Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay On How A Bill Becomes A Law - 840 Words
How a Bill Becomes a Law Creating laws is the U.S. House of Representatives most important job. All laws in the United States begin as bills. Before a bill can become a law, it must be approved by the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and the President. The road a bill takes to becoming a law is a long and tedious process. First, the proposed bill goes through the House of Representatives. Laws begin as ideas. These ideas may come from a Representative, or from a citizen. Citizens who have ideas for laws can contact their Representatives to discuss their ideas. If the Representatives agree, they research the ideas and write them into bills. When a Representative has written a bill, the bill needs a sponsor. The†¦show more content†¦Then, a reading clerk reads the bill section by section and the Representatives recommend changes. When all changes have been made, the bill is ready to be voted on.There are three methods for voting on a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives: Viva Voce , Division, and Recorded. If a majority of the Representatives say or select yes, the bill passes in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill is then certified by the Clerk of the House and delivered to the U.S. Senate. When a bill reaches the U.S. Senate, it goes through many of the same steps it went through in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill is discussed in a Senate committee and then reported to the Senate floor to be voted on. Senators vote by voice. Those who support the bill say â€Å"yea,†and those who oppose it say â€Å"nay.†If a majority of the Senators say â€Å"yea,†the bill passes in the U.S. Senate and is ready to go to the President. When the bill reaches the president, he has three choices. He can: sign and pass the bill, refuse to sign or veto the bill, or pocket veto. If the president refuses to sign or veto the bill, the bill is sent back to the U.S. House of Representatives, along with the President’s reasons for th e veto. If the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate still believe the bill should become a law, they can hold another vote on the bill. If two-thirds of the Representatives and Senators support the bill, the President’sShow MoreRelated How a Bill Becomes Law Essay1153 Words  | 5 PagesConstitution settles how bills become law in the United States. The procedure is operose and can take significant time to complete. The course materials of week three offer more than enough information on how the procedure works. This essay will, mainly, use the course materials to describe the process of how a bill becomes a law. The process of transforming a bill into a law requires the participation of both the Legislative branch and Executive branch of government. Before there is a law, there isRead More How A Bill Becomes A Law Essay1105 Words  | 5 Pagesroad a bill takes to becoming a law is a long and tedious process. First, the proposed bill goes through the House of representatives. Once the bill has been approved by the House, it is then begins its journey through the Senate. After the bill has been endorsed by the Senate, the houses of congress then meet in conference committees to prepare the bill to be sent to the White House. To summarize, the path the bill takes to become a law is a fairly complex impediment. Now to begin, the bill mustRead MoreEssay On How A Bill Become A Law1000 Words  | 4 Pages How A Bill Become A Law What is a bill? A bill is proposed laws and lawmaking being thought about carefully by a government. A bill does not become law until it is passed by the government and, in most cases, approved by the executive. Once a bill has been put into law it is called an act of the government, or a law. Before a law is made it has to be passed through both House of congresses. Laws begin as ideas. These ideas may come from a Representative--or from a person who lawfullyRead MoreEssay On How A Bill Becomes A Law743 Words  | 3 Pages How a bill becomes law is not as easy as expected. In my paper it is important for me to explain the basics which are a total of ten steps a bill have to take before it become a law. First, a bill is originated from an idea, then it is proposed and introduced to the house of representatives. The bill is then reviewed and then it gets debated on the floor where if it passes will be received by the senate. The senate then proceeds with further review of the bill and after reviewing it, and then itRead MoreHow a Bill Becomes a Law Essay840 Words  | 4 PagesFor a bill to become a law it takes more than one step and more than one person deciding, its not as easy as it seems. First, the legislation is introduced, and then you have the committee action, afterwards floor action, conference committee, the president, and the n the bill becomes a law. Some bills will never make it through any of these processes but for those who really want their bill to pass, if they fight for it they just might get lucky. This paper will show you that it takes more thanRead MoreEssay On How A Bill Becomes A Law889 Words  | 4 PagesHow a Bill Becomes a Law After studying this chapter about all the steps required for a bill to become a law, I can see why many times you hear the general populace complain that it seems like nothing gets done. Even though the process seems