 2 Overall Recommendation on Report When an issue is detected, there are generally six ways of responding to them: ? opposition strategy – try to influence the environmental forces so as to negate their impact – this is only successful where you have some control over the environmental variable in question ? daptation strategy – adapt your marketing plan to the new environmental conditions ? offensive strategy – try to turn the new influence into an advantage – quick response can give you a competitive advantage ? redeployment strategy – redeploy your assets into another industry ? contingency strategies – determine a broad range of possible reactions â⠂¬â€œ find substitutes ? passive strategy – no response – study the situation further PART: SIX CONCLUSION It is the time of competition. If a company wants to exist in this competition then they have to concern about their environment. They are part of our environment, so they are responsible for any kind of pollution. There is no fixed strategy to win this situation. But in every situation they have to think about their environment. Today consumers are aware buying the environment pollution product. So always try to produce environment friendly product then this company most be success in the future. PART: SEVEN 7. 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY The Business Environment by Ian Brooks & Jamie Weatherston. www. rahimafroozbangladeshlimited. com www. wikipedia. com Mr. Mirajul Karim, Deler of Rohamafrooz Library study. 7. 2 Appendix Questionnaire 1. Do you use any IPS & battery A. Yes B. No 2. How is the IPS & battery market in Bangladesh . Ans: 3. In which sector IPS & battery commonly use. Ans: 4. Do you feel that IPS replace generator considering the about questions A. Yes B. No 5. What is your opinion about the IPS & battery use. A. Good B. Bad C. Problematic D. No comment 6. Which company do you prefer most. A. Rahamafrooze B. Singer C. Novana D. TCL E. Other 7. What is IPS / Battery bad side. Ans:
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