Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay On How A Bill Becomes A Law - 840 Words
How a Bill Becomes a Law Creating laws is the U.S. House of Representatives most important job. All laws in the United States begin as bills. Before a bill can become a law, it must be approved by the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and the President. The road a bill takes to becoming a law is a long and tedious process. First, the proposed bill goes through the House of Representatives. Laws begin as ideas. These ideas may come from a Representative, or from a citizen. Citizens who have ideas for laws can contact their Representatives to discuss their ideas. If the Representatives agree, they research the ideas and write them into bills. When a Representative has written a bill, the bill needs a sponsor. The†¦show more content†¦Then, a reading clerk reads the bill section by section and the Representatives recommend changes. When all changes have been made, the bill is ready to be voted on.There are three methods for voting on a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives: Viva Voce , Division, and Recorded. If a majority of the Representatives say or select yes, the bill passes in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill is then certified by the Clerk of the House and delivered to the U.S. Senate. When a bill reaches the U.S. Senate, it goes through many of the same steps it went through in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill is discussed in a Senate committee and then reported to the Senate floor to be voted on. Senators vote by voice. Those who support the bill say â€Å"yea,†and those who oppose it say â€Å"nay.†If a majority of the Senators say â€Å"yea,†the bill passes in the U.S. Senate and is ready to go to the President. When the bill reaches the president, he has three choices. He can: sign and pass the bill, refuse to sign or veto the bill, or pocket veto. If the president refuses to sign or veto the bill, the bill is sent back to the U.S. House of Representatives, along with the President’s reasons for th e veto. If the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate still believe the bill should become a law, they can hold another vote on the bill. If two-thirds of the Representatives and Senators support the bill, the President’sShow MoreRelated How a Bill Becomes Law Essay1153 Words  | 5 PagesConstitution settles how bills become law in the United States. The procedure is operose and can take significant time to complete. The course materials of week three offer more than enough information on how the procedure works. This essay will, mainly, use the course materials to describe the process of how a bill becomes a law. The process of transforming a bill into a law requires the participation of both the Legislative branch and Executive branch of government. Before there is a law, there isRead More How A Bill Becomes A Law Essay1105 Words  | 5 Pagesroad a bill takes to becoming a law is a long and tedious process. First, the proposed bill goes through the House of representatives. Once the bill has been approved by the House, it is then begins its journey through the Senate. After the bill has been endorsed by the Senate, the houses of congress then meet in conference committees to prepare the bill to be sent to the White House. To summarize, the path the bill takes to become a law is a fairly complex impediment. Now to begin, the bill mustRead MoreEssay On How A Bill Become A Law1000 Words  | 4 Pages How A Bill Become A Law What is a bill? A bill is proposed laws and lawmaking being thought about carefully by a government. A bill does not become law until it is passed by the government and, in most cases, approved by the executive. Once a bill has been put into law it is called an act of the government, or a law. Before a law is made it has to be passed through both House of congresses. Laws begin as ideas. These ideas may come from a Representative--or from a person who lawfullyRead MoreEssay On How A Bill Becomes A Law743 Words  | 3 Pages How a bill becomes law is not as easy as expected. In my paper it is important for me to explain the basics which are a total of ten steps a bill have to take before it become a law. First, a bill is originated from an idea, then it is proposed and introduced to the house of representatives. The bill is then reviewed and then it gets debated on the floor where if it passes will be received by the senate. The senate then proceeds with further review of the bill and after reviewing it, and then itRead MoreHow a Bill Becomes a Law Essay840 Words  | 4 PagesFor a bill to become a law it takes more than one step and more than one person deciding, its not as easy as it seems. 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The process in which a bill becomes a law can be a lengthy one, it must go through many steps in order to become the law of the land. It is believed that this process should be a matter that every American citizen should be informed of in order to fully understand and appreciate the inner workings of congress with regard to The House of Representatives and the Senate. The steps in which a bill becomes a law is an example
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