arduous, I think it is wise to fine tune something that will become a law so that it has maximum effect without infringing on people’s rights. When trying to decide the best way to explain the process, I thought about a bill that for me personally would be aRead MoreEssay On How A Bill Becomes A Law In Congress710 Words  | 3 Pages Isabella Sferra Period 6 Political Science Quiz #2: How a Bill Becomes a Law in Congress First, any citizen can suggest an idea for a bill to their state’s congress members. If the congress member supports the idea, they draft a bill aiming to legislate that bill into law. They introduce it into their chamber, either the House or the Senate, from where it is then introduced to the pertinent committee. These committees vary in the divisions of subject matter by chamber, but include onesRead MoreAnalysis Of James Madison s Federalist 847 Words  | 4 PagesIn this paper I will be discussing what James Madison meant in Federalist number10. Federalist number 10 an essay that wish written by James Madison on November 22 1787. It was a part of a series of essays proposed my Alexander Hamilton. 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The process in which a bill becomes a law can be a lengthy one, it must go through many steps in order to become the law of the land. It is believed that this process should be a matter that every American citizen should be informed of in order to fully understand and appreciate the inner workings of congress with regard to The House of Representatives and the Senate. The steps in which a bill becomes a law is an example
Monday, December 23, 2019
A Public Debate on Health Care Reform - 728 Words
A public debate on health care reform has been ongoing since the 1980s, when the conservative heritage foundation introduced the debate by suggesting a shift in health care policy from single payer health care to individual mandates. The debate was amplified by President Clinton through the health care reform bill of 1993. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 can be seen as the pinnacle of this debate. This legislation aims to improve overall health by expanding health insurance coverage and controlling the cost of health care. While the goal of the legislation is to improve the nation’s health care, the main objective is to make health insurance affordable for all Americans. To achieve this objective the legislation aims at increasing insurance coverage, controlling cost, decreasing medical induced bankruptcies, and reducing hospital bad debts. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was created to achieve the objectives leading to the overall goal. There are many op tions readily available to Americans which are affordable based on the individual. In order to be able to succeed we have to go to the root of the problem and start from the bottom to the top. The main components of this law deals with reforming health insurance system. In the U.S. health insurance system is controlled by both public and private entities. The law provides mechanisms for regulating private insurance. These regulations address issues of gender discrimination, terminating insurance forShow MoreRelatedThe Attributes Of Public Opinion And Its Effect On Health1040 Words  | 5 Pages The Attributes of Public Opinion and its Effect on Health Reform By Lujain Alyahya DePaul University April, 24, 2017 According to Brodie, Altman, Deane, Buscho and Hamel (2010) in their article â€Å"Liking The Pieces, Not The Package: Contradictions in Public Opinion During Health Reform†The publics opinion on health reform has been historically consistent and steady. The authors examined public opinion through historical and comparative analysis of survey polls data which can be accessed in theRead MoreU.S. Health Care Reform Essay971 Words  | 4 PagesU.S. health care reform is currently one of the most heavily discussed topics in health discourse and politics. After former President Clinton’s failed attempt at health care reform in the mid-1990s, the Bush administration showed no serious efforts at achieving universal health coverage for the millions of uninsured Americans. With Barack Obama as the current U.S. President, health care reform is once again a top priority. President Obama has made a promise to â€Å"provide affordable, comprehensiveRead MoreIntroducing Federal Law: The Affordable Care Act1622 Words  | 7 PagesIntroducing Federal Law: The Affordable Care Act Introduction: One of the most important and hotly debated policy points of the 2008 election season was that of healthcare reform. 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The policy was initiated as a start to healthcare reform in the U.S. Initiated in 2010, by President Barack Obama the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was on its way to redeveloping the function of the healthcare field. The ACA puts people, families, and businesses in charge of their healthcare. All three branches (Legislative, Judicial, and Executive) had a part of the creationRead MoreThe Healthcare Plan Of Clinton1569 Words  | 7 PagesHEALTHCARE PLAN OF CLINTON Clinton’s Healthcare Plan: the Reasons Why It Failed In the United States the issue of government funded healthcare programs has always been one of importance drawing attentions of many and involving myriads of debate sessions. Still now people take quite interest in dissecting and finally commenting on why Obamacare is a success and why Clintoncare/Hillarycare was not. 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One of the reasons is that the ACA had a lot of money that was spent on lobbyists. This was illustrated in the ACA video shown in class. From that video it became known that Obama had to have â€Å"buy-ins†with manyRead MoreSocial Determinants Of Health And Health873 Words  | 4 Pages Better research on immigrant health and health outcomes would go a long way to shining a light on how to tackle these problems. The current debate in the research concentrates on social determinants of health such as acculturation, which of course influences a lot of other health and healthcare decisions made by immigrants. However, only focusing on social determinants of health undermines the importance of other factors that also heavily affect immigrant health in the United States. Specifically
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Movie Task Free Essays
Classical conditioning was first explored and developed by Ivan Pavlov, wherein the repeated pairings of a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus would result to a conditioned response to the neutral stimulus which now becomes the conditioned stimulus. In simpler terms, Pavlov was able to demonstrate that continuously pairing a product or brand with positive emotions or behaviors, resulted to people becoming conditioned to the brand or product as producing positive emotions or behaviors. Classical conditioning was the first learning program to be applied to a number of fields whose objective does to make people learn something new without actually needing to pay attention or analyze what they were learning. We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Task or any similar topic only for you Order Now Classical conditioning was the preferred method of marketing strategies for low-risk and low-involvement products and has been quite effective in building the association between safety and Mr. Muscle, or that of a Happy Meal at McDonald’s. Concept in the movie: In the movie, classical conditioning was depicted in the distinction made from the quality of life up at San Angeles and down at the rebels lair. The movie had shown a stark contrast between the kind of life people have up at the megalopolis San Angeles and down the sewers. The affluent and safe life was depicted with the shiny buildings, the morality statute and zero violence, whereas the dark and difficult life was depicted underground in the sewers with unhealthy food, with rags for clothes and unsanitary living conditions. Evaluation of the concept in the movie: Classical conditioning refers to the process in which something is learned because it has become strongly associated with a certain emotional or physiological response. The movie made use of the classical conditioning concept by making the viewers believe that life up at San Angeles was better than life under it because of the contrasting emotional response that it evoked from the actors in the movie. The life at San Angeles was safe and boring, while under it, it was dangerous and exciting. In the concept of marketing, we could see that Dr. Cocteau was promoting the quality of life in San Angeles by making people believe that life there was safer, better and more productive than life under it to discourage people from going underground because he feels threatened by the dissenters. The emotional response of the characters in the movie who were up in San Angeles towards the underground rebels indicate the makings of classical conditioning, wherein the mere thought or presence of a rebel could evoke fear or hostility towards the rebels who did not want the kind of life offered by Cocteau. When the rebels go up at San Angeles to look for food, the citizens feel that they are being terrorized while Spartan looks at it as a means of survival because he had not been conditioned to have negative emotions for the rebels like the normal citizens do. Concept 2 Title: Brand Loyalty vs Brand Equity Concept Definition: Brand loyalty refers to the degree of attachment that a consumer has for a particular brand, while brand equity refers to the intangible value that a consumer attaches to a particular brand and how it evokes familiarity and positive emotions and perceptions. Brand equity is the general term while brand loyalty is a component of brand equity together with brand awareness, perceived quality and brand associations. The level of brand loyalty can predict the likelihood that a consumer will continue buying the brand, which can also be affected by brand awareness. Brand awareness indicates how well informed and aware the consumer is about the brand and its related products, like how many kinds of detergents does Tide have. Perceived quality refers to how consumers assess the quality of the brand, or how congruent the quality of the product is to how it has been marketed, if it says it can make stains disappear, do consumers believe it or not. Brand associations refer to the emotional and mental associations a consumer has about the product, if Tide is associated as the cleanest smelling detergent, then the mere exposure to the product would have us remember that clean smelling shirt at the wash. The stronger the brand loyalty is and awareness and association of the product and high perception of quality, the stronger the brand equity will be. Concept in the movie: Brand loyalty and brand equity was depicted in the movie with the reference of Taco Bell as the only surviving fast food after the different establishments battled it out in the franchise wars. Since San Angeles promoted safe and clean living without meat, fat, high cholesterol and the like, Taco Bell was the only fast food that survived because they offered the food that was prescribed by the leader of San Angeles and since Taco Bell was providing the same kind of food before the â€Å"big one†of 2010, then brand loyalty and equity had been strong as many people were aware of Taco Bell, and knew about its quality and that it is associated with healthy food and clean living. Evaluation of the concept in the movie: In the movie, Huxley explained that the only fast-food in the city was Taco Bell; this indicated that Taco Bell has strong brand equity. This would mean that Taco Bell has a monopoly of the fast food industry and that every franchise in the city is named Taco Bell. Surviving the franchise war gives us an idea of how the brand equity of Taco Bell gained an almost cult like status; the franchise war referred to how the fast-food industry tried to offer products that would be in keeping with the new quality of life with San Angeles, devoid of hamburgers and French fries and other sinfully unhealthy foods. Since most fast-foods rely on the usual fare of grease and salty fries, the move to prefer healthier foods left the other fast-foods cold. It was probably Taco Bell who alone kept up with the changing food habits of the people of San Angeles which s why it has come to be associated with healthy and approved foods. Likewise, Taco Bell has been able to retain the fast-food brand as a memory of the kind of fast foods in the city 20 years ago. The awareness of the brand of fast food as Taco Bell show that people still were loyal to the brand and they already have formed a strong opinion of the kind of food offered in the stores. Concept 3 Title: Cognitive dissonance theory vs Attribution theory Concept Definition: Leon Festinger said that cognitive dissonance arose from the inconsistency of an individual’s attitude to his/her behavior or actions. When a person thinks that he/she is kind but refuses to give alms to beggars, then that person experiences cognitive dissonance, the normal reaction to cognitive dissonance is to reduce the dissonance by changing one’s attitudes. On the other hand, attribution theory refers to the process in which we infer and understand our own behavior or that of other people. Heider said that attributions are made based on personal factors or situational factors in order to explain the behavior of other people. The fundamental attribution error says that observers generally overestimate the influence of personal factors when explaining the behavior of others while we tend to overestimate situational factors when we analyze our own behavior. Concept in the movie: Cognitive dissonance and attribution theory was shown in the movie through the series of exchanges between Spartan and Huxley in their pursuit of Phoenix and also in the justification made by Dr. Cocteau in his attempt at eliminating the rebel leader. In a poignant scene, Spartan complains that chasing and hitting bad people are okay but if these people are only looking for food then it is not okay. Attribution theory was depicted when Dr. Cocteau was dismayed with how his plan turned sour when Phoenix failed to follow his orders and instead went on a killing rampage in San Angeles. Evaluation of concept in the movie: Spartan was a cop of the past and he had trouble adjusting to the quality of life in the new San Angeles, he was brought to life again in order to catch an old criminal which was no match for the new San Angeles police force. This situation already hinted of cognitive dissonance, the presence of a police department who were ill equipped to catch criminals, and the curtailing of freedom of expression in order to keep peace and order in the city. The most memorable example of cognitive dissonance was when Spartan was chasing after a group of rebels who were looking for food, he thought that these people were really rebels but when he found out that they were only looking for food and was rebelling against the quality of life up in San Angeles than an arms rebellion. The dissonance arose from Spartan’s belief that he is a good cop chasing after bad guys, when he realized that he was chasing people looking for food, he felt discomfort and tension which resulted to attitude change, and here we see that Spartan tried to understand the rebels and their principles thereby reducing the dissonance. Attribution theory was depicted in Dr. Cocteau’s explanation of why Phoenix did not go through the plan to kill the rebel leader immediately. He said that Phoenix was made that way that a criminal would always be a criminal; he failed to say that the lack of police force and the flimsy security measures all contributed to Phoenix’s ease at creating mayhem in the city. Reference Schiffman, L. G. Kanuk, L. L. (2007). Consumer Behavior, 9th ed.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc. How to cite Movie Task, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Oil and Gas Efforts
Question: Discoveries of oil and gas generate much excitement and great effort is put into understanding technical, commercial and legal aspects of field development. In fact however the first challenges to governments are negotiation challenges. Examine and evaluate the key areas and features that governments should focus on during their negotiation process and in the drafting of contracts with the International Oil Companies. Answer: Introduction: The nations that are rich in natural resources tend to use its natural resources for the aim to secure funds for the process of development within the country. The governments of the specific countries have to enter into an agreement and contract to develop the existing resources of the country and also to explore them for the betterment of the country. The contract is made between the government of the country and the oil companies of that specified country (chalmers, 2012). Both of the contract holders have to put emphasize on the technical issue and the commercial understanding about the exploration of oil. But in making this contract successful, the first obstacle which the government usually faces is the process of negotiation. Problems of negotiation: Different developing countries and also different developed countries like - mexico, kazakhstan, and bolivia appraise their natural resources of oil and gas as assets or property of the country. These natural resources are not considered as any private property of an entity or individual, though an individual might be the owner of the surface land or water bodies. The government of the country is the only owner of the underlying natural oil and gas resources, according to the laws of the nations. The main aim of the countries that are rich in natural oil and gas resources is to maximize the participation of oil companies in the country as these companies possess abundant expertise and thus they could properly exploit the natural resources and market them globally (grant, 2012). But at the time of negotiation, these companies face various problems. The reason behind this is that, as these companies are much experienced about the variety of contracts and have greater practical knowledg e regarding the exploitation of natural oil and gasses. The oil companies are highly motivated towards the act of negotiation. Thus, they tend to decrease the costs. This process of negotiation is tailored by the oil companies based on the political condition of the specified country (gustafson, 2012). The process of negotiation of the oil companies is very inflexible, cynical and aggressive. Thus, the contract of negotiation should be done in a proper and systematic way. Development of natural resources: There are three different ways to develop the natural resources of the country by the government; these are as follows Firstly, different foreign companies can be invited by the government of a particular country having its natural oil and gas resources for the exploration and in the process of exploring the government of the specified country should help (hults, thurber and victor, 2012). For example, countries like canada, russia, and united kingdom have applied this methodology. Secondly, for better exploration, the government of a particular country should create new state companies if the government has the capability to invest in establishing new companies (looney, 2012). As this would help the government of the country economically by providing chances of better exploration, much production, and high development. For example venezuela, oman, mexico and saudi arabia have applied this methodology for their economical improvement. Lastly, some countries like nigeria, kazakhstan, and indonesia might apply the combination of both the ways. The parameters of negotiation: The process of negotiation is of high interest for the shareholders. Thus, the size of shareholders is also huge in the worldwide. But the governments show lesser interest or pay lesser interest in the negotiation process. The share holders are more concerned about the negotiation process than the producing countries of natural oil and gasses. Thus, the governments appoints some experts like technical engineers of the related field, lawyers for their legal knowledge in the related field and many more for handling the complex issues (muttitt, 2012). Direct negotiations are done in oil contracts. Negotiations are occurred on indecision as an oil contract is consisted of many complex issues. These types of indecisions are occurred due to the improper awareness of probable oil field, dissociation of the partner of negotiation, or the inability to make predictions of the future. The negotiators who are expert in the field know that the presence of a weak point is common whatever might be the situation, and by using that properly, they get a high chance to win (nikiforuk, 2012). Various types of issues should be considered during the negotiation of the oil contract, these are the costs of exploration, dynamic nature of the existing market, estimated size of the fields and many more, as the list is never ending. To determine the importance of each and every issue of the negotiation of the oil contract, proper judgments and expertise is the most important criteria. As these qualities would help to strike a balance such that the variou s contracts could be made nonidentical to each other. Different issues of the process of negotiation: There are mainly two major types of issues regarding the process of negotiation. These are the zone of conflict and the factors that are not usually paid attention during the process of negotiation. These include the social, political, economical and environmental factors of the specified country. Generally, any particular company spends about 90 90 % time in this particular zone (ross, 2012). This particular zone makes the company to feel that they are in control and thus recruits especially skilled employees. Dealing with indigenous communities: The negotiation of oil is of great importance to different groups of individuals. These individuals might include the surface land owners, indigenous communities and many more. The negotiation of oil is of great important to the indigenous communities because they started to demand for compensation for the usage of their personal property and also for creating disturbance. Formally, these groups are not the main part of the process of negotiation, but still both the principal parties of contracts that is, the governments and the oil companies have to consider their demands in the process of negotiation (larson and smajgl, 2012). Through the process of negotiation, the demands of these local communities are settled down. Their demands mainly composed of offers of jobs or compensation. Thus, the oil companies make commitments that they would provide employment to local peoples in mass as labors and also to give back support in the development process of the local communities. These ne gotiations are heated many times and thus are very time consuming. Time factor: The contracts of oil are negotiated depending on the factors of time responsiveness. These factors include the present political, environmental, social and economical factors in the host country, the probability of variation of these factors in near future, and the current situation of the market regarding the oil price. The terms and conditions of an oil contract should contain the ability to survive the time challenge by the method of anticipation of foreseeable as well as unforeseeable changes and demand. For example, the country norway is known well for its instability, thus, it introduces tax regimes in the favor of the oil companies with the aim to attract the oil companies to invest in the geographical challenging and uncertain terrains (wittcoff, reuben and plotkin, 2013). But norway did not put its future in the endanger by making the rule of taxes permanent and the tax rates were raised within three years. To make the contracts more reactive in the changing world is the on ly way to deal with the problem of insufficient arrangement effectively and efficiently. The stability should be drafted in such a way that the oil companies should be compensated for the various changes of rules and regulations in the law which takes place frequently. The oil companies would not be established in the countries if they have to suffer loss due to the change of laws in the specified country (schwarzenbach, 2012). For example, if a country implements new law regarding the development of the environment, then the cost of the oil companies would increase due to various process of refining the waste materials of the company. This make the company to run in loss, thus, these companies of oil are usually exempted from such developmental laws. And if exemption is not possible by the government, then the government would itself reimburse the compliance cost of the specified oil company. The clauses of stability are used by these companies to get exemption from the application of the rules and regulations of the laws of the host country (guo and ghalambor, 2012). E ven the jurisdiction of the courts of such country is not applicable to the clauses of stability. Expert negotiators: The government of a specified country has to face various problems regarding the selection of personnel who would be the representative of the negotiating team. Negotiation is a process of art, thus, it requires good tactics, effective plan and the capability of segregation of various negotiable factors like compensation from non negotiable elements, such as addressing and consideration of the concerns of the oil companies, and regulation concerned matters (kartashov et al., 2014). It is obvious that, at the time of negotiation with the government of the country, the oil companies are under the guidance of any circumstance in a better situation like finance, skills, and preparedness. But the developing countries which are enrich with natural oil and gas resources do not consist of sufficient legal, financial and technical knowledge. Generally, the negotiations are considered as the one time investment in the developing countries. Therefore, they intend to hire negotiators who are skilled, dedicated as well as independent, such that they could understand the footing of the oil companies (jacobson, 2008). Most of the times the oil rich developing countries overlook the importance of employing expert negotiators for the process of negotiation. The contracts of oil require advice of expert negotiators as they are only capable of covering the broad range of complicated factors. The main focus of a oil contract should be to reach reasonable and agreeable balance such that, the interests of both the government of the country and the investor company get fulfilled (lewicki, barry and saunders, 2011). For making the negotiations successful, the advices of the expert negotiators are mandatory. Conflict of interest: The government of a country faces various conflicts of interest regarding the negotiation of the contracts. The government is acting as a protector of the interest of the public by applying its power of regulation on one hand and on the other, it acts as the signatory to a commercial oil contract as a business personnel with the aim of maximization of profit. The government has to also create a friendly environment for investment, such that the investors are magnetized which would help in creation of employment and also enhance in the growth of economy of the specified country (mannix, neale and overbeck, 2011). Therefore, on one hand, the intension of the government is to maximize its profit from negotiation of the oil contracts and on the other hand to locate objects for its own regulations. In developed countries, this type of problem can be managed but in the developing countries it is hard to manage. Transparency: The objective of the negotiators is to maintain transparency in the negotiation process. The reason behind this is that, to increase the acceptability of the oil contracts by the general public of the country to keep or to maintain transparency is the key element (bayne and woolcock, 2011). Transparency is defined as the disclosure of the contractual terms and conditions and also the consideration paid through certain factors which should remain confidential for a particular period of time in terms of negotiation of oil contracts. Transparency also helps to avoid corruptions which might occur in the oil contracts. It only helps to prevent the officials of the government to accept or implement such terms in these contracts that might cause criticism from the citizens. Types of contracts: The types of contract are an essential matter for the government of the country. The decision regarding the form of contract is the most necessary part of the development of the resources of the country. Generally, the oil companies and the government of the country like to adapt four specific types of contract during the formation of the agreement. These are as follows: Joint ventures: When two or more parties want to enter into an agreement through the undertaking of joint venture, then only joint venture can takes place. Both the parties of the joint venture should understand all the ways by which each of the parties could conduct their business, their interest and also their aims and objectives (ward, 2012). However, if this understanding is not available among the parties of the contract, then it is impossible to come up with the agreement of joint venture. As the joint venture is an open ended contracts, both the governments and the oil companies do not show interest in entering the agreement of joint venture. Advantages: The only advantage the government of the host country can avail is that it does not have to make and take decisions on its own but also it can take help of the experts of the oil company. According to this type of contract, the government of the country has to share its profit with the oil company. Disadvantages: In this type of contract, the government of the host country has to directly take part in the oil extraction process Production sharing agreements: The acronym of product sharing agreements is psa. According to psa, the ownership of oil lies with the citizens of the country and it cannot lie with any of the private entities. Though the cost of operation of the oil field and the management and also the associated risks lie with the oil companies. According to this agreement, the government of the specified country has to reimburse the oil company as operating expenses (orsi, 2012). The taxes which fall under its share have to give by the oil company but the government of the particular country waives these taxes and thus is included in the share of profits of the government. The laws of the country would bring success to the application of psa. Advantages: The oil company bears all the risks. Even any loss would also be bear by the oil company thus there will be no effect on the government. Disadvantages: Psa is an inclusive document, thus its very nature acts as a disadvantage for the government. License: In the year 1900s license was introduced. These are mainly one sided contracts. In the current years, these contracts serve the exclusive rights for development, exploration and sale and export of minerals of the oil companies (progoff, halpern and yang, 2012). For acquiring such rights, the oil companies offer signing bonus. Advantages: These contracts are straight forward, thus it is considerable in developing countries. Disadvantages: The commercial aspect of the contract is the main disadvantage. Risks are associated with the price of license. Service agreements: This type of agreement provides disbursement for particular tasks or services. The main disadvantage of this service agreement is that it cannot be used in long run. Conclusion: The oil producing countries should possess the professional knowledge for negotiation of oil contracts with international oil companies. The process of negotiation should be open at same time. The companies have to make the oil companies feel that they would be treated fairly. The sense of fair treatment and fair return would also prove to be beneficial in the long run for the international oil companies in the large competitive market. References Bayne, n. And woolcock, s. 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